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Bohemia — Not random

Will happen on July 30, 1419


Religious dissent in Bohemia, caused by the low moral state of the clergy and the great schism, had grown slowly in the 14th century. It found a leading figure in Jan Hus, a priest and professor of theology at the university of Prague. Influenced by the teachings of John Wyclif, he developed several reformatory demands, including the administration of the communion in both kinds to all church members, a much stricter adhesion to the bible and the Commandments, a radical reformation of the clergy and the abolition of Papal infallibility. These views were attacked as heretic by the University of Prague in 1403, however since he enjoyed the protection of the king he could continue to spread them and even became rector of the university. In 1410, when his influence had grown significantly and he had gathered already a large amount of followers, the Archbishop of Prague excommunicated him, which did not stop him from teaching his ideas and increasing what had soon become a popular movement, though. In 1414 he was summoned to the Council of Constance to justify his views, having been guaranteed safe-conduct by Emperor Zigmunt. Ignoring this safe-conduct, the Council condemned him as a heretic and had him burned at the stake. Thereby he became a martyr for the Bohemians and his views became even more popular.


A. What can we do?

  • Stability -2
  • Global revolt risk +3 for 160 months
  • Serfdom -1

Bohemia — Not random

Will happen on August 16, 1419


A broken man, Václav IV died of a second stroke on August 16th 1419. His brother, Emperor Zigmunt, immediately claimed the throne and was acknowledged as rightful heir by the crown lands and by the remaining Catholics in Bohemia, mostly in the crown lands Moravia, Silesia and Lusatia where there still was a Catholic majority, however the Hussites who at that time already dominated most of Bohemia proper refused to accept him, fearing suppression of their faith and despising him for his betrayal of Jan Hus that led to his execution at the stake in 1415. Armed resistance against royal authority and violence against Romanists, especially Germans, began almost immediately. Queen Sophia, widow of Václav, first acted as regent in Bohemia and tried to maintain at least a bit of central authority in Prague and to secure the throne for her brother-in-law, however she was opposed by the Hussites in Prague and had few effective control over Bohemia. On November 13th, she had to conclude a truce with the citizens of Prague, having failed to suppress them with hired mercenaries, basically acknowledging that the Hussite movement had become impossible to control, let alone suppress it. For almost two decades large parts of Bohemia would be in Hussite hands.


A. Reject the traitor and fight for the Hussite faith

  • Change religion to hussite
  • Monarch Utrakvisté becomes active
  • Monarch Táborité becomes active
  • Monarch Zikmund I will never rule
  • Aristocracy -4
  • Centralization -2
  • Offensive Doctrine +2
  • Quality +2
  • Innovativeness +2
  • Serfdom -2
  • Land tech investment: +2000
  • +15000 infantry in the capital province
  • +5000 cavalry in the capital province
  • +15 artillery in the capital province
  • Religion in Bohemia changes to hussite
  • Religion in Erz changes to hussite
  • Religion in Sudeten changes to hussite
  • -200 relations with Hungary
  • -200 relations with Austria
  • -200 relations with Brandenburg
  • -200 relations with Papal States
  • -200 relations with Teutonic Order
  • +50 relations with Poland
  • Event 3851 - The Death of King Václav IV for Hungary is triggered immediately
  • Stability +2

B. Zigmunt is our king

  • Leader Jan Zizka will never be active
  • Leader Prokop Holý will never be active
  • Aristocracy +2
  • Centralization +2
  • Innovativeness -2
  • Serfdom +2
  • +200 relations with Hungary
  • Stability -6

Bohemia — Not random


  • Monarch Táborité is active

Will happen on August 24, 1437


Zikmund of Hungary, claimnant to the Bohemian throne, has decided to make concessions to the Hussites in order to gain his throne. Do we accept him as king?


A. Yes, his concessions are acceptable

  • Change religion to catholic
  • Monarch Zikmund I becomes active
  • +50 relations with Hungary
  • -50 relations with Poland
  • -50 relations with Lithuania
  • Stability +1

B. No, compromise is unacceptable with the betrayer of Jan Hus!

  • +10000 infantry in the capital province
  • +10 artillery in the capital province
  • -50 relations with Hungary
  • +50 relations with Poland
  • +50 relations with Lithuania
  • Stability -2

Bohemia — Not random


  • State religion is catholic

Will happen on February 28, 1458


Jirí Podebrady, a former Hussite commander, has been elected to the Bohemian throne following the death of King Ladislav. Our neighbours - indeed all of Europe - are wary of this election, fearing further outbreaks of violence and Hussite crusades. Jirí gained the throne largely thanks to his nationality (he's Czech, not a foreign prince) and the influence of his old Hussite friends, but how should we act towards them now that he is King?


A. Acknowledge but downplay their role

  • Stability +1
  • Innovativeness +1
  • -25 relations with Hungary
  • -25 relations with Poland
  • -25 relations with Lithuania
  • -25 relations with Austria

B. Embrace the Hussite faith and tradition

  • Change religion to hussite
  • Innovativeness +2
  • Quality +1
  • Serfdom -1
  • -150 relations with Hungary
  • -150 relations with Poland
  • -150 relations with Lithuania
  • -150 relations with Austria
  • -100 relations with Castile
  • -100 relations with Aragon
  • -100 relations with Portugal
  • -100 relations with France
  • -100 relations with Papal States
  • -100 relations with England
  • -100 relations with Brandenburg
  • -100 relations with Saxony
  • Stability +3

C. Suppress the Hussites to play to European opinion

  • Innovativeness -2
  • Centralization +1
  • +100 relations with Hungary
  • +100 relations with Austria
  • +100 relations with Poland
  • +100 relations with Lithuania
  • +100 relations with Brandenburg
  • +100 relations with Saxony
  • +100 relations with France
  • +100 relations with England
  • +100 relations with Papal States
  • +100 relations with Castile
  • +100 relations with Aragon
  • Stability -5

Bohemia — Not random

Will happen on August 29, 1526


In the year 1526 King Ludvík died childless, Emperor Maximilian of Habsburg, also King-elect of Bohemia and thus Elector of the Empire managed to have the kingship become hereditary in his family.


A. Accept the Habsburgs as elected kings

B. Accept the Habsburgs as hereditary kings

Bohemia — Not random


Will happen on March 20, 1619


In 1608 the tension increased between the Catholic parts and the Protestant parts of the empire. The Protestants entered a union under the prince Fredrik of Pfalz that was supported by Brandenburg and Hessen-Kassel. The Catholics answered by forming a union of their own, the Catholic league. It was led by Maximilian of Bavaria. In 1618 the Protestants of Bohemia rebelled. They continued to choose a Protestant king of Bohemia, prince Fredrik of Pfalz. The emperor couldn't accept this, as he also was king of Bohemia. He sent his experienced commander Jean Tcerclaes Tilly with his troops to Bohemia and in the battle of the White Mountain (8 November 1620), Fredrik of Pfalz reign ended and all Protestant resistance in Austria and southern Germany was crushed. Fredrik escaped from Bohemia and was named the 'Winter King' due to his short reign.


A. Elect the Wittelsbachs

  • Event 3097 - The Winter King of Prague for Austria is triggered immediately
  • Event 3665 - The Winter King of Prague for Palatinate is triggered immediately
  • Break vassalization with Austria
  • Gain a royal marriage with Palatinate
  • Change religion to protestant
  • +150 relations with Palatinate
  • -200 relations with Austria
  • Aristocracy -3
  • Serfdom -3
  • Leader Fridrich I becomes active
  • Monarch Fridrich I becomes active
  • Monarch Karel II Ludvík becomes active
  • Monarch Karel III becomes active
  • Monarch Filip Vilém I becomes active
  • Monarch Jan Vilém I becomes active
  • Monarch Karel IV Filip becomes active
  • Monarch Karel V Teodor becomes active
  • Monarch Maxmilián II Josef becomes active
  • Monarch Ferdinand II will never rule
  • Monarch Ferdinand III will never rule
  • Monarch Leopold I will never rule
  • Monarch Josef I will never rule
  • Monarch Karel II will never rule
  • Monarch Marie Terezie will never rule
  • Monarch Josef II will never rule
  • Monarch Leopold II will never rule
  • Monarch Frantisek I will never rule
  • Stability +2

B. Elect the Habsburgs

  • Leader von Wallenstein becomes active
  • Leader von Wallenstein will never be active
  • +150 relations with Austria
  • Global revolt risk +12 for 60 months
  • Stability -3
