Work estimates are on a scale of 1-20 arbitrary points. Why 20? Arbitrary.
ID | Issue | Bug/Feature | Category | Link (if applicable) | Estimate | Votes | Done |
001 | trigger "ownerchange/controlchange" not working | Bug | | 3 | | Dec 17 |
002 | Autosending merchants only to selected trade centers. | Feature | Ease of use | | 10 | | 2022 |
003 | Being able to see all tech levels when hovering over the capital city. Not only land and naval. | Feature | Flavour (GUI) | | 1 | |
004 | Modding: Being able to change the color of Terra Incognita. | Feature | Modding | | 12 | |
005 | A "Peace" Command for events. | Feature | Modding | | 14 | |
006 | Modding: Being able to modify the effects of domestic policy sliders. | Feature | Modding | | 18 | |
007 | Being able to see the religion of uncolonised provinces in the religion mapmode. | Feature | Flavour (GUI) | | 5 | |
008 | Countries should automatically get claims on provinces they've controlled long enough, with a define _PROV_OWNEDCONTROLLED_TO_CLAIM_MONTHS_ analogous to _PROV_CLAIM_TO_NATIONAL_MONTHS_. | Feature | Rule change (optional) | (Note: This is easy enough to make the initial change, but then would require further changes to not instantly change a new claim into a core since it's been controlled for so long. Would have to keep history of when a claim happened.) | 9 | |
009 | "Colonist successful" message shows colony level/population | Feature | Flavour (GUI) | | 4 | |
010 | Make buildings effects fully moddable | Feature | Modding | | 18 | |
011 | Gaining/losing provinces can drastically affect tech progress because it's treated as an absolute value rather than a percentage. | Bug | | 5 | |
012 | If a country controls no provinces and some provinces are controlled by REB, then the government can fall even if the capital is controlled by a country other than REB. (Non-national rebel-controlled provinces should immediately break free in this case.) | Bug | | 3 | | 2022 |
013 | The game can crash if a country is auto-annexed because its capital is a ToT core of another country (especially when the country still has armies elsewhere). Prevent auto-annexation of last non-TP province? Or force proper annexation. | Bug | | 3 | |
014 | AIs will send missionaries even if missionary_placement_chance = 0. | Bug | | 1 | | 2022 |
015 | AI countries should keep ships in larger fleets while at war. | Feature | Rule change (permanent) | | 11 | |
016 | Force break vassalage (or change overlord) in peace negotiations. | Feature | Rule change (permanent) | | 14 | |
017 | When the ruler of a player country dies show a summary of accomplishments during his reign. | Feature | Flavour (GUI) | | 14 | |
018 | Competing merchants that remove other merchants shouldn't be destroyed unless the country already has a monopoly. | Feature | Rule change (permanent) | | 10 | |
019 | You should only be able to annex (war+peace) a country if it's a neighbour, if its capital is a core of any sort, or if it belongs to a different religious group. | Feature | Rule change (permanent) | | 8 | |
020 | A dynastic = no (similar to emperor = no) for special monarchs (like Cromwell or French Revolution) in monarchs files | Modding | Feature | | 6 | |
021 | Event commands to create and destroy personal unions | Feature | Modding | | 9 | |
022 | More optional AI parameters, e.g. "neutrality”, “liberate”, “colonydistance” etc. | Feature | Modding | | 10 | |
023 | Event trigger "validcommand = { <command> }" to check whether a command can be executed by the event. E.g. if religiousrevolt is possible, then it means there's at least one province with a non-state religion. | Feature | Modding | | 11 | |
024 | AI countries shouldn't accept royal marriage requests just because of negative relations | Feature | Rule change (permanent) | | 8 | |
025 | Experience for armies, with defines for the rate at which experience is gained (absolute) and the rate at which experience is lost (percentual). | Feature | Rule change (optional) | Possible Defines | 14 | |
026 | Ongoing sieges should count towards the warscore. | Feature | Rule change (permanent) | | 7 | |
027 | Moddable fortresses with defender strength and siege duration defined separately for each level (not linear increase). | Feature | Modding | | 11 | |
028 | Lower popgrowth bonus for capitals of small countries; no bonus if only one province. (E.g. add 1% of the population of all other provinces to the capital.) | Feature | Rule change (permanent) | | 4 | |
029 | One-time population reduction whenever a province is captured in war: 5% if it's a national province of the attacking country, otherwise 10% (externalized to defines.txt). | Feature | Rule change (optional) | | 5 | |
030 | In religions/global_flags.txt, allow to define min and max values for tolerances. Alternatively, allow to define fixed tolerances for displayed religions. (E.g. counterreformed countries shouldn't be allowed to be too tolerant towards protestants.) | Feature | Modding | | 8 | |
031 | New triggers “ally = TAG” and “enemy = TAG”, or allow -1 instead of tags for alliance/war triggers. | Feature | Modding | | 3 | |
032 | New trigger “allies = x” (true if at least this many allies) | Feature | Modding | | 3 | |
033 | New command "hereticrevolt" analogous to "religiousrevolt", for heretic religions. | Feature | Modding | | 3 | |
034 | Ability to set flags for other countries via event (e.g. where parameter for setflag/clrflag) | Feature | Modding | | 3 | |
035 | New command "primary_countryculture" that inserts a culture at the beginning of the list, or moves it to the beginning if it already exists in the list. | Feature | Modding | | 3 | |
036 | When conquering a province, the war alliance member with the highest claim should get control, in this order: 1. national core, 2. claim/ToT/CB core, 3. primary culture, 4. accepted culture, 5. same religion (if predominance_tolerance = no), 6. same rel. subgroup (if predominance_tolerance = no), 7. not vassal, 8. neighbour, 9. siege leader. | Feature | Rule change (permanent) | | 6 | |
037 | All national cores of current enemies should be ceded when a country's government falls while at war, as well as all claimed/ToT/CB provinces unless the country has them as national cores. | Feature | Rule change (permanent) | | 8 | |
038 | Revolters in national provinces should not defect to countries that have no claim on the province. | Feature | Rule change (permanent) | | 7 | |
039 | Royal marriages: don't remove FOW, no need to get broken in wars. | Feature | Rule change (permanent) | | 5 | |
040 | One-province minors should never move troops farther than 1 province from their capital. | Feature | Rule change (permanent) | | 9 | |
041 | Remove war exhaustion for being at war with a country on another continent with a “whiteman = yes” religion. | Feature | Rule change (permanent) | | 4 | |
042 | Optional culture parameter: starting nationalism | Feature | Modding | | 7 | |
043 | New command "movecot", keeping index/failure/merchants and only changing the location. | Feature | Modding | | 7 | |
044 | New command "set_domestic" | Feature | Modding | | 4 | |
045 | Triggers and commands for control/cession/etc. of whole areas/regions instead of single provinces. | Feature | Modding | | 4 | |
046 | Granting independence for a country that won't be created because it lacks the minimum provinces is considered a valid command. | Bug | | 6 | |
047 | A tech effect whether colonists can be sent overseas | Feature | Modding | | 6 | |
048 | Commands to set techs to certain levels (rather than investing gold). | Feature | Modding | | 4 | |
049 | On the very first day of a scenario, the trigger "atwar = no" is always true, regardless of actual atwar status. (The "war" trigger works properly though.) | Bug | | 5 | |
050 | For the cedeprovince command, "which = -1" should cede the province to the country currently controlling the province, rather than to the country receiving the event (which already owns the province). | Feature | Modding | | 7 | |
051 | Province culture isn't reset when a colony is destroyed. | Bug | | 2 | |
052 | Culture change ignores national cores | Bug | | 7 | |
053 | New trigger "primary_culture = x", or a corresponding parameter for the "culture = x" trigger. | Feature | Modding | | 5 | |
054 | New define _PROV_NATIVES_PREVALENCE_POP_: If there are more than this many natives in the province when the settlement turns from colony into a colonial city (and absorbs the native populace) then the culture reverts to the native culture. | Feature | Modding | Possible Defines | 6 | |
055 | Externalized climates | Feature | Modding | | 12 | |
056 | A "popgrowth" parameter for terrain types and goods | Feature | Modding | | 10 | |
057 | Allow level 1 fortresses in colonies and tradingposts. (Destroyed if settlement destroyed.) | Feature | Rule change (permanent) | | 8 | |
058 | Draw terra incognita gradient above terrain tiles. | Feature | Flavour (cosmetic) | | 11 | |
059 | There should be additional revoltrisk in non-national provinces that are national cores of a different (currently existing) country. The revoltrisk should be higher if the other country is currently an enemy. Exact values to be set in defines.txt, analogous to _PROV_RRISK_CULTURE_ and _PROV_RRISK_CULTUREWAR_. | Feature | Rule change (optional) | Possible Defines | 9 | |
060 | New optional province parameter minnatives: Native population cannot be reduced below this number by combat. (When attacked, only the difference between 'minnatives' and 'natives' fights back.) | Feature | Modding | | 7 | |
061 | Junior partners of a personal union should always be in an alliance with the senior partner. They also should be unable to make separate peace or leave an alliance on their own, and if the senior partner makes separate peace or leaves an alliance then this should always apply to the junior partner as well. | Feature | Rule change (permanent) | | 9 | |
062 | Vassals and partners of personal unions should not count towards the max alliance size. | Feature | Rule change (permanent) | | 8 | |
063 | A Defender of the Faith's troops should be supplied by countries of the same religion as if they were allies. | Feature | Rule change (permanent) | | 13 | |
064 | While a Defender of the Faith is in a war against a country of a different religion (and if predominance_tolerance = no) the DotF should have military access through all countries of the same religion, and have the fog of war lifted in all same-religion provinces of current enemies with a different religion. | Feature | Rule change (permanent) | | 10 | |
065 | The looted status isn't properly updated in provinces that are already being looted. (Units in an already looted province should reset the looted counter without getting any income from the province.) | Bug | | 5 | |
066 | Give the "winter" adjacency a defensive bonus like river adjacencies, or add a new adjacency type "pass" that combines both types. The defensive bonus should be externalized to defines.txt in either case. | Feature | Modding | | 10 | |
067 | Calculate the movement cost from not only the destination province terrain/size, but from the average of both provinces. | Feature | Rule change (permanent) | | 9 | |
068 | An event command to force HRE re-election. | Feature | Modding | | 6 | |
069 | An event command to create a new country in a previously unowned province, with the natives being added to the city population. | Feature | Modding | | 9 | |
070 | The numerical values of the terrain combat boni/penalties should be externalized to defines.txt. | Feature | Modding | Possible Defines | 7 | |
071 | An optional "nonnational_penalty" parameter (yes/no) for terrain types (e.g. jungle, desert, mountains). A country fighting in a province with this terrain gets an additional combat penalty unless it has a national core on that specific province, regardless of who owns the province. This penalty should not apply to NAT, PIR, REB, etc. | Feature | Modding | | 7 | |
072 | A resource = X trigger | Feature | Modding | | ? | |
073 | An adjacency type for the Great Wall(s) that gives a one-way defensive bonus (externalized to defines.txt) | Feature | Modding | Possible Defines | 10 | |
074 | Feature showing how much money you've lost and will lose until the end of the year. | Feature | Flavour (GUI) | | 6 | |
075 | Allow more than 26 colors in mapmodes | Feature | Modding | | 8 | |
076 | A define for a percentage of the monthly income that always goes straight to the treasury without causing inflation and cannot instead be invested in tech/stability. The value should be around 10% by default. | Feature | Rule change (optional) | Possible Defines | 8 | |
077 | Income from vassals should not be available for tech/stability investments; it should either be collected annually or just go straight to the treasury anyway. Otherwise it's essentially an exploit for small countries with lots of vassals. | Feature | Rule change (permanent) | | 4 | |
078 | New triggers "month = x" and "day = x" that are true if the current date is at least the month respectively day of the month. So e.g. "day = 15" would be true from the 16th to the 30th each month. | Feature | Modding | | 2 | |
079 | For countries in revolt.txt, a list "not = { }" where you can list country tags that may not exist for the country to be eligible to be created by revolts or as a vassal (like in Darkest Hour). To be used mainly for countries that additionally exist as separate nations, e.g. Pomerania in Watkabaoi (Pomerania-Stettin and Pomerania-Wolgast) or for countries that are effectively identical (Brandenburg and Prussia, Muscovy and Russia, etc). | Feature | Modding | | 2 | |
080 | Defines for victory points gained monthly from navy size (per ship), army size (per weight), total population (per thousand), and tech (for each tech field according to the percentage of the max tech level). | Feature | Modding | Possible Defines | 3 | |
081 | A define for a monthly percental decay of victory points (suggestion: -0.5% by default). This decay would also raise negative VP back towards zero. As a result, victory points would (kind of like the ELO system) more closely resemble the actual balance of power rather than events that happened literally hundreds of years ago, and could therefore play a meaningful role in event triggers. | Feature | Rule change (optional) | Possible Defines | 4 | |
082 | Change the ledger page that shows territory size to show the total population of all owned provinces instead. (The number of provinces isn't meaningful information anyway.) | Feature | Flavour (GUI) | | 4 | |
083 | Per country, one owned CoT with the shortest distance to the capital (and on the same continent) should get a small (moddable) bonus proportional to the trade generated by all the country's merchants in CoTs on different continents. So e.g. the Netherlands sending merchants to Malacca would increase the trading value of Amsterdam, and drastically so if they get a monopoly in Malacca. (Whether Malacca is controlled by the Netherlands should be irrelevant here.) | Feature | Rule change (permanent) | | 7 | |
084 | In trading map mode, a CoT's sphere of influence should always have the colour of the country that owns the CoT. | Feature | Flavour (cosmetic) | | 4 | |
085 | Regardless of trade tech, automatic embargo by all (including human-controlled) countries against enemies while at war. | Feature | Rule change (permanent) | | 6 | |
086 | Remove the maintenance sliders for armies and navies. Navies should always be at half maintenance (without losing morale) when in port, and they should always require full maintenance when at sea. Armies should be at half maintenance (without losing morale) only when in a national province that's owned, controlled and not looted, and otherwise always require full maintenance. They should also require full maintenance when fighting or fleeing. | Feature | Rule change (permanent) | | 8 | |
087 | All (including newly created) countries should always be considered major countries for the purpose of ledger graphs. Ledger graphs should always display the current top 24 countries of each graph, including all player countries regardless of rank. | Feature | Flavour (GUI) | | 9 | |
088 | The total available points for religious tolerance should depend on the innovative/narrowminded policy slider. | Feature | Rule change (permanent) | | 7 | |
089 | Optional “year_discover” parameter for areas prior to which land provinces in that area cannot be discovered, unless a tech with the "generals_exploration" effect is researched first. | Feature | Modding | | 6 | |
090 | Allow loading a map with lightmaps, ID tables etc. in the Vicky format. | Feature | Modding | | 12 | |
091 | AI countries with no owned CoTs should not impose embargoes other than on countries they're at war with, and they should lift embargoes as soon as peace is made. | Feature | Rule change (permanent) | | 2 | |
092 | The values used in determining which CoT a province is assigned to should be externalized to defines.txt (especially the weight of land connections vs sea connections, and the weight of domestic vs foreign CoTs). | Feature | Modding | Possible Defines | 3 | |
093 | An AI parameter "expansionist = yes/no" (default yes), if set to no the country will never demand a province (or annex a one-province minor) it has no claims/cores on and that doesn't belong to an area/region/continent in the respective AI list for colonial expansion. A non-expansionist AI country also won't be offered undesired provinces by other AI countries in peace agreements, undesired rebel-controlled provinces will not defect to a non-expansionist country, and undesired provinces conquered by a non-expansionist country will be returned rather than annexed if the enemy's government falls. | Feature | Modding | | 6 | |
094 | New event type "background = yes" which works exactly the same as "hidden = yes", except even the player the event triggers for won't see the event. Everything will be handled as if the country were an AI country, including the selection of an event option according to ai_chance. (To be used mainly for setting flags and similar stuff.) | Feature | Modding | | 5 | |
095 | Defines for tech speed modifiers (per number of cities, neighbour bonus, pre-historical date, etc.) | Feature | Modding | Possible Defines | 3 | |
096 | Add the missing defines for badboy gained from annexing provinces of the various core types (national/claim/CB/ToT) and of the various sizes (city/colonial city/colony/TP). | Feature | Modding | Possible Defines | 3 | |
097 | For provinces, an optional parameter "popgrowth_bonus_colony = x" that is added to the monthly population growth of a colony or colonial city. When choosing provinces for establishing colonies, AI countries should prefer these provinces over others in the same region. | Feature | Modding | | 4 | |
098 | A trigger "landconnection = x" that is true if the country receiving the event has a land connection through owned provinces to province x (regardless of whether x itself is owned by the country). Analogously, a trigger "landseaconnection = x" that also allows connections through sea provinces. (I believe similar calculations are already in place for the _PROV_INCOME_LANDLOCKED_OVERSEAS_ modifier.) | Feature | Modding | | 4 | |
099 | Like _FORTRESS_DAMAGE_CHANCE_, _MANUFACTORY_DESTROY_CHANCE_ should only apply when a province is captured in war, not whenever the province is looted. | Feature | Rule change (permanent) | | 1 | | Dec 17 |
100 | Analogous to _FORTRESS_DAMAGE_CHANCE_ and _MANUFACTORY_DESTROY_CHANCE_, a chance to destroy regular province buildings (applied separately for each building, so if set to 100 then everything is destroyed). | Feature | Rule change (optional) | | 2 | |
101 | Revolting countries get national cores on “extra” provinces if and only if those provinces are part of the country when it revolts. | Bug | | 1 | | Dec 17 |
102 | In revolt.txt, split the two province lists into three lists (minimum, extra, and claims) like in DH. Add an optional parameter "minimum_one = yes/no" (default yes) for each country whether one province of the minimum list is sufficient to create the country (like in EU2) or whether all the minimum provinces need to be available (like in DH). | Feature | Modding | | 5 | |
103 | Loans should be repayable at any time, and the due date of a loan should always be on January 1st. | Feature | Rule change (permanent) | | 6 | |
104 | A define for the maximum size (i.e. the number of provinces over the _PROV_CITY_POP_ threshold) of a country beyond which it cannot be diplo-annexed. (Should be around 8 by default.) | Feature | Rule change (optional) | Possible Defines | 5 | |
105 | Colorscales_alliances.txt should be structured like colorscales_relations.txt with each level having its own color. | Feature | Flavour (cosmetic) | | 4 | |
106 | If a national province of a country is controlled by another country (not REB/NAT) and then revolts, the created army should be given to the country owning the province rather than REB. | Feature | Rule change (permanent) | | 5 | |
107 | AI chance to accept diplomatic proposals should be indicated in the diplomatic screen. | Feature | Flavour (GUI) | | 5 | |
108 | Option to take military control of AI allies during war | Feature | Rule change | | 5 | |
| | | | | | |