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Papal States — Not random


  • Venice exists

Will happen within 3000 days of October 2, 1500
Checked again every 3000 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after May 2, 1512)


In 1508, Pope Julius II set-up a league against the Republic of Venice which he disliked and found too powerful in Italy. He enlisted support of Florence, France and even of Emperor Maximilian. French troops decimated the Venetian army at the battle of Agnadel in 1509, but the Republic managed to break the league by concluding separate peace with her opponents.


A. Express Support

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Venice for 72 months
  • -150 relations with Venice
  • +150 relations with France
  • +150 relations with Austria
  • +150 relations with Florence

B. Ignore

  • +50 relations with Venice
  • -50 relations with France
  • -50 relations with Austria
  • -50 relations with Florence

C. Express Hostility

  • +150 relations with Venice
  • -150 relations with France
  • -150 relations with Austria
  • -150 relations with Florence

Papal States — Not random

Will happen within 500 days of October 2, 1505
Checked again every 500 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after May 2, 1506)


Pope Julius II started building the Basilica not very long after him being elected Pope. The completion would take more then 100 years and one of most famous artist in history, Michelangelo, had a large role at times in its completion, both as an architect and as a painter.


A. Build church

  • Gain Fine Arts Academy in Roma

B. Concentrate on worldly matters

  • Innovativeness +3
  • +200 gold
  • Infrastructure tech investment: +300
  • Trade tech investment: +300

Papal States — Not random

Will happen within 200 days of January 2, 1540
Checked again every 200 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after May 2, 1546)


In 1540 Pope Paulus III recognized the Jesuite Order, created 1534 by the Spaniard Don Iñigo López de Recalade, better know as Ignatius of Loyola. He becomes one of the most devoted counter reformists and enemy #1 of the Protestant movement. Loyola having a soldier background makes its mark on the order, which is organized almost as an army. High priority was given both to educating missionaries but also counsellors for European royal courts. This made the Jesuite order very powerful in the politic scene. 1773 the Jesuite order was dissolved by Pope Pius VI due to pressure from Christian countries in the age of enlightenment. 1814 the Jesuite order was reinstituted, however just as a faint shadow of the powerful order it once had been.



  • Innovativeness -2
  • +4 colonists
  • +4 missionaries

Papal States — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • State religion is catholic
    • State religion is counterreform

Will happen within 200 days of January 2, 1542
Checked again every 200 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after May 2, 1546)


At the initiative of Pietro Caraffa from Naples, the Pope reorganizes the Roman inquisition according to the Spanish model. Together with the Jesuits a reign of terror is inflicted on the people. However the cruel methods are effective and lead to completely eradicating the Protestant movement in the Italian peninsula.


A. Spanish model inquisition

  • Innovativeness -4
  • -15% population in Romagna
  • Romagna converts to the state religion
  • -15% population in Marche
  • Marche converts to the state religion
  • -15% population in Napoli
  • Napoli converts to the state religion
  • -15% population in Apulia
  • Apulia converts to the state religion
  • -15% population in Roma
  • Roma converts to the state religion
  • -15% population in Siena
  • Siena converts to the state religion
  • -15% population in Firenze
  • Firenze converts to the state religion
  • -15% population in Emilia
  • Emilia converts to the state religion
  • Stability -2

B. Moderate Inquisition

  • Innovativeness -2
  • -5% population in Romagna
  • -5% population in Marche
  • Marche converts to the state religion
  • -5% population in Napoli
  • -5% population in Apulia
  • -5% population in Roma
  • Roma converts to the state religion
  • -5% population in Siena
  • -5% population in Firenze
  • -5% population in Emilia
  • Stability -1

Papal States — Not random

Will happen within 200 days of January 2, 1545
Checked again every 200 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after May 2, 1563)


The Counter-reformation movement historically started 1540 with the institution of the Societas Jesu. This marked the beginning of a few highly volatile decades in European history while the two sides of Reformed and Counter Reformed fight each other. At the same time there were forces within the Catholic Church wanting a reform to remedy the corruption and other bad conditions present. Thus 1545 the Council of Trient is opened. The debating went on for almost 20 years with almost as much turmoil created as on the battlefields against the Protestants.


A. Attend the Council of Trient

  • Global revolt risk +3 for 216 months
  • Stability -2

Papal States — Not random


  • Ottoman Empire exists

Will happen within 120 days of January 2, 1565
Checked again every 120 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1568)


When in 1570 the Turks sent an ultimatum to Venice asking for the ceding of Cyprus and then invaded the island after the Republic of San Marco failed to respond, a great uproar was created in the Catholic world by the facts and rumors of Ottoman atrocities in the last Christian bastion of the eastern Mediterranean. After a first failure in the summer of 1570, Pope Pius V managed to convince major Catholic nations (except France) to join a Holy League against the heathens Turks, and it was proclaimed in May 1571. The League would lead to the great naval victory of Don Juan on the Turks at Lepanto, but would not outlast this first and final triumph. Selim II is rumored to have said, after the news he had lost 200 galleys at Lepanto: 'At Lepanto, the Christians have shaved me. At Cyprus, I cut their arm. My beard will grow again.'


A. Create the Holy League

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Ottoman Empire for 72 months
  • -150 relations with Ottoman Empire
  • +150 relations with Order of St. John
  • +150 relations with France
  • +150 relations with Spain
  • +150 relations with Tuscany
  • +150 relations with Venice
  • +150 relations with Naples
  • +150 relations with Savoy

B. Let the matter fall

  • +50 relations with Ottoman Empire
  • -50 relations with Order of St. John
  • -50 relations with France
  • -50 relations with Spain
  • -50 relations with Tuscany
  • -50 relations with Venice
  • -50 relations with Naples
  • -50 relations with Savoy

Papal States — Not random

Will happen within 200 days of January 2, 1600
Checked again every 200 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after May 2, 1605)


Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) was an Italian theologist that identified God with Nature. Even though he considered himself a Christian, he both defended Copernicus' view of the cosmos as well as satirized blind belief in religion. He was arrested in Venezia and was extradited to Rome, where he was put on trial


A. Burn the heretic

  • Innovativeness -1
  • Global revolt risk +2 for 12 months

B. Spare his life

  • Innovativeness +1
  • Stability -2

Papal States — Not random

Will happen within 1000 days of January 2, 1613
Checked again every 1000 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after May 2, 1617)


In 1615, more then 100 years after construction had started, the Saint Peter's Basilica was finally finished. It remains today the largest church ever built.


A. Rejoice!

  • Stability +3

Papal States — Not random

Will happen within 600 days of January 2, 1778
Checked again every 600 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after May 2, 1780)


1779 Pope Pius VI drained the Pontinian marches to create more productive farmland instead of useless swamps.


A. Gain land

  • Innovativeness +2
  • +2 base tax value in Roma
  • +1 base manpower in Roma
