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1438: Civil War in Castile for Castile
1476-1820: Viva España for Castile

Castile — Not random

Will happen within 150 days of June 2, 1438


Juan succeeded his father as an infant of less than two years of age, under the joint regency of his mother, Catherine of Lancaster, and his uncle, the infant Ferdinand, who became king of Aragon (as Ferdinand I) in 1412. Juan took the reins in 1419 but his political weakness led him to rely on his tutor, Álvaro de Luna, who, despite the hostility of the king's Trastámara cousins and their supporters among the old aristocracy, became the virtual ruler of Castile. He was appointed constable of Castile in 1423. Álvaro de Luna contested the influence of Ferdinand's rebellious sons in Castile. This led to factional struggles among the nobles, which saw de Luna ousted from power twice (1427 and 1438). However, the supporters of Juan II and his constable rallied and finally put an end to the strife by defeating the rebel army of Prince Enrique (future Enrique IV) at the Battle of Olmedo in 1445.


A. Support Álvaro de Luna

  • A random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • Global revolt risk +5 for 48 months
  • Stability +1
  • Monarch's diplomatic skill +2 for 120 months
  • Monarch's administrative skill +2 for 120 months
  • Monarch's military skill +2 for 120 months

B. Support the sons of Ferdinand

  • Stability -1

Castile — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Aragon is a vassal of Castile
    • Aragon is in a union with Castile
    • All of the following must occur:
      • Own Catalonia
      • Own Aragon
      • Own Castilla
      • None of the following must occur:
        • Aragon exists
      • None of the following must occur:

Will happen within 30 days of June 2, 1476
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1820)


In the beginning of the 15th century the Aragon nobles felt a need to counterbalance the power of the mercantile Catalans, and in 1412 they got their chance. With the Aragonese throne vacant since the extinction of the house of Barcelona in 1410, they procured the election of a Castilian prince, Ferdinand of Antequera, to the throne over strong Catalan opposition. The Catalan resistance remained until one of Ferdinand's successors, John II of Aragon (1458-79), arranged for his heir, Ferdinand, to marry Isabella, the heiress of Henry IV of Castile. Upon John II's death the kingdoms of Aragon and Castile were united to form the nucleus of modern Spain.


A. Let us claim the name Kingdom of Spain

  • italian will become an accepted culture
  • Napoli will be considered a national province
  • Apulia will be considered a national province
  • Messina will be considered a national province
  • Sicily will be considered a national province
  • Sardinia will be considered a national province
  • Roussillon will be considered a national province
  • Gerona will be considered a national province
  • Navarra will be considered a national province
  • Catalonia will be considered a national province
  • Aragon will be considered a national province
  • Valencia will be considered a national province
  • Malta will be considered a national province
  • The Baleares will be considered a national province
  • Inherit the realms of Aragon
  • Become Spain
  • Stability +1

B. Let us keep the name Kingdom of Castile instead

  • Centralization -5
  • +100 relations with Navarra
  • +100 relations with Provence
  • -100 relations with Papal States
  • -100 relations with Portugal
  • Lose 5000 troops in a random province
  • Stability -2
