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1500: Erasmus for England
1567: Gerard Mercator de Kremer for Netherlands
1625: Hugo Grotius for Netherlands
1690: Cristiaan Huygens for Netherlands

England — Not random

Will happen on January 2, 1500


Desiderius Erasmus was a Dutch humanist, Biblical scholar, and student of the Classics. His noted Christian works, "Handbook of the Christian Soldier" and "The Praise of Folly," encouraged a reasoned, personal and free approach to Christ while criticizing the ritualism and formal tradition of the Catholic Church. A man of principle, Erasmus sought unity and moderate reform during the upheavals of the early Protestant era.


A. Ok

  • Innovativeness +1
  • Centralization +1

Netherlands — Not random

Will happen within 300 days of December 31, 1567


Gerardus Mercator, born Gerard de Kremer in the Flemish town of Rupelmonde near Antwerp, is today primarily renowned as a cartographer, but was also a significant geographer, mathematician, theologian, historian and philosopher. Having studied in Leuven and graduated in 1532, he worked there for two decades until moving to Duisburg in 1552. There, in 1569, he published his famous world map that achieved unprecedented accuracy by his new method, the Mercator projection, which was immensely important for navigation in the next centuries and is still used for nautical maps today.



  • Naval tech investment: +500

Netherlands — Not random

Will happen on January 2, 1625


Hugo Grotius was a Dutch scholar and lawyer. His best known book 'De Jure Belli ac Pacis' published in 1625 was a legal masterpiece and lay the groundwork for modern international law. He is also famous for his celebrated escape from prison (where he was incarcerated due to political and religious conflicts) in a bookchest! He also wrote other legal works religious works and poetry.


A. Ok

  • Infrastructure tech investment: +100
  • +3 diplomats
  • +30 relations with England
  • +30 relations with France
  • +30 relations with Sweden
  • +30 relations with Denmark
  • +10 relations with a random country
  • +10 relations with a different random country

Netherlands — Not random

Will happen on January 2, 1690


Huygens was a Dutch mathematician astronomer and physicist who founded the wave theory of light discovered the true shape of the rings of Saturn and made original contributions to the science of dynamics - the study of the action of forces on bodies. Forgotten until the early 19th century his theories on light appear today as one of the most brilliant and original contributions to modern science and will always be remembered by the principle bearing his name.


A. Ok

  • Innovativeness +2
