Zulu — Not random
- Country is not at war
- Monarch Shaka is active
The following must not occur:
- Country has at least 5 non-colonial provinces
Will happen within 90 days of January 2, 1817
The Zulu Kingdom rose to prominence under the leadership of Shaka Zulu (1787-1828), an ambitious and formidable leader who sought to transform the small Zulu tribe into a powerful centralized state. He revolutionized military tactics, introducing the 'bull horn' formation and the iklwa, a short stabbing spear, which made his warriors highly effective in battle. Shaka's leadership and innovations expanded the Zulu territory, uniting various clans under his rule and creating a cohesive and disciplined military force. Shaka's first major crisis was the Ndwandwe-Zulu War (1817-1819), a bloody conflict against the neighbouring Ndwandwe tribe, led by Zwide kaLanga. The war culminated in the decisive Battle of Mhlatuze River, in which Shaka's strategic brilliance saw his vastly outnumbered Zulu warriors routing kaLanga's army. This victory not only dismantled the Ndwandwe kingdom but also marked the beginning of the Mfecane ('crushing' or 'scattering'), a period of widespread chaos and displacement across Southern Africa triggered by Shaka's expansionist policies, and the resulting famine and mass migration. Various tribes were displaced, leading to significant demographic and political changes in the region over the next thirty years.Actions
A. Crush the Ndwandwe and promote the Zulu elite
- Centralization +2
- Aristocracy +2
- Innovativeness -2
- Serfdom +2
- +15000 infantry in the capital province
- Fortress level in Natal +1
- +4 base tax value in Natal
- +3 base manpower in Natal
- +10% population in Natal
- -1 base tax value in Transkei
- -1 base manpower in Transkei
- -25% population in Transkei
- Transkei revolts
- Transkei revolts
- Infrastructure tech investment: -800
- +400
- Stability -3
B. Push north into the lands of the Tsonga
- Inhambane will be considered a claim province
- Chibuene will be considered a claim province
- Gain a temporary casus belli against Zimbabwe for 36 months
- Conditions:
Gain a temporary casus belli against Angoche for 36 months
- Angoche is a neighbor
- Conditions:
Gain a temporary casus belli against Portugal for 36 months
- Portugal is a neighbor
- Offensive Doctrine +2
- Gain a conquistador in the capital province
- +25000 infantry in the capital province
- -200 relations with Zimbabwe
- -150 relations with Angoche
- -150 relations with Portugal
- +2 colonists
- +2 missionaries
- Stability +1
C. Push south into Xhosa territory
- Ciskei will be considered a claim province
- Karroo will be considered a claim province
- Gain a temporary casus belli against Xhosa for 36 months
- Conditions:
Gain a temporary casus belli against England for 36 months
- England is a neighbor
- Conditions:
Gain a temporary casus belli against Netherlands for 36 months
- Netherlands is a neighbor
- Offensive Doctrine +2
- Gain a conquistador in the capital province
- +25000 infantry in the capital province
- -200 relations with Xhosa
- -150 relations with England
- -150 relations with Netherlands
- +2 colonists
- +2 missionaries
- Stability +1
D. Adopt colonial methods to modernize the state
- At least one of the following must occur:
- England is a neighbor
- France is a neighbor
- Netherlands is a neighbor
- Portugal is a neighbor
- Conditions:
Change technology group to African
- In the Pagan technology group
- Conditions:
Change technology group to Asian
- In the African technology group
- Centralization +4
- Innovativeness +2
- Quality +3
- Global revolt risk +8 for 60 months
- +15000 infantry in the capital province
- +5000 cavalry in the capital province
- +25 artillery in the capital province
- Gain Weapons Manufactory in the capital province
- Gain barrack in the capital province
- +100 relations with England
- +100 relations with France
- +100 relations with Netherlands
- +100 relations with Portugal
- +5% inflation
- +3 diplomats
- +6 merchants
- Land tech investment: +1500
- Trade tech investment: +1500
- +150 victory points
- Stability -5