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1480: The Succession in Provence for Provence

Provence — Not random


  • None of the following must occur:
    • Provence is a vassal of France
    • Provence is a vassal of England
    • Provence is a vassal of Austria

Will happen on July 11, 1480


René of Anjou was recognized by the Holy Roman emperor Sigismund as duke of Lorraine and René also inherited Anjou and Provence from Louis III. Meanwhile Joan II of Naples, who died in 1435, had made René her heir, but he could not defend the city from his rivals. The Anglo-French negotiations at Tours in 1444 led to the marriage of his daughter Margaret to the English king Henry VI in 1445. Meanwhile Charles VII of France had helped René to pacify Lorraine. As a thank you, René accompanied Charles VII on his victorious campaigns of 1449-50 against the English in Normandy. On his wife's death (1453), her duchy of Lorraine passed to René's son John. With Louis XI of France his relations were generally strained, and Louis forced him to yield Anjou to the French crown. René performed a balancing act through his career and his ties to the English crown could maybe have led to a different course for Provence.


A. We shall join the royal demesne

B. We shall become a vassal of King Louis

  • Gain a royal marriage with France
  • +100 relations with France
  • +10000 infantry in a random province
  • Event 3324 - The Succession in Provence for France is triggered immediately
  • Stability -2

C. We shall become a vassal of King Henry


  • All of the following must be true for :
    • Monarch Henry VI is active


  • Gain a royal marriage with England
  • +100 relations with England
  • +10000 infantry in a random province
  • Event 3314 - The Succession in Provence for England is triggered immediately
  • Stability -2

D. We shall become a vassal of the Emperor

  • Gain a royal marriage with Austria
  • +100 relations with Austria
  • +10000 infantry in a random province
  • Event 3751 - EVENTNAME3751 for Austria is triggered immediately
  • Stability -2
