
Toggle table of contents
1420-1421: The Move to Beijing for China
1435-1455: The Strategic Decision after Zheng He's Journey for China
1449-1449: The Emperor Has Been Captured! for China
1450-1490: Repairing the Great Wall for China
1457-1457: Zhengtong Returns to the Throne for China
1500-1510: The Perfection of Ming Porcelain for China
1500-1540: More Repairs for the Great Wall for China
1523-1524: Japanese Pirates Attack! for China
1555-1556: Pirates besiege Nanjing for China
1557-1558: The Closure of China for China
1563-1564: Qi Jiguang's Army Reforms for China
1581-1582: The arrival of the Jesuits for China
1588-1589: Famine! for China
1615-1616: The Manchu Rebellion for China
1622-1623: The Cult of the White Lotus for China
1640-1641: The Financial Crisis for China
1644-1644: Li Zechang's Rebellion for China
1644-1699: The Manchu Takeover of China for China
1644: Emperor Chongzhen Commits Suicide for China
1644: The Fall of the Ming Dynasty for China
1644-1646: The Chinese Collapse for China
1683-1684: The End of the Ming Dynasty for China
1722-1723: The Expulsion of the Jesuits for China
1770-1771: The Appointment of Heshen for China
1793-1793: Lord Macartney's Mission for China
1796-1797: The White Lotus Rebellion for China
1811-1812: The Celestial Order Rebellion for China
1813-1813: The Eight Trigrams Rebellion for China
Triggered (triggered event): The Manchu Takeover of China for China
Triggered (triggered event): The Manchu Takeover of China for China
Triggered (1689-1690): The Treaty of Nerchiinsk for China
Triggered (1689-1690): The Treaty of Nerchiinsk for China

China — Not random


  • Own Hebei

Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1420
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1421)


In 1402, the Emperor Yongle usurped the throne from his young nephew, who soon afterwards disappeared during a mysterious palace fire. The body was never found, so ever since the Emperor has been worried about conspiracies and intrigues concerning the missing boy. He feels uncomfortable in Nanjing, the current location of the Imperial court, as it is the centre of such intrigues. He feels that a move to the old Mongol capital at Beijing would be in his and the state's best interests. There he wishes to build a fortified palace complex, a 'Forbidden City', to protect and isolate himself from those who would do him harm. Should we move the capital?


A. Yes, let us move to the Northern Capital!

  • Move capital to Hebei
  • +1 base tax value in Hebei
  • Fortress level in Hebei +1
  • -300 gold
  • Stability -1

B. No, we will remain in the Southern Capital

  • Centralization +1
  • Stability -2

China — Not random

Will happen within 1720 days of January 2, 1435
Checked again every 1720 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1455)


Around 1400 China's relations with the outside world began to change. In earlier times, links of trade and religion had created connections between the Heavenly kingdom and its neighbors. Under the T'ang (A.D. 618-906) there had been growing contacts with India, and China had opened its doors to the influence of Buddhism approaching from the South. At the time of the Sung (A.D. 960-1279), there had been a great expansion of trade with the southern seas. Under the Mongols (A.D. 1280-1367) China had made contact with the West by reopening the old silk routes and bringing Muslim, Christian, and Jewish traders into China. The expulsion of the Mongols in 1367 and the seizure of power by the Ming reversed the processes that were tying China more strongly to the outside. Following the seven expeditions (1405-1433) of admiral Zheng-He, who sailed the imperial fleet into the Indian Ocean and to the coast of Africa, China folded in on itself and closed off its external connections. Perhaps this was due to the conservative character of the Ming emperors themselves, who sought a return to Chinese roots after 400 years of foreign invasions. However, such change was favored by the masses of the Chinese society, who had suffered terribly under their Mongol masters. Under the Ming China withdrew and abandoned innovation and exploration in favor of stability and defense of her northern borders.


A. Inward Perfection

  • Centralization -5
  • Aristocracy +10
  • Serfdom +10
  • Mercantilism +10
  • Land +10
  • Quality -10
  • Offensive Doctrine -10
  • Land tech investment: +1000
  • Infrastructure tech investment: +1000
  • Stability +6

B. Balanced Position

  • Centralization +1
  • Aristocracy +1
  • Serfdom +1
  • Innovativeness +1
  • Mercantilism -1
  • Land -1
  • Quality +1
  • Offensive Doctrine +1
  • Land tech investment: +500
  • Infrastructure tech investment: +500
  • Naval tech investment: +500
  • Trade tech investment: +500
  • Stability -2

C. Outward Expansion

  • Change technology group to Muslim
  • Centralization +3
  • Aristocracy -3
  • Serfdom -5
  • Innovativeness +5
  • Mercantilism -5
  • Land -5
  • Quality +5
  • Offensive Doctrine +3
  • Naval tech investment: +2000
  • Trade tech investment: +2000
  • Stability -6
  • Global revolt risk +8 for 60 months

China — Not random

Will happen within 0 days of November 23, 1449
Checked again every 0 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after November 24, 1449)


The Emperor Zhengtong has been captured while campaigning against the Mongols. His brother Jingtai has seized the throne, but the Mongols are threatening to release the captured Emperor, thus starting a succession crisis, if not an all-out civil war. The country is descending into chaos!


A. This is terrible news!

  • Stability -3
  • Global revolt risk +3 for 96 months

China — Not random

Will happen within 10000 days of January 2, 1450
Checked again every 10000 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1490)


Ever since the capture of the Emperor Zhengtong by the Mongols, security on the northern frontier has been an important issue. One problem is the sorry state of the Great Wall, built in ancient times, but left to crumble in recent centuries. We could repair the Great Wall, but it would be expensive and the effort, both physical and fiscal, would likely cause some unrest among the people. However, with improved defenses, the provinces in the area would likely become more productive and secure, while without them people may leave to safer havens. What shall we do?


A. Yes, we need to repair the Great Wall!

  • Offensive Doctrine -2
  • Fortress level in Hepei +1
  • Fortress level in Hohhot +1
  • +1 base tax value in Hepei
  • +1 base tax value in Hohhot
  • Stability -1
  • -500 gold

B. Let it continue to crumble

  • Offensive Doctrine +1
  • Stability +1
  • -5% population in Hepei
  • -5% population in Hohhot

China — Not random


Will happen within 0 days of February 25, 1457
Checked again every 0 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after February 26, 1457)


The Emperor Zhengtong has returned to the throne, seizing it from his usurping brother and taking the new throne name Tianshun. The instability of the past few years now seems to be over!


A. Great!

  • Stability +2

China — Not random

Will happen within 3000 days of January 2, 1500
Checked again every 3000 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1510)


Recent advances in glazes, painting techniques, and pottery-making have resulted in a product that many experts claim is perfection. Exports in chinaware have increased as our product is in high demand. Provinces especially dedicated to the production of the finest porcelain have grown rich on the trade, increasing our revenue from those areas!


A. Perfect!

  • +2 base tax value in Anhui
  • +2 base tax value in Shaanxi

China — Not random

Will happen within 10000 days of January 2, 1500
Checked again every 10000 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1540)


Ever since the capture of the Emperor Zhengtong by the Mongols, security on the northern frontier has been an important issue. One problem is the sorry state of the Great Wall, built in ancient times, but left to crumble in recent centuries. We could repair the Great Wall, but it would be expensive and the effort, both physical and fiscal, would likely cause some unrest among the people. However, with improved defenses, the provinces in the area would likely become more productive and secure, while without them people may leave to safer havens. What shall we do?


A. Yes, we need further repairs to the Great Wall!

  • Offensive Doctrine -2
  • Fortress level in Liaoning +1
  • Fortress level in Ningxia +1
  • +1 base tax value in Liaoning
  • +1 base tax value in Ningxia
  • Stability -1
  • -500 gold

B. Let it continue to crumble

  • Offensive Doctrine +1
  • Stability +1
  • -5% population in Liaoning
  • -5% population in Ningxia

China — Not random

Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1523
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1524)


Japanese pirate attacks have grown worse in recent years, but in the last few months they have markedly increased their activity along our coasts. They are destroying our income from those areas, and people are fleeing inland, when they aren't killed outright. We could attempt to combat them, but it would be expensive to do so. We could also let local authorities combat them - it would save us money, but probably wouldn't be particularly successful. What wall be our policy?


A. Let the provinces look after their own defense.

  • Stability -2
  • -5% population in Shandong
  • -5% population in Jiangsu
  • -5% population in Shanghai
  • Centralization -1

B. Combat the pirates

  • -300 gold
  • -5% population in Shandong
  • -5% population in Jiangsu
  • -5% population in Shanghai
  • Event 10006 - Pirates besiege Nanjing for China will never fire
  • Naval tech investment: +200
  • -100 relations with Japan

China — Not random


Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1555
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1556)
unless prevented by
Action B of 10005 - Japanese Pirates Attack! for China


Since we decided to let the provinces defend themselves against Japanese pirate attacks, things have gotten only worse. Now pirates are actually besieging Nanjing, the old capital of our dynasty and a city of immense wealth. Our people clamor for us to go to the city's rescue, but it will be extremely expensive. But if we don't, the great city of Nanjing may be sacked by the pirates. What shall we do?


A. Drive the pirates away.

  • -400 gold
  • Naval tech investment: +200

B. Let them sack the city

  • -5% population in Anhui
  • -1 base tax value in Anhui
  • Anhui revolts
  • Stability -2

China — Not random

Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1557
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1558)


European traders seemingly can be found everywhere in China. They are draining the profits away from our own traders and driving them into bankruptcy, causing us much lost revenue in taxes and tariffs. Perhaps we should ban them altogether or confine them to a single city in order to better control them and make it easier to impose trade tariffs. Our experts believe that giving the city of Macao to the Portuguese and only allowing the Europeans to trade there might be the best solution. This will also give us the benefit of expanding trade in our southern regions around Canton. Then again, we could chose to shun outside trade altogether or to open our shores to free and unhindered trade by all. What shall be our policy?


A. Hold a small breathing hole open in Macao.

  • Innovativeness -2
  • Mercantilism +3
  • Centralization +1
  • +100 relations with Portugal

B. Close China to the outside world.

  • Innovativeness -6
  • Mercantilism +5
  • Centralization +2
  • Aristocracy +1
  • Stability +2
  • Trade tech investment: -300

C. Keep trade open for all.

  • Innovativeness +2
  • Mercantilism -3
  • Aristocracy -2
  • Guangzhou becomes a center of trade
  • +3 merchants
  • Stability -1
  • Trade tech investment: +200
  • -1 base tax value in a random province
  • -1 base tax value in a different random province
  • -1 base tax value in a different random province
  • -1 base tax value in a different random province
  • -1 base tax value in a different random province
  • +100 relations with Portugal

China — Not random

Will happen within 150 days of January 2, 1563
Checked again every 150 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1564)


The noted general Qi Jiguang has proposed a series of military reforms which, if implemented, would make our armies stronger and our men fight more effectively. Unfortunately, a thorough overhaul of the military is quite an undertaking. It will take quite a bit of money and effort, and even then the armed forces may not appreciate the changes, leading to instability and desertions. Shall we implement the reforms?


A. Go with the reforms!

  • -500 gold
  • Land tech investment: +200
  • Land +1
  • Offensive Doctrine +1
  • Stability -1
  • Lose 5000 troops in a random province
  • Lose 5000 troops in a different random province

B. No, such reforms are too costly

  • Land tech investment: -100
  • Innovativeness -1

China — Not random

Will happen within 150 days of January 2, 1581
Checked again every 150 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1582)


In 1581, the first Jesuit missionaries arrived in China, bringing gifts to the Emperor and exhibiting various mechanical inventions from Europe. They also exhibited great knowledge by creating a huge map of the world and in proposing sound ideas for calendar reform. But they also brought with them strange religious and philosophical ideas, which started to disrupt the traditional order of China. Should these missionaries be allowed to stay?


A. Yes, we may benefit from their learning.

  • Infrastructure tech investment: +250
  • Trade tech investment: +250
  • Land tech investment: +250
  • Innovativeness +1
  • Stability -2
  • +50 relations with Portugal

B. No, their foreign ideas are not acceptable in our society.

China — Not random

Will happen within 350 days of January 2, 1588
Checked again every 350 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1589)


A famine of epic proportions has stricken our nation! A prolonged drought has caused harvests in the last few years to be exceedingly poor, leaving the people with very little, or nothing to eat. Deaths due to starvation or disease are rampant in the countryside, and reports of cannibalism and peasants grinding stones to make flour are commonplace. Many have resorted to banditry in order to feed themselves. The people cry out for the government to relieve their suffering, but to help so many will be costly indeed. Shall we attempt to ease the misery of the people?


A. Try to alleviate the suffering.

  • -1000 gold
  • -15% population in a random province
  • -15% population in a different random province
  • -15% population in a different random province
  • -15% population in a different random province
  • -15% population in a different random province
  • Stability -1

B. We are helpless in the face of such a disaster..

  • -20% population in a random province
  • -20% population in a different random province
  • -20% population in a different random province
  • -20% population in a different random province
  • -20% population in a different random province
  • -20% population in a different random province
  • -20% population in a different random province
  • -20% population in a different random province
  • -20% population in a different random province
  • -20% population in a different random province
  • Stability -3
  • Global revolt risk +5 for 36 months

China — Not random

Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1615
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1616)


The Manchu leader Nurhachi has rallied the Jurchen tribes to his banner. They are reorganizing the Manchu state to our north, and are causing some of our northern provinces to rebel. How shall we deal with this crisis?


A. We are too weak to crush the rebels.

  • Grant independence to Manchu
  • Stability -3
  • Global revolt risk +5 for 60 months

B. Attempt to crush the rebels

  • -1000 gold
  • Stability -5
  • Global revolt risk +10 for 60 months
  • Bogorodsk revolts
  • Vanin revolts
  • Amour revolts
  • Birobidjan revolts
  • Heilongjiang revolts
  • Viazemski revolts
  • Sikhote revolts
  • Nelma revolts
  • Olga revolts
  • Nakhodka revolts
  • Jilin revolts
  • Baicheng revolts
  • Jehol revolts
  • Liaotung revolts

China — Not random

Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1622
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1623)


The Cult of the White Lotus, a secret revolutionary society, has once again become popular among the common people. In the closing years of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty, they organized resistance to the foreign overlords, and now they are doing so again, but against the reigning Ming Dynasty! What should be done with these revolutionary cultists?


A. Bah, surely these cultists can do no lasting harm!.

  • Stability -5
  • Global revolt risk +15 for 300 months
  • A random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts

B. Let the forces of the Empire crush the Rebellion

  • -500 gold
  • Stability -3
  • Global revolt risk +10 for 240 months
  • A random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts

China — Not random

Will happen within 150 days of January 2, 1640
Checked again every 150 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1641)


Due to decades of rebellions, unrest, and corruption, our financial situation is in dire straits. We need a new inflow of cash, but the only way to do so is to institute new unpopular taxes. By doing so, we can temporarily relieve some of our cash flow problems, but the already unstable situation may become even worse. But if we don't, we may lose the ability to raise taxes efficiently in certain provinces due to the unrest. What shall we do?


A. Yes, let us raise the taxes

  • +1000 gold
  • Stability -4
  • Global revolt risk +10 for 60 months
  • A random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts

B. No, our subjects are already angry enough!

  • Stability +1
  • -1 base tax value in a random province
  • -1 base tax value in a different random province
  • -1 base tax value in a different random province
  • -1 base tax value in a different random province
  • -1 base tax value in a different random province
  • -1 base tax value in a different random province
  • -1 base tax value in a different random province
  • -1 base tax value in a different random province
  • -1 base tax value in a different random province
  • -1 base tax value in a different random province
  • Centralization -1

China — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1644
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after February 2, 1644)


An army under the control of Li Zechang has risen up in rebellion! The mutinous soldiers are tired of years of corruption and little or no pay. They have the full backing of the people of China, who grow weary of the incompetent and corrupt rule of the Ming Dynasty. The rebel army is marching toward the capital, and we must act immediately or be overwhelmed! What shall we do?


A. Let us attempt to destroy the traitor!

  • Stability -5
  • Global revolt risk +10 for 12 months
  • A random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • Lose 10000 troops in a random province
  • Lose 10000 troops in a different random province
  • Lose 10000 troops in a different random province

B. Let us negotiate with him.

  • -1000 gold
  • Stability -3
  • Global revolt risk +5 for 12 months
  • Centralization -2
  • Lose 10000 troops in a random province

China — Not random


Will happen within 30 days of April 26, 1644
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after April 27, 1699)


Now that we are one nation, we will take the name of our new rulers


A. Long live the Qing Dynasty of the Manchu!

  • Become Manchu
  • Global revolt risk +5 for 60 months
  • manchu will become an accepted culture
  • zhuang will no longer be an accepted culture

China — Not random


  • None of the following must occur:
    • Manchu exists

Will happen within 0 days of April 26, 1644


As Li Zechang's rebel forces approached the capital, Emperor Chongzhen struck a bell, signaling his ministers to appear for a conference. When no one came, he climbed to the top of Coal Hill, next to his palace, and hanged himself. Your Excellency, with the death of the Emperor our glorious nation is descending into chaos! At least we can take comfort in the fact that the Manchu are subdued. But for how long?


A. Woe is us!

  • The capital province revolts
  • The capital province revolts
  • The capital province revolts
  • Move capital to Anhui
  • Global revolt risk +20 for 240 months
  • Lose 10000 troops in a random province
  • Lose 10000 troops in a different random province
  • Lose 10000 troops in a different random province
  • Lose 10000 troops in a different random province
  • Grant independence to Manchu
  • Event 10025 - The Chinese Collapse for China will never fire
  • Event 10026 - The End of the Ming Dynasty for China will never fire
  • Monarch Shunzhi will never rule
  • Monarch Kangxi will never rule
  • Monarch Yangzheng will never rule
  • Monarch Qianlong will never rule
  • Monarch Jiajing will never rule
  • Monarch Daoguang will never rule
  • Monarch Hongguang becomes active
  • Monarch Longwu becomes active
  • Monarch Longwu becomes active
  • Monarch Yongli becomes active
  • Monarch Cheng Ch'eng-kung becomes active
  • Monarch Chêng Ching becomes active
  • Monarch Cheng Keh-shuan becomes active
  • Monarch Longjing * becomes active
  • Monarch Chengchi * becomes active
  • Monarch Hongle * becomes active

China — Not random


  • Manchu exists

Will happen within 0 days of April 26, 1644


The Empire has descended into unparalleled chaos! Rebels control the countryside and march upon our capital. The armies of the barbarous Manchu move at will throughout the north and threaten Beijing. The people have completely lost faith in the current dynasty to rule. The ancients believed that when a dynasty was no longer fit to rule, the Mandate of Heaven was withdrawn from them and given to another. Many believe that this has happened and that it is time for the Ming to go, but others feel that we should fight on to the end against the rebels and the Manchu. What shall we do?


A. Continue to fight on in the south!

  • Move capital to Anhui
  • -400 relations with Manchu
  • Stability -8
  • Cede Heilongjiang to Manchu
  • Cede Viazemski to Manchu
  • Cede Sikhote to Manchu
  • Cede Nelma to Manchu
  • Cede Olga to Manchu
  • Cede Nakhodka to Manchu
  • Cede Jilin to Manchu
  • Cede Baicheng to Manchu
  • Cede Jehol to Manchu
  • Cede Liaotung to Manchu
  • Cede Liaoning to Manchu
  • Cede Hepei to Manchu
  • Cede Hebei to Manchu
  • Cede Shandong to Manchu
  • Cede Jinan to Manchu
  • Cede Ningxia to Manchu
  • Cede Hohhot to Manchu
  • Cede Shanxi to Manchu
  • Global revolt risk +5 for 340 months
  • -1000 gold
  • Lose 20000 troops in a random province
  • Lose 20000 troops in a different random province
  • Lose 20000 troops in a different random province
  • Lose 20000 troops in a different random province
  • Monarch Shunzhi will never rule
  • Monarch Kangxi will never rule
  • Monarch Yangzheng will never rule
  • Monarch Qianlong will never rule
  • Monarch Jiajing will never rule
  • Monarch Daoguang will never rule
  • Monarch Hongguang becomes active
  • Monarch Longwu becomes active
  • Monarch Longwu becomes active
  • Monarch Yongli becomes active
  • Monarch Cheng Ch'eng-kung becomes active
  • Monarch Chêng Ching becomes active
  • Monarch Cheng Keh-shuan becomes active
  • Monarch Longjing * becomes active
  • Monarch Chengchi * becomes active
  • Monarch Hongle * becomes active

B. Throw our lot in with the Manchu and proclaim the Qing Dynasty

  • Event 10015 - The Takeover of China for Manchu is triggered immediately
  • Stability -3
  • Global revolt risk +5 for 120 months
  • A random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • Lose 10000 troops in a random province
  • Lose 10000 troops in a random province
  • Lose 10000 troops in a different random province
  • Lose 10000 troops in a different random province
  • Lose 10000 troops in a different random province
  • Infrastructure tech investment: -2000
  • Trade tech investment: -2000

China — Not random


  • Stability is at 3 or higher

Will happen within 0 days of June 2, 1644
Checked again every 0 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after June 2, 1646)
unless prevented by
Action A of 3913 - Emperor Chongzhen Commits Suicide for China


After years of chaos, the government of China has collapsed. As a result, we have lost still more northern provinces to the advancing Manchu. Nanjing is now terribly exposed, and the government has fled south.


A. Drat!

  • Cede Jiangsu to Manchu
  • Cede Lanzhou to Manchu
  • Cede Xining to Manchu
  • Cede Shaanxi to Manchu
  • Cede Henan to Manchu
  • Cede Hubei to Manchu
  • Stability -4
  • Move capital to Guangzhou

China — Not random


  • Manchu exists

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1683
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1684)
unless prevented by
Action A of 3913 - Emperor Chongzhen Commits Suicide for China


The last of the Ming pretenders has fled! The Manchu own the majority of China, and we are helpless against their advance and the never-ending revolts in the areas we control. Maybe it would be better to surrender now and throw ourselves on their mercy.


A. We surrender to the Manchu

B. No, we will never give up!

  • Stability -6
  • Global revolt risk +10 for 120 months

China — Not random

Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1722
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1723)
unless prevented by
Action B of 10008 - The arrival of the Jesuits for China


Due to recent events, it now seems that the Jesuits may have outlived their usefulness. Although their knowledge is great, it is foreign to us and sometimes causes much commotion among our scholars and the common folk, disrupting the stability of our realm. They have been for decades interfering in the internal affairs of our nation - the final straw was their meddling in the recent succession. Perhaps it is time for them to go.


A. Expel them!

  • Change technology group to Pagan
  • Infrastructure tech investment: -1000
  • Trade tech investment: -1000
  • Innovativeness -3
  • Centralization +2
  • Stability +3

B. No, they are too valuable!

  • Innovativeness +2
  • Stability -3

China — Not random


  • Own Hebei

Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1770
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1771)


An up-and-coming minister has recently come to our attention. His name is Heshen, and he is certainly wise in the ways of diplomacy and administration. However, rumor has it that he is also grossly corrupt, mixing his political excellence with greed and favoritism. Should we appoint him our chief minister?


A. Appoint him despite his faults!

  • Monarch's administrative skill +3 for 240 months
  • Monarch's diplomatic skill +1 for 240 months
  • Centralization +2
  • Innovativeness -2
  • +5% inflation
  • -500 gold

B. No, such corruption could ruin the state!

  • Centralization -2
  • Innovativeness +1
  • Stability -3

China — Not random


  • Own Hebei

Will happen within 30 days of October 2, 1793
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after November 2, 1793)


Reports have reached us that a diplomatic mission has arrived on our shores from the far-off western barbarian nation of England, led by a certain Lord Macartney. He is said to bring with him the friendly greetings of his King, ideas for facilitating the trade between our nations, and various mechanical wonders. Shall receive this mission?


A. Reject the overtures of these rude western devils!

  • -100 relations with England
  • Innovativeness -2
  • Trade tech investment: -1000
  • Stability +3

B. We are interested in hearing their ideas

  • +100 relations with England
  • Innovativeness +1
  • Trade tech investment: +500
  • Stability -3

China — Not random


  • Own Hebei

Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1796
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1797)


Widespread rumors seem to indicate that the Cult of the White Lotus, a secret revolutionary society, is planning rebellion. What shall we do?


A. It's likely just harmless talk

  • Global revolt risk +15 for 24 months
  • Stability -4
  • A random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts

B. Crush these plotters!

  • Global revolt risk +6 for 24 months
  • Stability -2
  • A random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • -500 gold

China — Not random


  • Own Hebei

Will happen within 300 days of January 2, 1811
Checked again every 300 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1812)


Widespread rumors seem to indicate that the Cult of the Celestial Order, a secret revolutionary society, is planning rebellion. What shall we do?


A. It's likely just harmless talk

  • Global revolt risk +15 for 24 months
  • Stability -4
  • A random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts

B. Crush these plotters!

  • Global revolt risk +6 for 24 months
  • Stability -2
  • A random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • -500 gold

China — Not random


  • Own Hebei

Will happen within 0 days of October 19, 1813
Checked again every 0 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after October 20, 1813)


Widespread rumors seem to indicate that the Cult of the Eight Trigrams, a secret revolutionary society, is planning rebellion. What shall we do?


A. It's likely just harmless talk

  • Global revolt risk +10 for 24 months
  • Stability -6
  • A random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts

B. Crush these plotters!

  • Global revolt risk +4 for 24 months
  • Stability -4
  • A random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • A different random province revolts
  • -700 gold

China — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 10015 - The Takeover of China for Manchu


Wonderful news! The Manchu people have accepted our offer of unification. From now on we shall be as one.


A. We will rule this Empire together!

  • Inherit the realms of Manchu

China — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 10015 - The Takeover of China for Manchu


Discouraging news! The Manchu have accepted our offer, but only on their terms - complete surrender. What shall we do?


A. We have no choice but to accept (Game Over)

B. We will not completely submit to these barbarians!

  • Cede Bogorodsk to Manchu
  • Cede Vanin to Manchu
  • Cede Nelma to Manchu
  • Cede Birobidjan to Manchu
  • Cede Heilongjiang to Manchu
  • Cede Viazemski to Manchu
  • Cede Sikhote to Manchu
  • Cede Nelma to Manchu
  • Cede Olga to Manchu
  • Cede Nakhodka to Manchu
  • Cede Jilin to Manchu
  • Cede Baicheng to Manchu
  • Cede Jehol to Manchu
  • Cede Liaotung to Manchu
  • Cede Liaoning to Manchu
  • Cede Hepei to Manchu
  • Cede Hebei to Manchu
  • Cede Shandong to Manchu
  • Cede Jinan to Manchu
  • Cede Ningxia to Manchu
  • Cede Hohhot to Manchu
  • Cede Shanxi to Manchu
  • Event 10019 - The Manchu Takeover of China for Manchu is triggered immediately

China — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3421 - The Treaty of Nerchiinsk for Russia


The permanent Russian exploration and colonization of Siberia that started under Ivan the Terrible had regularly continued all along the 17th century, with most of eastern Siberia discovered by the end of the century (Kamchatska was reached in 1679). The Amur basin had been explored by Khabarov in the 1650s and in 1689, a Russo-Chinese border conflict was settled by the first Chinese-European agreement, the Treaty of Nerchiinsk, fixing the Amur border. In 1727, the Kyakhta treaty would even make provisions for a Russian trading station to be established in Peking, the capital of the new Manchu dynasty (1644-1911).


A. Our Victory has been acknowledged

  • Land tech investment: +2000
  • Infrastructure tech investment: +500
  • Trade tech investment: +1000
  • +250 relations with Russia
  • +600 gold
  • Stability +3
  • Bogorodsk will be considered a claim province
  • Vanin will be considered a claim province
  • Heilongjiang will be considered a claim province
  • Viazemski will be considered a claim province
  • Sikhote will be considered a claim province
  • Nelma will be considered a claim province
  • Olga will be considered a claim province
  • Nakhodka will be considered a claim province
  • Kyongju will be considered a claim province
  • Yalu will be considered a claim province
  • Jilin will be considered a claim province
  • Baicheng will be considered a claim province
  • Jehol will be considered a claim province
  • Liaotung will be considered a claim province

China — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 3421 - The Treaty of Nerchiinsk for Russia


The permanent Russian exploration and colonization of Siberia that started under Ivan the Terrible had regularly continued all along the 17th century, with most of eastern Siberia discovered by the end of the century (Kamchatska was reached in 1679). The Amur basin had been explored by Khabarov in the 1650s and in 1689, a Russo-Chinese border conflict was settled by the first Chinese-European agreement, the Treaty of Nerchiinsk, fixing the Amur border. In 1727, the Kyakhta treaty would even make provisions for a Russian trading station to be established in Peking, the capital of the new Manchu dynasty (1644-1911).


A. Exterminate these Rude Barbarians

  • Tchumkan will be considered a claim province
  • Amgoun will be considered a claim province
  • Sofiisk will be considered a claim province
  • Amour will be considered a claim province
  • Tchekunda will be considered a claim province
  • Boureia will be considered a claim province
  • Ekimcan will be considered a claim province
  • Nerchiinsk will be considered a claim province
  • Norsk will be considered a claim province
  • Birobidjan will be considered a claim province
  • Nagorje will be considered a claim province
  • Khretset will be considered a claim province
  • Stanovoe will be considered a claim province
  • Baladok will be considered a claim province
  • Djugdjur will be considered a claim province
  • Enkan will be considered a claim province
  • Okhotsk will be considered a claim province
  • Magadan will be considered a claim province
  • Kolyma will be considered a claim province
  • Chelekov will be considered a claim province
  • Kamenkoie will be considered a claim province
  • Korfa will be considered a claim province
  • Palana will be considered a claim province
  • Kamcatka will be considered a claim province
  • Sredny Hrebet will be considered a claim province
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Russia for 1200 months
  • Quality +2
  • Land tech investment: +1000
  • +2 base manpower in a random province
  • +2 base manpower in a different random province
  • +2 base manpower in a different random province
  • +2 base manpower in a different random province
  • +2 base manpower in a different random province
  • +100 national manpower
