Nubia — Not random
- Country is not at war
- Own Sudan
None of the following must occur:
- Innovativeness is at 7 or higher
- State religion is Sunni
- State religion is Shi'a
Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1504
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1534)
From the 12th century, the once-thriving Christian kingdoms of Nubia began to fall into terminal decline due to economic and ecological collapse, and invasions by Bedouin and Sudanese tribes. These repeat attacks weakened the already fragile Nubian kingdoms to the point of fragmentation and, by the 14th century, virtual collapse. By 1365, Makuria had been reduced to a small rump state around Dongola, and Alodia (based at the ancient city of Soba) had disintegrated - its exact fate remains unknown. The infiltration of Arab culture and the spread of Islam further eroded the traditional Eastern Christian makeup of the region. In 1504, the Funj tribal leader Amara Dunqas founded the Islamic Sultanate of Sennar - marking the final transition from Christian Nubia to Muslim Sudan. The Funj Sultanate quickly expanded its influence, promoting the spread of Islam across East Africa and establishing a powerful state that dominated the region until its conquest by Muhammad Ali of Egypt in 1821.Actions
A. Cut them loose
- Stability -2
- Quality +2
- Serfdom -2
- Religion in Sudan changes to Sunni
- Religion in Bisharin changes to Sunni
- Religion in Massawa changes to Sunni
- Cede Sudan to Sudan
- Cede Bisharin to Sudan
- Cede Massawa to Sudan
- Grant independence to Sudan
B. Stamp out the Muslim threat
- Stability -5
- Centralization +2
- Innovativeness -1
- Offensive Doctrine +1
- Nile converts to the state religion
- Batn al Hajar converts to the state religion
- Nubia converts to the state religion
- Religion in Sudan changes to Sunni
- Religion in Bisharin changes to Sunni
- Religion in Massawa changes to Sunni
- Sudan revolts
- Sudan revolts
- Bisharin revolts
- Bisharin revolts
- Massawa revolts
- Massawa revolts
- +100 relations with Ethiopia
- -100 relations with Mamluks
- -200 relations with Sudan
- Break vassalization with Mamluks