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1527-1529: The League of Schmalkalden for Brandenburg
1605-1609: The Evangelic Union for Brandenburg
1607-1609: The Catholic League for Brandenburg
1640-1660: Reform of the Brandenburg Army for Brandenburg
1640-1670: The Constitutional Struggle for Brandenburg
1650-1670: Taxation Reform for Brandenburg
1682-1683: The Prussian African Trade Company for Brandenburg
1701-1760: The Kingdom of Prussia for Brandenburg
Triggered (1700): Charles of Habsburg succeeds Carlos II in Spain for Brandenburg
Triggered (1700): Philip of Anjou succeeds Carlos II in Spain for Brandenburg
Triggered (1681-1688): Protestants expelled from France for Brandenburg
Triggered (1609): The Kleve Inheritance for Brandenburg
Triggered (triggered event): The Kleve Inheritance for Brandenburg
Triggered (1609): The Kleve Inheritance for Brandenburg
Triggered (1676-1681): The League of Augsburg for Brandenburg
Triggered (1637): The Pommern Inheritance for Brandenburg
Triggered (1615-1700): The incorporation of Prussia into Brandenburg for Brandenburg

Brandenburg — Not random


  • Austria exists
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • State religion is Protestant
    • State religion is Reformed

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1527
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1529)


After Emperor Charles V had rejected the Protestants confessional positions at the Imperial Parliament of Augsburg (1529-1530), the North German Protestant Imperial estates formed the League of Schmalkalden, with a joint army and treasury and seeking ties abroad (France). The League enjoyed early successes in the years 1532-1540 as the Emperor was threaten by Turkish danger and forced to conclude Religious peace settlements in Nuremberg (1532) and Kaaden (1534).


A. Give it your support

  • +100 relations with France
  • +100 relations with England
  • +150 relations with Baden
  • +150 relations with Brunswick
  • +150 relations with Hesse
  • +150 relations with Palatinate
  • +150 relations with Saxony
  • +150 relations with Würzburg
  • +100 relations with Cleves
  • +50 relations with Cologne
  • +50 relations with Bavaria
  • -100 relations with Papal States
  • -100 relations with Spain
  • -150 relations with Austria

B. Ignore it

  • -100 relations with Baden
  • -100 relations with Brunswick
  • -100 relations with Hesse
  • -100 relations with Palatinate
  • -100 relations with Saxony
  • -100 relations with Würzburg
  • +50 relations with Austria

Brandenburg — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • State religion is Protestant
    • State religion is Reformed

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1605
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1609)


The Holy Roman Empire had a fragile balance, split between 10 major and nearly 400 minor states and principalities, as well as two opposing religions. The power of the Emperor is quite limited beyond his direct domains and the erratic and inconsistent behavior of some of them as Rudolph II increases frictions. In 1608, the Protestant city of Donauwerth refused Catholics the right to practice their cult and is banned from the Empire. As a reaction, most German Protestant states form the Evangelic Union to defend their freedom.


A. Prepare to Join

  • +100 relations with France
  • +150 relations with Baden
  • +150 relations with Brunswick
  • +150 relations with Hesse
  • +150 relations with Palatinate
  • +150 relations with Saxony
  • +150 relations with Würzburg
  • +150 relations with Holstein
  • +100 relations with Cleves
  • +50 relations with Cologne
  • +50 relations with Bavaria
  • -100 relations with Papal States
  • -100 relations with Spain
  • -150 relations with Austria

B. Stay Neutral

  • -100 relations with Baden
  • -100 relations with Brunswick
  • -100 relations with Hesse
  • -100 relations with Palatinate
  • -100 relations with Saxony
  • -100 relations with Würzburg
  • +50 relations with Austria

Brandenburg — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • State religion is Catholic
    • State religion is Counter-Reform Catholic

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1607
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1609)


The German Catholic states felt threatened by the 1608 creation of the Evangelic Union of their northern Protestant neighbors, following the Donauwerth exclusion from the Empire. Feeling the urge to unite, they regrouped into a Catholic League that same year. The stage was set for the Thirty Years War.


A. Prepare to Join

  • -100 relations with France
  • -150 relations with Baden
  • -150 relations with Brunswick
  • -150 relations with Hesse
  • -150 relations with Palatinate
  • -150 relations with Saxony
  • -150 relations with Würzburg
  • -150 relations with Holstein
  • +50 relations with Cleves
  • +100 relations with Cologne
  • +100 relations with Bavaria
  • +100 relations with Papal States
  • +100 relations with Spain
  • +150 relations with Austria

B. Stay Neutral

  • +50 relations with Baden
  • +50 relations with Brunswick
  • +50 relations with Hesse
  • +50 relations with Palatinate
  • +50 relations with Saxony
  • +50 relations with Würzburg
  • -50 relations with Bavaria
  • -50 relations with Cleves
  • -50 relations with Cologne
  • -100 relations with Austria

Brandenburg — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1640
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1660)


The Elector Friedrich Wilhelm (1640-1688), known as the Great Elector, had been one of the major winners of the Thirty Years War, increasing the size of his Prussian realm by nearly a third. His major achievement was to achieve the administrative unity and the setting up of a small professional army of 24,000 men. He also managed to get his country free of Polish lordship over Prussia, and to welcome French 20,000 French Protestant refugees. On 28th June 1675, his army fought a tactical stalemate with the Swedes at the battle of Fehrbellin. The Swedes was unable to go on the offensive from poor preparations, and thus lost the war. That Sweden was unable to carry the sword of Gustavus Adolphus had a striking resonance all over Europe and Prussia occupied Swedish Pomerania until 1679.


A. Offensive Army Reform

  • Land +2
  • Offensive Doctrine +2
  • Quality +3
  • Land tech investment: +800
  • +3 base manpower in a random province
  • +3 base manpower in a different random province
  • +3 base manpower in a different random province
  • +3 base manpower in a different random province
  • +3 base manpower in a different random province
  • +8000 infantry in a random province
  • +6000 cavalry in the same province
  • +20 artillery in the same province

B. Defensive Army Reform

  • Land +2
  • Offensive Doctrine -2
  • Quality +3
  • Land tech investment: +800
  • Fortress level in Brandenburg +1
  • Fortress level in a random province +1
  • +3 base manpower in a random province
  • +3 base manpower in a different random province
  • +3 base manpower in a different random province
  • +3 base manpower in a different random province
  • +3 base manpower in a different random province

C. Navy Reform

  • Land -2
  • Quality +3
  • Naval tech investment: +800
  • +3 base manpower in a random province
  • +3 base manpower in a different random province
  • +3 base manpower in a different random province
  • +3 base manpower in a different random province
  • +3 base manpower in a different random province
  • Gain 10 warships in a random province
  • Gain 3 transports in the same province

Brandenburg — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1640
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1670)


The mid-17th century witnessed a significant struggle between the Junkers and the Burghers in the Electorate of Brandenburg, arising from a perceived shift in the balance of power between the two groups. The Junkers were the landed aristocracy, primarily large landowners and the old German nobility, whilst the Burghers were the urban bourgeoisie and merchant class. This conflict revolved around power, taxation and influence within the Electorate. The Junkers, who had traditionally held significant sway, sought to increase their control over state affairs and agrarian resources, often at the expense of the Burghers, who demanded a greater role in governance and sought to protect their economic interests. Ultimately, Brandenburg's transition into the Kingdom of Prussia in the following century allowed for a more centralized state that managed to balance the interests of both groups - paving the way for the era of Prussian Absolutism.


A. Support Junkers

  • Serfdom +3
  • Aristocracy +2
  • Quality +1
  • +150 gold

B. Support Burghers

  • Innovativeness +2
  • Aristocracy -2
  • Stability +1

C. Move towards Autocracy

  • Centralization +2
  • Trade tech investment: +200
  • Infrastructure tech investment: +200
  • Stability -1

Brandenburg — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1650
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1670)


As with the struggle between the Junkers and the Burghers, Brandenburg was marked by tensions between advocates of taxation reform and those demanding free trade. The ruling Hohenzollern dynasty sought to modernize the state's economy and strengthen its fiscal base through taxation reform, which included efforts to impose more equitable and efficient tax levies. At the same time, they faced resistance from the urban Burghers who advocated free trade policies that would reduce taxation and stimulate commerce. This struggle underscored the tension between the state's need for revenue and the desire for economic freedom and prosperity.


A. Increase taxes

  • Mercantilism +2
  • Trade tech investment: +400

B. Support free trade

  • Mercantilism -2
  • Trade tech investment: +600

Brandenburg — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1682
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1683)


As all major nations of this period, Friedrich Wilhelm also tried to duplicate the enormous success of the Dutch Veerinigte Oostindische Companie and tap into the richness it brought its investors and the Dutch economy from the New World. However as most other duplication attempts, especially by countries with little tradition of Naval Power, it would ultimately fail to deliver anything but grief to its investors.


A. We will exploit this!

  • Gain Goods Manufactory in a random province
  • +5 merchants
  • Gain an explorer in a random province
  • Trade tech investment: +400

Brandenburg — Not random


  • Is not a vassal
  • Country is not at war
  • Event 3636 - The incorporation of Prussia into Brandenburg for Brandenburg has already occurred
  • The following must not occur:
    • Prussia exists
  • At least 4 of the following must be true:
    • Own Memel
    • Own Prussia
    • Own Magdeburg
    • Own Brandenburg
    • Own Küstrin

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1701
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1760)


The Brandenburg areas formally belonged to the Holy Roman Empire but the ruling Hohenzollern family of Prussia-Brandenburg had higher aspirations than merely staying Electors under the Holy Roman Emperor, a position which by this time had become next to inherited within the powerful Habsburg family. Since Friedrich Wilhelm had managed to get full control of the Prussian areas from Poland in the 1660 Peace in Oliwa, his son, Friedrich III of Brandenburg, had the option to declare himself King of Prussia, since it was physically situated outside of the borders of the Empire. Obviously this would anger the HRE Emperor somewhat, but the Emperor also needed to secure Prussia-Brandenburg support in the soon to follow war of the Spanish succession and was not likely to risk a confrontation and risk losing one of its strongest allies over this issue.


A. The Kingdom of Prussia is born!

  • Become Prussia
  • Flag graphics extension set to "KNG"
  • Change the city name in Brandenburg to Berlin-Cölln
  • -100 relations with the Holy Roman Emperor
  • -50 relations with a different random elector
  • -50 relations with a different random elector
  • -50 relations with a different random elector
  • -50 relations with a different random elector
  • -50 relations with a different random elector
  • +3 diplomats
  • Stability -1

B. Stay Elector-Prince!

  • +100 relations with the Holy Roman Emperor
  • +50 relations with a different random elector
  • +50 relations with a different random elector
  • +50 relations with a different random elector
  • +50 relations with a different random elector
  • +50 relations with a different random elector
  • +250 gold
  • Stability +2

Brandenburg — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 3173 - The Succession of Carlos II in Spain for Spain


On November 1st, 1700, the last Habsburg king Charles II of Spain died heirless. Both Louis XIV of France and Leopold I of Austria had married the defunct king's sisters and had thus direct and legitimate claims to the succession. To prevent that the chosen heir reigned over too powerful a kingdom, the European had anticipated the crisis and agreed in 1697 and again in early 1700 to a partition that would retain the Balance of Power in Europe. However, Carlos II and the Spanish Government was greatly upset by the other countries meddling in strictly Spanish affairs and thus tried to name Philip of Anjou, grandson of the Sun-King, the heir to the Spanish throne. However in the late phase of the Franco-Spanish negotiations a secretary of one of the Spanish ministers leaked out information and Habsburg partisans back in Madrid argued for allocating succession to the Austrian branch of the Habsburg dynasty, so Charles II hard beset, in one of his last official acts, left Spain to his nephew, Charles of Habsburg. This solution endangered the European balance of power and led to the formation of the Grand Alliance against Austria and Spain. Thus when Austrian forces reinforced the Spanish Netherlands the War of Spanish Succession broke out.


A. Accept it conditionally

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Austria for 36 months
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against France for 36 months
  • +100 relations with France
  • +100 relations with Austria
  • +150 relations with England
  • +150 relations with Netherlands
  • Stability +1

B. Fight him

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Austria for 36 months
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Spain for 36 months
  • -150 relations with Spain
  • +150 relations with France
  • -150 relations with Austria
  • +150 relations with England
  • +150 relations with Netherlands
  • Stability +3

C. Accept it

  • +150 relations with Spain
  • -150 relations with France
  • +150 relations with Austria
  • +150 relations with England
  • +150 relations with Netherlands
  • Stability -1

Brandenburg — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3173 - The Succession of Carlos II in Spain for Spain


On November 1st, 1700, the last Habsburg king Charles II of Spain died heirless. Both Louis XIV of France and Leopold I of Austria had married the defunct king's sisters and had thus direct and legitimate claims to the succession. To prevent that the chosen heir reigned over too powerful a kingdom, the European had anticipated the crisis and agreed in 1697 and again in early 1700 to a partition that would retain the Balance of Power in Europe. However, Carlos II and the Spanish Government was greatly upset by the other countries meddling in strictly Spanish affairs and thus named Philip of Anjou, grandson of the Sun-King, the heir to the Spanish throne. This solution endangered the European balance of power and led to the formation of the Grand Alliance against France and Spain. Thus when French forces occupied the Spanish Netherlands the War of Spanish Succession broke out.


A. Fight him

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against France for 36 months
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Spain for 36 months
  • +150 relations with Austria
  • +100 relations with England
  • +100 relations with Netherlands
  • -150 relations with Spain
  • -150 relations with France
  • Stability +3

B. Accept it

  • +150 relations with Spain
  • +150 relations with France
  • -150 relations with Austria
  • -100 relations with England
  • -100 relations with Netherlands
  • Stability -1

Brandenburg — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • State religion is Protestant
    • State religion is Reformed

Triggered by

Action A of 3128 - Revocation of the Edict of Nantes for France


On April 13th, 1598 Henri IV issued the Edict of Nantes, a new law granting French Huguenots a large degree of religious toleration. Almost a hundred years later his grandson Louis XIV, a fervent Catholic despot striving for complete religious and political unity within France, viewed the coexistence of the Roman and Calvinist churches as a potential catalyst for renewed civil war. Having already encouraged the persecution of France's Lutherans and Calvinists for over a decade, in October 1685 Louis issued the Edict of Fontainebleau - essentially a complete revocation of his grandfather's Edict of Nantes. Within a few years, more than half a million Huguenots had fled to Great Britain, the Dutch Republic and parts of Germany and North America, thereby depriving France of her most industrious commercial class.


A. We welcome you with open arms!

  • +10% population in a random province
  • +1 base tax value in the same province
  • +10% population in a different random province
  • +1 base tax value in the same province
  • +10% population in a different random province
  • +1 base tax value in the same province
  • +10% population in a different random province
  • +1 base tax value in the same province
  • Stability +1

Brandenburg — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3854 - The Kleve Inheritance for Cleves


Your Highness, the male line of the Ducal House of Kleve has died out, and our rightful claim to the duchy has been acknowledged!


A. Splendid!

  • Inherit the realms of Cleves
  • Change the city name in Kleves to Düsseldorf
  • Kleves will be considered a national province
  • Event 3859 - The Kleve Inheritance for Palatinate is triggered immediately

Brandenburg — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3858 - The Kleve Inheritance for Palatinate


Your Highness, the male line of the Ducal House of Kleve has died out, but our rightful claim to the duchy has been refused!


A. Not acceptable!

  • Kleves will be considered a claim province
  • -100 relations with Palatinate

Brandenburg — Not random

Triggered by

Action C of 3854 - The Kleve Inheritance for Cleves


Your Highness, the male line of the Ducal House of Kleve has died out, but our rightful claim to the duchy has been refused!


A. Not acceptable!

  • Kleves will be considered a claim province
  • -50 relations with Cleves

Brandenburg — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3127 - Chambers of Reunion for France


The reunion policy of Louis XIV had been forced upon by the Empire in the 1684 by the Truce of Regensburg, mostly because the Emperor was preoccupied by the Turkish menace (siege of Vienna in 1683). The continued French claims and expansion to the detriment of the Habsburg possessions and the German states of the Empire led to the creation of the anti-French League of Augsburg (1686).


A. Defy French claims

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against France for 72 months
  • -150 relations with France
  • +150 relations with England
  • +150 relations with Austria
  • +150 relations with Spain
  • +150 relations with Netherlands
  • +100 relations with Brunswick
  • +100 relations with Baden
  • +100 relations with Hesse
  • +100 relations with Cleves
  • +100 relations with Cologne
  • +100 relations with Palatinate
  • +100 relations with Würzburg

B. Ignore it

  • +50 relations with France
  • -100 relations with England
  • -100 relations with Austria
  • -100 relations with Spain
  • -100 relations with Netherlands
  • -50 relations with Brunswick
  • -50 relations with Baden
  • -50 relations with Hesse
  • -50 relations with Cleves
  • -50 relations with Cologne
  • -50 relations with Palatinate
  • -50 relations with Würzburg

Brandenburg — Not random

Triggered by

Action A, B of 3895 - The Pommeranian Inheritance for Pomerania


We have received Pommern as the legal heirs of their now-extinct ducal family.


A. Great!

  • Inherit the realms of Pomerania
  • Danzig will be considered a national province
  • Hinterpommern will be considered a national province
  • Vorpommern will be considered a national province
  • -100 relations with Sweden

Brandenburg — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3517 - Prussian incorporation into Brandenburg for Prussia


After inheriting and ruling the Prussian duchy for a few generations the Hohenzollern officially incorporated the area into Brandenburg. However the area was still formally in a state of vassalage under the Polish king and treading easily was advisable. Angering the Polish king could lead to war, but the savings for not having to pay taxes to Poland would be substantial.


A. Keep Polish sovereignty

  • Inherit the realms of Prussia
  • Memel will be considered a national province
  • Prussia will be considered a national province
  • -25 relations with Poland
  • Culture in Memel changes to german
  • Culture in Prussia changes to german
  • +250 gold
  • Stability +1

B. Defy Polish sovereignty

  • Inherit the realms of Prussia
  • Memel will be considered a national province
  • Prussia will be considered a national province
  • -100 relations with Poland
  • Break vassalization with Poland
  • Culture in Memel changes to german
  • Culture in Prussia changes to german
  • +100 gold
  • Stability -2
