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Persia — Not random


  • Own Isfahan

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1510
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1515)


Shah Ismaïl Safavid was not only a great conqueror but also a great consolidator and reformer. His competent rule laid the foundation for the resurrected Persian state. The people, who had suffered like animals under Tamerlane and the Turkmen tribes, regarded their Shah as a saint and set to their tasks with great enthusiasm.


A. Reform trade and infrastructure

  • Isfahan becomes a center of trade
  • Center of trade in Samarkand closes
  • Infrastructure tech investment: +1000
  • Trade tech investment: +1000
  • Centralization +1
  • +3 base tax value in the capital province
  • +2 base tax value in a different random province
  • +2 base tax value in a different random province
  • +2 base tax value in a different random province

B. Reform the army

  • Land tech investment: +2500
  • +25 national manpower

C. Fortify the realm

  • Fortress level in a random province +1
  • Fortress level in a different random province +1
  • Fortress level in a different random province +1
  • Fortress level in a different random province +1
  • Fortress level in a different random province +1
  • Fortress level in a different random province +1
  • Fortress level in a different random province +1

Persia — Not random


  • Ottoman Empire exists

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1510
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1515)


Ever since the Safavid Shah Ismaïl the Great threw off the yoke of the White Sheep Turks to re-establish Persia as a nation, the Shi'a sect had grown stronger in Anatolia. Near the end of the reign of Bayezid II, the Kizilbash (Shi'a Turkmen) rose up in revolt against the Sunni regime. Supported by Shah Ismaïl and Bayezid's own son Ahmed, the rebels threatened to change the course of Ottoman history...


A. Support the Anatolian Shi'as

  • Event 3360 - Turko-Persian Conflicts: Shi'a rebels for Ottoman Empire is triggered immediately
  • -100 relations with Ottoman Empire
  • Stability +1
  • Land tech investment: +200
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Ottoman Empire for 120 months

B. Leave them to their fate

  • Stability -1

C. Betray the rebels to please the Sultan

  • +150 relations with Ottoman Empire
  • Stability -2

Persia — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1590
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1595)


Safavid power was based on the Kizilbash (Shi'a Turkmen) tribesmen of Asia Minor who originally defeated the Ak Koyunlu. Unfortunately, the clans were unruly, constantly fighting each other and vying for control of the Shah. Under Abbas they were kept on a tight leash, but with his passing Persia was once more plagued by their infighting. Eventually their power waned, but they were only to be replaced by rebellious warlords from Afghanistan and Baluchistan in the 18th century.


A. Let the Clans fight

  • Global revolt risk +5 for 48 months
  • Stability -2

B. Buy the loyalty of the Clans

  • -500 gold

Persia — Not random


  • Own Isfahan

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1590
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1595)


The reign of Shah Abbas the Great marked the pinnacle of the Safavid dynasty. He developed a disciplined standing army, crushed the Uzbeks and avenged himself on the Ottomans. In 1598, he chose Isfahan as his new capital. A supporter of the arts, especially architecture, he adorned Isfahan with some of the finest Islamic monuments in the world. He built a number of mosques, schools, bridges and a major bazaar. During his reign, Persian craftsmen and artists excelled in creating fine silks, cloths, porcelain, metalwork, calligraphy, miniatures and carpets.


A. Move the capital to Isfahan

  • Move capital to Isfahan
  • +25% population in Isfahan
  • Centralization +2
  • Infrastructure tech investment: +1000
  • Trade tech investment: +1000
  • Land tech investment: +1000
  • Naval tech investment: +1000
  • +3 base tax value in the capital province
  • +2 base tax value in a different random province
  • +2 base tax value in a different random province
  • +2 base tax value in a different random province
  • +2 base tax value in a different random province
  • +2 base tax value in a different random province
  • Stability -2

B. Retain the old capital

  • Infrastructure tech investment: +1000
  • Trade tech investment: +1000
  • Land tech investment: +1000
  • Naval tech investment: +1000
  • +3 base tax value in the capital province
  • +2 base tax value in a different random province
  • +2 base tax value in a different random province
  • +2 base tax value in a different random province
  • Stability +2

Persia — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1595
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1600)


Shah Abbas greatly admired the military skills of the Western Europeans and gladly accepted Christian missionaries to his realm, even pretending to be on the verge of converting himself. The Shah finally secured the help of two Englishmen--Anthony and Robert Sherley--to reform the Persian army and navy. The results were not long in coming. Abbas took Bahrein from the Portuguese and sacked their base at Hormouz. The European advisors, however, were not popular in all quarters...


A. Hire the English advisors

  • Global revolt risk +4 for 48 months
  • Stability -1
  • Land tech investment: +1000
  • Naval tech investment: +1000

B. Rely on domestic advisors

  • Stability +2

Persia — Not random


  • Ottoman Empire exists

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1600
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1605)


The Spahi revolts in Eastern Anatolia encouraged the Persian Shah to seek revenge for the humiliating losses incurred by Murad III. War broke out yet again in 1603.


A. Support the Turkish rebels and prepare for war

B. Concentrate on internal issues

  • Infrastructure tech investment: +300
  • Stability +1

Persia — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1610
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1615)


Safavid power was based on the Kizilbash (Shi'a Turkmen) tribesmen of Asia Minor who originally defeated the Ak Koyunlu. Unfortunately, the clans were unruly, constantly fighting each other and vying for control of the Shah. Under Abbas they were kept on a tight leash, but with his passing Persia was once more plagued by their infighting. Eventually their power waned, but they were only to be replaced by rebellious warlords from Afghanistan and Baluchistan in the 18th century.


A. Let the Clans fight

  • Global revolt risk +5 for 48 months
  • Stability -2

B. Buy the loyalty of the Clans

  • -500 gold

Persia — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1630
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1635)


Safavid power was based on the Kizilbash (Shi'a Turkmen) tribesmen of Asia Minor who originally defeated the Ak Koyunlu. Unfortunately, the clans were unruly, constantly fighting each other and vying for control of the Shah. Under Abbas they were kept on a tight leash, but with his passing Persia was once more plagued by their infighting. Eventually their power waned, but they were only to be replaced by rebellious warlords from Afghanistan and Baluchistan in the 18th century.


A. Let the Clans fight

  • Global revolt risk +5 for 48 months
  • Stability -2

B. Buy the loyalty of the Clans

  • -500 gold

Persia — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1650
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1655)


Safavid power was based on the Kizilbash (Shi'a Turkmen) tribesmen of Asia Minor who originally defeated the Ak Koyunlu. Unfortunately, the clans were unruly, constantly fighting each other and vying for control of the Shah. Under Abbas they were kept on a tight leash, but with his passing Persia was once more plagued by their infighting. Eventually their power waned, but they were only to be replaced by rebellious warlords from Afghanistan and Baluchistan in the 18th century.


A. Let the Clans fight

  • Global revolt risk +5 for 48 months
  • Stability -2

B. Buy the loyalty of the Clans

  • -500 gold

Persia — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1660
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1665)


The death of Abbas consigned Iran to a long and painful slide into chaos. The decline resulted from weak rulers, interference by the women of the harem in politics, the re-emergence of Kizilbash rivalries, maladministration of state lands, excessive taxation, the decline of trade, and the weakening of Safavid military organization.


A. Let the factions conspire

  • Centralization -2
  • Innovativeness -2
  • Monarch's administrative skill -2 for 48 months
  • Monarch's diplomatic skill -2 for 48 months
  • Monarch's military skill -2 for 48 months
  • -2 base tax value in a random province

B. Tighten state control

  • Stability -3
  • Global revolt risk +4 for 48 months
  • Centralization +1
  • Innovativeness +1
  • Monarch's administrative skill +1 for 48 months
  • Monarch's diplomatic skill +1 for 48 months
  • Monarch's military skill +1 for 48 months
  • +1 base tax value in a random province

Persia — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1670
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1675)


Safavid power was based on the Kizilbash (Shi'a Turkmen) tribesmen of Asia Minor who originally defeated the Ak Koyunlu. Unfortunately, the clans were unruly, constantly fighting each other and vying for control of the Shah. Under Abbas they were kept on a tight leash, but with his passing Persia was once more plagued by their infighting. Eventually their power waned, but they were only to be replaced by rebellious warlords from Afghanistan and Baluchistan in the 18th century.


A. Let the Clans fight

  • Global revolt risk +5 for 48 months
  • Stability -2

B. Buy the loyalty of the Clans

  • -500 gold

Persia — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1680
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1685)


The death of Abbas consigned Iran to a long and painful slide into chaos. The decline resulted from weak rulers, interference by the women of the harem in politics, the re-emergence of Kizilbash rivalries, maladministration of state lands, excessive taxation, the decline of trade, and the weakening of Safavid military organization.


A. Tighten state control

  • Stability -3
  • Global revolt risk +4 for 48 months
  • Centralization +1
  • Innovativeness +1
  • Monarch's administrative skill +1 for 48 months
  • Monarch's diplomatic skill +1 for 48 months
  • Monarch's military skill +1 for 48 months
  • +1 base tax value in a random province

B. Let the factions conspire

  • Centralization -2
  • Innovativeness -2
  • Monarch's administrative skill -2 for 48 months
  • Monarch's diplomatic skill -2 for 48 months
  • Monarch's military skill -2 for 48 months
  • -2 base tax value in a random province

Persia — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1690
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1695)


Safavid power was based on the Kizilbash (Shi'a Turkmen) tribesmen of Asia Minor who originally defeated the Ak Koyunlu. Unfortunately, the clans were unruly, constantly fighting each other and vying for control of the Shah. Under Abbas they were kept on a tight leash, but with his passing Persia was once more plagued by their infighting. Eventually their power waned, but they were only to be replaced by rebellious warlords from Afghanistan and Baluchistan in the 18th century.


A. Let the Clans fight

  • Global revolt risk +5 for 48 months
  • Stability -2

B. Buy the loyalty of the Clans

  • -500 gold

Persia — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1700
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1705)


The death of Abbas consigned Iran to a long and painful slide into chaos. The decline resulted from weak rulers, interference by the women of the harem in politics, the re-emergence of Kizilbash rivalries, maladministration of state lands, excessive taxation, the decline of trade, and the weakening of Safavid military organization.


A. Let the factions conspire

  • Centralization -2
  • Innovativeness -2
  • Monarch's administrative skill -2 for 48 months
  • Monarch's diplomatic skill -2 for 48 months
  • Monarch's military skill -2 for 48 months
  • -2 base tax value in a random province

B. Tighten state control

  • Stability -3
  • Global revolt risk +4 for 48 months
  • Centralization +1
  • Innovativeness +1
  • Monarch's administrative skill +1 for 48 months
  • Monarch's diplomatic skill +1 for 48 months
  • Monarch's military skill +1 for 48 months
  • +1 base tax value in a random province

Persia — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Own Quetta
    • Own Qandahar
    • Own Kabul
    • Own Kushka
  • None of the following must occur:
    • Afghanistan exists

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1707
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1715)


The Afghans, under the leadership of Mir Ways, have risen up in rebellion in their home provinces!


A. Curses!

  • Revolt risk value in Quetta +5
  • Quetta revolts
  • Revolt risk value in Qandahar +5
  • Qandahar revolts
  • Revolt risk value in Kabul +5
  • Kabul revolts
  • Revolt risk value in Kushka +5
  • Kushka revolts

Persia — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1710
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1715)


Safavid power was based on the Kizilbash (Shi'a Turkmen) tribesmen of Asia Minor who originally defeated the Ak Koyunlu. Unfortunately, the clans were unruly, constantly fighting each other and vying for control of the Shah. Under Abbas they were kept on a tight leash, but with his passing Persia was once more plagued by their infighting. Eventually their power waned, but they were only to be replaced by rebellious warlords from Afghanistan and Baluchistan in the 18th century.


A. Let the Clans fight

  • Global revolt risk +5 for 48 months
  • Stability -2

B. Buy the loyalty of the Clans

  • -500 gold

Persia — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1720
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1725)


The death of Abbas consigned Iran to a long and painful slide into chaos. The decline resulted from weak rulers, interference by the women of the harem in politics, the re-emergence of Kizilbash rivalries, maladministration of state lands, excessive taxation, the decline of trade, and the weakening of Safavid military organization.


A. Let the factions conspire

  • Centralization -2
  • Innovativeness -2
  • Monarch's administrative skill -2 for 48 months
  • Monarch's diplomatic skill -2 for 48 months
  • Monarch's military skill -2 for 48 months
  • -2 base tax value in a random province

B. Tighten state control

  • Stability -3
  • Global revolt risk +4 for 48 months
  • Centralization +1
  • Innovativeness +1
  • Monarch's administrative skill +1 for 48 months
  • Monarch's diplomatic skill +1 for 48 months
  • Monarch's military skill +1 for 48 months
  • +1 base tax value in a random province

Persia — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1730
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1735)


Safavid power was based on the Kizilbash (Shi'a Turkmen) tribesmen of Asia Minor who originally defeated the Ak Koyunlu. Unfortunately, the clans were unruly, constantly fighting each other and vying for control of the Shah. Under Abbas they were kept on a tight leash, but with his passing Persia was once more plagued by their infighting. Eventually their power waned, but they were only to be replaced by rebellious warlords from Afghanistan and Baluchistan in the 18th century.


A. Let the Clans fight

  • Global revolt risk +5 for 48 months
  • Stability -2

B. Buy the loyalty of the Clans

  • -500 gold

Persia — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Own Quetta
    • Own Qandahar
    • Own Kabul
    • Own Kushka

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1730
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1735)


The Afghans rebellions seem to have subsided


A. Great!

  • Revolt risk value in Quetta -5
  • +1 base tax value in Quetta
  • Revolt risk value in Qandahar -5
  • +1 base tax value in Qandahar
  • Revolt risk value in Kabul -5
  • +1 base tax value in Kabul
  • Revolt risk value in Kushka -5
  • +1 base tax value in Kushka

Persia — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1740
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1745)


The death of Abbas consigned Iran to a long and painful slide into chaos. The decline resulted from weak rulers, interference by the women of the harem in politics, the re-emergence of Kizilbash rivalries, maladministration of state lands, excessive taxation, the decline of trade, and the weakening of Safavid military organization.


A. Let the factions conspire

  • Centralization -2
  • Innovativeness -2
  • Monarch's administrative skill -2 for 48 months
  • Monarch's diplomatic skill -2 for 48 months
  • Monarch's military skill -2 for 48 months
  • -2 base tax value in a random province

B. Tighten state control

  • Stability -3
  • Global revolt risk +4 for 48 months
  • Centralization +1
  • Innovativeness +1
  • Monarch's administrative skill +1 for 48 months
  • Monarch's diplomatic skill +1 for 48 months
  • Monarch's military skill +1 for 48 months
  • +1 base tax value in a random province

Persia — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1760
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1765)


The death of Abbas consigned Iran to a long and painful slide into chaos. The decline resulted from weak rulers, interference by the women of the harem in politics, the re-emergence of Kizilbash rivalries, maladministration of state lands, excessive taxation, the decline of trade, and the weakening of Safavid military organization.


A. Tighten state control

  • Stability -3
  • Global revolt risk +4 for 48 months
  • Centralization +1
  • Innovativeness +1
  • Monarch's administrative skill +1 for 48 months
  • Monarch's diplomatic skill +1 for 48 months
  • Monarch's military skill +1 for 48 months
  • +1 base tax value in a random province

B. Let the factions conspire

  • Centralization -2
  • Innovativeness -2
  • Monarch's administrative skill -2 for 48 months
  • Monarch's diplomatic skill -2 for 48 months
  • Monarch's military skill -2 for 48 months
  • -2 base tax value in a random province

Persia — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1780
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1785)


The death of Abbas consigned Iran to a long and painful slide into chaos. The decline resulted from weak rulers, interference by the women of the harem in politics, the re-emergence of Kizilbash rivalries, maladministration of state lands, excessive taxation, the decline of trade, and the weakening of Safavid military organization.


A. Let the factions conspire

  • Centralization -2
  • Innovativeness -2
  • Monarch's administrative skill -2 for 48 months
  • Monarch's diplomatic skill -2 for 48 months
  • Monarch's military skill -2 for 48 months
  • -2 base tax value in a random province

B. Tighten state control

  • Stability -3
  • Global revolt risk +4 for 48 months
  • Centralization +1
  • Innovativeness +1
  • Monarch's administrative skill +1 for 48 months
  • Monarch's diplomatic skill +1 for 48 months
  • Monarch's military skill +1 for 48 months
  • +1 base tax value in a random province

Persia — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1800
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1805)


The death of Abbas consigned Iran to a long and painful slide into chaos. The decline resulted from weak rulers, interference by the women of the harem in politics, the re-emergence of Kizilbash rivalries, maladministration of state lands, excessive taxation, the decline of trade, and the weakening of Safavid military organization.


A. Let the factions conspire

  • Centralization -2
  • Innovativeness -2
  • Monarch's administrative skill -2 for 48 months
  • Monarch's diplomatic skill -2 for 48 months
  • Monarch's military skill -2 for 48 months
  • -2 base tax value in a random province

B. Tighten state control

  • Stability -3
  • Global revolt risk +4 for 48 months
  • Centralization +1
  • Innovativeness +1
  • Monarch's administrative skill +1 for 48 months
  • Monarch's diplomatic skill +1 for 48 months
  • Monarch's military skill +1 for 48 months
  • +1 base tax value in a random province

Persia — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3362 - Turko-Persian Conflicts: Murad III's campaigns for Ottoman Empire


Murad III, a Sultan ruled by women, fought the Persians in an exhausting war (1578-90) that severely strained the Empire and forced heavy taxes upon the citizens. Though the war was not for nothing--Persia had to cede Azerbaijan, Tiflis and Hamadan to the Ottomans--the resources might have been better spent elsewhere.


A. Teach the Turk a lesson!

  • Start a war with Ottoman Empire
  • Land tech investment: +200
  • Stability +1

B. Ignore the Ottoman threat

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Ottoman Empire for 60 months
  • Stability -1

C. Seek diplomatic solution

  • Monarch's diplomatic skill +8 for 24 months
  • +50 relations with Ottoman Empire

Persia — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3361 - Turko-Persian Conflicts: Prince Bayezid flees to Persia for Ottoman Empire


Süleyman the Great fought many wars with Persia to the overall advantage of the Ottomans. Yet another serious conflict sailed up on the horizon in 1559, when the Princes Selim and Bayezid fought each other in a civil war. Bayezid lost and fled to Persia in 1561, where he probably hoped to gain the support of the Shah, but Süleyman managed to get him returned for a large sum of gold. Bayezid and his sons were then executed in the most tragic event of Süleyman's life.


A. Deliver Prince Beyazid to the Sultan

  • +200 gold
  • Monarch's diplomatic skill +8 for 24 months

B. Refuse to hand him over

  • -100 relations with Ottoman Empire
  • Stability +1

C. Give active support to Beyazid

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Ottoman Empire for 120 months
  • -200 relations with Ottoman Empire
  • Land tech investment: +200
