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Will happen on November 2, 1517
On October 31, 1517 Martin Luther pinned his 95 theses to the church door at Wittenberg, condemning the trafficking of Redeems by the Pope and questioning the morality of selling Papal indulgences at huge open-air meetings in order to fund the rebuilding of St. Peter's Basilica. Inspired by his predecessors John Wycliffe and Jan Hus, Luther advocated a return to a purer, less corrupt form of Christianity in which forgiveness had to be earned and not bought - this is normally said to be the birth of the Protestant branch of Christianity. Catholic nations may now become Protestant, thereby increasing their production efficiency and long term tax income. There is also a one-time bonus of 25$ per province as the Church's property is confiscated by the State.Actions
- Global flag 1 is set (Enable Protestant religion.)
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Will happen on November 2, 1533
Whilst Luther's followers strove to create a unified formal church in opposition to Rome's supremacy, Calvin's followers formed numerous churches with varying degrees of doctrinal commonality - among his branch of Christianity were the French Huguenots, the English Puritans, the Scottish Presbyterians and the Dutch and Hungarian Reformed Churches. Catholic and Protestant nations may now convert to Reformed, thereby increasing their trade income and the speed at which new technologies are researched.Actions
- Global flag 2 is set (Enable Reformed religion.)
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Will happen on December 14, 1545
In the sixteenth century it became imperative for the State and the Church to stem the tide of Lutheranism sweeping through Europe. The decrees included the reorganization and moralization of the ecclesiastical body and solemnly reconfirmed the Pope's indisputable and absolute authority. Catholic nations may now convert to Counter-Reform Catholic, thereby receiving an extra missionary and increasing their troops' morale.Actions
- Global flag 3 is set (Enable Counter-Reform Catholicism.)
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Will happen within 5000 days of December 31, 1609
At the beginning of the seventeenth century, Christian countries started to become less intolerant towards other religious factions and great religions. Stability was thus less affected by religion.Actions
- Global flag 4 is set (Reduce Christian intolerance towards other great religions.)
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Will happen within 3000 days of December 31, 1649
Historically there are many such edicts in the later part of the sixteenth century, all aiming at stopping hostilities and imposing tolerance and mutual recognition between the religious factions. Most of them were broken nearly as soon as they were signed. The effects of the Counter Reformation and the Treaty of Tordesillas have been cancelled.Actions
- Global flag 5 is set (Disable Treaty of Tordesillas.Reduce the effect of religion.)
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Will happen within 5000 days of December 31, 1699
As another consequence of the many religious edicts imposing tolerance in the Christian world, the Muslim faith was no longer viewed as a religious enemy as it had been in previous centuries.Actions
- Global flag 6 is set (Reduce religious conflicts between Christians and Muslims.)