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1470-1600: The Quest for the New World for Spain
1470-1600: The Quest for the New World for Spain
1477-1491: The Iberian Wedding for Spain
1477-1491: The Iberian Wedding for Spain
1493-1499: Torquemada and the Expulsion of the Moors for Spain
1500-1520: The Trade Center of Barcelona for Spain
1500-1520: The Trade Center of Seville for Spain
1508-1510: The League of Cambrai for Spain
1514-1520: The Fuggers for Spain
1520-1520: The Communeros for Spain
1528-1533: The Knights of St. John of Jerusalem for Spain
1555-1648: The Dutch Independence for Spain
1560-1571: Dutch Nobility demands General Estates for Spain
1565-1576: The Duke of Alba and the Edict of Blood for Spain
1566-1571: The Purge of the Morisques for Spain
1568-1571: The Holy League for Spain
1575-1586: Alessandro Farnese and the Union of Arras for Spain
1585-1648: The Dutch Independence for Spain
1592-1598: State Bankruptcy for Spain
1596-1603: Epidemic Plague for Spain
1600-1612: The Expulsion of the Morisques for Spain
1607-1609: The Catholic League for Spain
1621-1641: State Bankruptcy for Spain
1622-1622: Olivares for Spain
1630-1649: National revolt in Portugal for Spain
1630-1649: The Iberian Revolts for Spain
1630-1649: The Italian Revolts for Spain
1648-1649: The Repatriation of the Netherlands for Spain
1700: The Succession of Carlos II in Spain for Spain
1710-1720: Alberoni for Spain
1741-1741: The Effects of the Pragmatic Sanction for Spain
1741-1741: The Effects of the Pragmatic Sanction for Spain
1777-1778: José Moñino's Reforms for Spain
1790-1837: The American Colonial Policy for Spain
1809-1821: The Restoration of the French Monarchy for Spain
1812-1812: The Constitution of 1812 for Spain
1813-1813: The Reaction of 1813 for Spain
1819-1819: The Sale of Florida to the United States for Spain
Triggered (triggered event): Adams-Onís Treaty for Spain
Triggered (1681-1688): Catholics expelled from France for Spain
Triggered (1676-1681): France opens Chambers of Reunion for Spain
Triggered (triggered event): Genoa accepts offer to buy Corsica for Spain
Triggered (triggered event): Genoa decline offer to buy Corsica for Spain
Triggered (1556-1556): The Abdication of Charles V for Spain
Triggered (1556-1556): The Abdication of Charles V for Spain
Triggered (1556-1556): The Abdication of Charles V for Spain
Triggered (1556-1556): The Abdication of Charles V for Spain
Triggered (1519-1520): The Habsburg Wedding for Spain
Triggered (1519-1520): The Habsburg Wedding for Spain
Triggered (1542-1546): The Holy Inquisition for Spain
Triggered (triggered event): The Polish Succession of 1733 for Spain
Triggered (triggered event, triggered event): The Polish Succession of 1733 for Spain
Triggered (1580): The Portuguese Crown for Spain
Triggered (1580): The Portuguese Crown for Spain
Triggered (triggered event, triggered event): The Sale of Corsica for Spain
Triggered (1540-1546): The Societas Jesu for Spain
Triggered (triggered event): The United States declined the offer of Florida for Spain

Spain — Not random


  • Aztec and Spain are at war
  • Spain controls Tenochtitlan

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1470
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1600)


After the Conquest of Granada, Spain was filled with veterans and warriors of the faith with nothing to do and many needs. Deeds and needs would be fulfilled as Cortez and Pizarro started out to conquer South- and Central America. All these people became the hacienda-owners and trader-barons of the New World bringing wealth both into their own pockets and the vaults of the Spanish treasury.


A. A New Reconquista! A New Beginning!

  • Annex Aztec
  • Stability +1
  • +300 gold
  • +6 colonists
  • +6 missionaries

Spain — Not random


  • Inca and Spain are at war
  • Spain controls Cuzco

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1470
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1600)


After the Conquest of Granada, Spain was filled with veterans and warriors of the faith with nothing to do and many needs. Deeds and needs would be fulfilled as Cortez and Pizarro started out to conquer South- and Central America. All these people became the hacienda-owners and trader-barons of the New World bringing wealth both into their own pockets and the vaults of the Spanish treasury.


A. A New Reconquista! A New Beginning!

  • Annex Inca
  • Stability +1
  • +300 gold
  • +6 colonists
  • +6 missionaries

Spain — Not random


  • Aragon exists
  • The following must not occur:
    • Spain is a vassal of Aragon
  • The following must not occur:
    • Aragon is a vassal of Spain
  • Spain owns Toledo

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1477
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1491)


Ferdinand II, king of Aragon, was married to the princess Isabella of Castile in Valladolid in October 1469. This was a marriage of political opportunism, not romance. The court of Aragon dreamed of a return to Castile, and Isabella needed help to gain succession to the throne. The marriage initiated a dark and troubled life, in which Ferdinand fought on the Castilian and Aragonese fronts in order to impose his authority over the noble oligarchies, shifting his basis of support from one kingdom to the other according to the intensity of the danger. Despite the political nature of the union, he loved Isabella sincerely. Many considered Ferdinand the savior of his kingdoms, a bringer of unity. Others despised him for having oppressed them. Machiavelli attributed to him the objectionable qualities of the Renaissance prince.


A. Let us bind their Dynasty to ours

  • Gain a royal marriage with Aragon
  • Gain an alliance with Aragon
  • +150 relations with Aragon
  • -50 relations with Portugal
  • Land tech investment: +800
  • Stability +2
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Granada for 300 months
  • Aristocracy -1
  • Centralization +1
  • Innovativeness -1
  • Mercantilism +1
  • Offensive Doctrine +1

Spain — Not random


  • Castile exists

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1477
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1491)


Ferdinand II, king of Aragon, was married to the princess Isabella of Castile in Valladolid in October 1469. This was a marriage of political opportunism, not romance. The court of Aragon dreamed of a return to Castile, and Isabella needed help to gain succession to the throne. The marriage initiated a dark and troubled life, in which Ferdinand fought on the Castilian and Aragonese fronts in order to impose his authority over the noble oligarchies, shifting his basis of support from one kingdom to the other according to the intensity of the danger. Despite the political nature of the union, he loved Isabella sincerely. Many considered Ferdinand the savior of his kingdoms, a bringer of unity. Others despised him for having oppressed them. Machiavelli attributed to him the objectionable qualities of the Renaissance prince.


A. Let us bind their Dynasty to ours

  • Gain a royal marriage with Castile
  • Gain an alliance with Castile
  • +150 relations with Castile
  • -50 relations with Portugal
  • Land tech investment: +800
  • Stability +2
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Granada for 300 months
  • Aristocracy -1
  • Centralization +1
  • Innovativeness -1
  • Mercantilism +1
  • Offensive Doctrine +1

Spain — Not random


  • Spain owns Murcia
  • Spain owns Andalusia

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1493
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1499)


Tomás de Torquemada was a prominent Spanish Dominican friar and the first Grand Inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition. His tenure in the late 15th century was marked by a fervent commitment to religious orthodoxy and the Catholic faith. Torquemada played a significant role in the Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand and Isabellas' efforts to establish religious uniformity in Spain. One of the most consequential actions of his time was the Edict of Expulsion in 1492, which ordered the expulsion of both Jews and Moors (Muslims) from Spain as part of the Catholic Monarchs' pursuit of religious purity. This decree had profound and tragic genocidal consequences, leading to the forced departure of hundreds of thousands of Moors and Jews from Iberia - the land they had called home for centuries - to primarily Muslim-controlled lands in North Africa and the Levant.


A. Let us be rid of those we cannot trust

B. Let us make a clean sweep for the Glory of God


  • Spain owns Granada
  • Spain owns Gibraltar


  • Innovativeness -4
  • Murcia converts to the state religion
  • Create a religious revolt in Murcia
  • -25% population in Murcia
  • Andalusia converts to the state religion
  • Create a religious revolt in Andalusia
  • -25% population in Andalusia
  • Granada converts to the state religion
  • Create a religious revolt in Granada
  • -25% population in Granada
  • Gibraltar converts to the state religion
  • Create a religious revolt in Gibraltar
  • -25% population in Gibraltar
  • Stability -3
  • Event 3160 - The Purge of the Morisques for Spain will never fire
  • Event 3728 - Moor Exodus from Al-Andalus for Fez is triggered immediately
  • Event 3729 - Moor Exodus from Al-Andalus for Tlemcen is triggered immediately
  • Event 3730 - Moor Exodus from Al-Andalus for Morocco is triggered immediately

C. We must reap the benefits of all our subjects

  • berber will become an accepted culture
  • Innovativeness +4
  • Serfdom -3
  • +4 base tax value in Toledo
  • Religion in Toledo changes to Jewish
  • +4 base tax value in Andalusia
  • Religion in Andalusia changes to Jewish
  • Trade tech investment: +2000
  • Infrastructure tech investment: +1500
  • -6 missionaries
  • Global revolt risk +4 for 60 months
  • Catalonia revolts
  • Galicia revolts
  • Castilla revolts
  • Estramadura revolts
  • +100 relations with Morocco
  • +100 relations with Fez
  • +100 relations with Algeria
  • +100 relations with Tlemcen
  • -50 relations with Portugal
  • -50 relations with Papal States
  • Stability -5
  • Event 3160 - The Purge of the Morisques for Spain will never fire
  • Event 3167 - The Expulsion of the Morisques for Spain will never fire

Spain — Not random


  • Event 3554 - Viva España for Aragon has already occurred
  • Spain owns Catalonia
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Catalonia is the capital
    • Aragon is the capital

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1500
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1520)


With the discovery of the New World, Barcelona entered its greatest period of prosperity. It was the chief port of trade with the new colonies, as well as a major shipyard and launch point for Spain's numerous exploratory expeditions. The city soon became extremely wealthy thanks to Spain's treasure fleets bringing back plundered South American gold and silver, and so the Habsburg monarchs quickly let it have a monopoly on all such freight going to and from her New World colonies.


A. The New World is our oyster!

  • Catalonia becomes a center of trade
  • Center of trade in Liguria closes
  • Gain shipyard in Catalonia
  • +6 merchants
  • +200 gold

Spain — Not random


  • Event 3556 - Viva España for Castile has already occurred
  • Spain owns Andalusia
  • None of the following must occur:
    • Catalonia is the capital
    • Aragon is the capital

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1500
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1520)


With the discovery of the New World, Seville entered its greatest period of prosperity. It was the chief port of trade with the new colonies, as well as a major shipyard and launch point for Spain's numerous exploratory expeditions. The city soon became extremely wealthy thanks to Spain's treasure fleets bringing back plundered South American gold and silver, and so the Habsburg monarchs quickly let it have a monopoly on all such freight going to and from her New World colonies.


A. The New World is our oyster!

  • Andalusia becomes a center of trade
  • Center of trade in Liguria closes
  • Gain shipyard in Andalusia
  • +6 merchants
  • +200 gold

Spain — Not random


Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1508
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1510)
unless prevented by
Action B of 3545 - The League of Cambrai for Papal States


In 1508, Pope Julius II set-up a league against the Republic of Venice which he disliked and found too powerful in Italy. He enlisted support of Florence, France and even of Emperor Maximilian. French troops decimated the Venetian army at the battle of Agnadel in 1509, but the Republic managed to break the league by concluding separate peace with her opponents.


A. Ignore

  • +50 relations with Venice
  • -50 relations with Papal States

B. Express Hostility

  • +150 relations with Venice
  • -100 relations with Papal States
  • -50 relations with England
  • -50 relations with Austria
  • -50 relations with France
  • -50 relations with Scotland
  • -50 relations with Milan
  • -50 relations with Switzerland
  • -50 relations with Florence

C. Express Support

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Venice for 72 months
  • -150 relations with Venice
  • +100 relations with Papal States
  • +50 relations with England
  • +50 relations with Austria
  • +50 relations with France
  • +50 relations with Scotland
  • +50 relations with Milan
  • +50 relations with Switzerland
  • +50 relations with Florence

Spain — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1514
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1520)


The Fuggers were a peasant family of weavers from Augsburg during the 15th century who rose through trade and transactions in money to Bankers of the Habsburgs and the Popes. Jakob Fugger the Rich (1511-1525) financed Charles V's wars and election to the Empire, controlled European lead, silver and copper production and obtained a monopoly in quicksilver. Anton Fugger (1525-1560) had trading concessions in Chile, Peru and Moscow. However, the company declined by the end of the 16th century because of state bankruptcies in Spain, family conflicts and lack of interest on the part of the heirs.


A. Let the Fuggers run our Finances

  • Size of loans changed to 1000 ducats
  • -100 gold
  • +6 merchants
  • -2% inflation

B. Turn the Fuggers offer down

  • -300 gold
  • Stability -4
  • +10% inflation

Spain — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1520
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after July 2, 1520)


The commons, angered by the exploitation by the nobles formed into brotherhoods, notably the 'Communeros' of Castile and the 'Germania' of Valencia, and attempted to pressurize the nobles into giving them more rights and a better deal.


A. Crush the Rebellion

  • Stability -1
  • Centralization +1
  • Global revolt risk +4 for 24 months

B. Use force, but give concessions to the Peasantry

  • -200 gold
  • Aristocracy -1
  • Serfdom -1
  • +12083 infantry in a random province
  • +9712 infantry in a different random province
  • Global revolt risk +2 for 18 months

C. Use force, but give concessions to the Nobility

  • -200 gold
  • Aristocracy +1
  • Serfdom +1
  • +8342 cavalry in a random province
  • +7665 cavalry in a different random province
  • Global revolt risk +4 for 18 months

Spain — Not random


  • Order of St. John exists
  • Own Malta
  • The following must not occur:
    • Spain and Order of St. John are at war

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1528
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1533)


Being driven from the island of Rhodes by the Turks the knights wandered homeless until in 1530 Holy Roman Emperor Charles V conferred upon them the sovereignty of the island of Malta.


A. Give Malta to the Knights of St. John

  • Cede Malta to Order of St. John
  • Malta will no longer be considered a national province
  • maltese will no longer be an accepted culture
  • Gain Order of St. John as vassals
  • Stability +1
  • +100 relations with Order of St. John
  • Event 3540 - Spain gives Malta to the Order for Order of St. John is triggered immediately

B. Don't give them anything

  • -150 relations with Order of St. John
  • -150 relations with Papal States
  • Gain 5 warships in a random province
  • Gain 4 warships in a different random province
  • Gain 3 warships in a different random province

Spain — Not random


  • Netherlands exists
  • None of the following must occur:
    • State religion is Protestant
    • State religion is Reformed
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Own Friesen
    • Own Geldre
    • Own Holland
    • Own Zeeland

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1555
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1648)


Your Highness, we are swiftly losing control of our holdings in the Netherlands to the victorious Dutch rebels. More local nobles and magnates are joining the Dutch cause every day. We must strike swiftly and without mercy if we want to put a stop to this outrage!


A. Curses!

  • Friesen will no longer be considered a national province
  • Geldre will no longer be considered a national province
  • Holland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Zeeland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Luxembourg will no longer be considered a national province
  • Brabant will no longer be considered a national province
  • Artois will no longer be considered a national province
  • Flandern will no longer be considered a national province
  • Nivernais will no longer be considered a national province
  • Franche-Comté will no longer be considered a national province
  • Bourgogne will no longer be considered a national province
  • Cede Friesen to Netherlands
  • Cede Geldre to Netherlands
  • Cede Holland to Netherlands
  • Cede Zeeland to Netherlands

Spain — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Own Friesen
    • Own Geldre
    • Own Holland
    • Own Zeeland
    • Own Luxembourg
    • Own Brabant
    • Own Artois
    • Own Flandern
  • The following must not occur:
    • Innovativeness is at 8 or higher

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1560
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1571)


In 1566 Dutch Nobles courts the regent Margerete of Parma in Brussels in an effort to stop the persecution of the Inquisition and to let the General Estates convene. The only answer they get is from the Count de Barlaymont saying 'Ce Gueux' (These Beggars!) in a spiteful voice. The Dutch take to that name with pride calling themselves 'The Gueses'. One of the effects of the insulting denial is that the citizenry of Antwerpen storms the churches and destroy the relics and paintings. It then spread from town to town. Knowing the effect in Madrid William of Orange try to stop these acts of violence, but it's futile. The grass has caught fire...


A. No Concessions

  • Revolt risk value in Friesen +10
  • Revolt risk value in Geldre +10
  • Revolt risk value in Holland +10
  • Dutch Rebels revolt in Holland
  • Revolt risk value in Zeeland +10
  • Dutch Rebels revolt in Zeeland
  • Revolt risk value in Luxembourg +10
  • Revolt risk value in Brabant +10
  • Revolt risk value in Artois +10
  • Revolt risk value in Flandern +10
  • Dutch Rebels revolt in Flandern
  • Innovativeness -1
  • +300 gold
  • Stability +1

B. Lower the taxes

  • Revolt risk value in Friesen +5
  • Revolt risk value in Geldre +5
  • Revolt risk value in Holland +5
  • Revolt risk value in Zeeland +5
  • Revolt risk value in Luxembourg +5
  • Revolt risk value in Brabant +5
  • Revolt risk value in Artois +5
  • Revolt risk value in Flandern +5
  • Centralization -1
  • -500 gold
  • Stability -2

Spain — Not random


  • Event 3159 - Dutch Nobility demands General Estates for Spain has already occurred
  • None of the following must occur:
    • State religion is Protestant
    • State religion is Reformed
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Own Friesen
    • Own Geldre
    • Own Holland
    • Own Zeeland
    • Own Luxembourg
    • Own Brabant
    • Own Artois
    • Own Flandern
  • The following must not occur:
    • Innovativeness is at 8 or higher

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1565
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1576)


In 1567 the Duke of Alba arrived in the Netherlands bringing Spanish Elite troops and very determined to break the Dutch Insurrection. Alba issued the Edict of Blood, which allowed him to create a harsh military dictatorship with mass-arrests and courts of honor as a daily routine. The Terror of the Inquisition was intensified and hundreds of people were executed. In 1568 Alba arrested and executed the Count Horn and Egmont making William of Orange the only leader left to take up the flag. In 1570 Alba by himself introduced a 10 percent tax even as the Dutch had paid a two-year tax that the General estates had agreed upon on the promise of no more extra taxes. A General Strike spread in the Netherlands...In 1573 it was clear that the 'Heroic General' had failed to subjugate the Dutch.


A. No Concessions

  • Revolt risk value in Friesen +10
  • Revolt risk value in Geldre +10
  • Revolt risk value in Holland +10
  • Dutch Rebels revolt in Holland
  • Revolt risk value in Zeeland +10
  • Dutch Rebels revolt in Zeeland
  • Revolt risk value in Luxembourg +7
  • Revolt risk value in Brabant +7
  • Revolt risk value in Artois +7
  • Revolt risk value in Flandern +7
  • Dutch Rebels revolt in Flandern
  • Innovativeness -1
  • +300 gold
  • Stability +1

B. Don't introduce that Consumption Tax

  • Revolt risk value in Friesen +5
  • Revolt risk value in Geldre +5
  • Revolt risk value in Holland +5
  • Revolt risk value in Zeeland +5
  • Revolt risk value in Luxembourg +2
  • Revolt risk value in Brabant +2
  • Revolt risk value in Artois +2
  • Revolt risk value in Flandern +2
  • Innovativeness +1
  • -500 gold
  • Stability -2

Spain — Not random


  • Spain owns Granada
  • Spain owns Gibraltar

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1566
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1571)
unless prevented by
Action B, C of 3150 - Torquemada and the Expulsion of the Moors for Spain


Southern parts of Spain were inhabited mostly by Muslim Morisques. From the time of the Spanish Inquisition (1478), however, attempts at conversion were made more forcibly, often including confiscation of property, torture, or murder.


A. Force them to become Good Catholic Spaniards

  • Innovativeness -2
  • Culture in Granada changes to iberian
  • Granada converts to the state religion
  • Create a religious revolt in Granada
  • -15% population in Granada
  • Conditions:
    • Gibraltar has culture berber
    Change the city name in Gibraltar to Cadiz
  • Conditions:
    • Gibraltar has culture berber
    Culture in Gibraltar changes to iberian
  • Gibraltar converts to the state religion
  • Create a religious revolt in Gibraltar
  • -15% population in Gibraltar
  • Global revolt risk +4 for 36 months
  • Stability +2
  • Event 3655 - Morisque Refugees from Al-Andalus for Fez is triggered immediately
  • Event 3658 - Morisque Refugees from Al-Andalus for Morocco is triggered immediately

B. Let them be as they are needed for the economy

  • Mercantilism -2
  • Innovativeness +2
  • Stability -2
  • Trade tech investment: +1500
  • Infrastructure tech investment: +1000
  • Event 3167 - The Expulsion of the Morisques for Spain will never fire
  • +3 base tax value in Murcia
  • +3 base tax value in Andalusia
  • +3 base tax value in Granada
  • +3 base tax value in Gibraltar

Spain — Not random


Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1568
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1571)
unless prevented by
Action B of 3549 - The Holy League for Papal States


When in 1570 the Turks sent an ultimatum to Venice asking for the ceding of Cyprus and then invaded the island after the Republic of San Marco failed to respond, a great uproar was created in the Catholic world by the facts and rumors of Ottoman atrocities in the last Christian bastion of the eastern Mediterranean. After a first failure in the summer of 1570, Pope Pius V managed to convince major Catholic nations (except France) to join a Holy League against the heathens Turks, and it was proclaimed in May 1571. The League would lead to the great naval victory of Don Juan on the Turks at Lepanto, but would not outlast this first and final triumph. Selim II is rumored to have said, after the news he had lost 200 galleys at Lepanto: 'At Lepanto, the Christians have shaved me. At Cyprus, I cut their arm. My beard will grow again'.


A. Support the Holy League

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Ottoman Empire for 72 months
  • -150 relations with Ottoman Empire
  • +100 relations with Papal States
  • +50 relations with Order of St. John
  • +50 relations with France
  • +50 relations with Portugal
  • +50 relations with Tuscany
  • +50 relations with Venice
  • +50 relations with Naples
  • +50 relations with Savoy
  • +50 relations with Austria
  • +50 relations with Genoa

B. Let the matter fall

  • +50 relations with Ottoman Empire
  • -100 relations with Papal States
  • -50 relations with Order of St. John
  • -50 relations with France
  • -50 relations with Portugal
  • -50 relations with Tuscany
  • -50 relations with Venice
  • -50 relations with Naples
  • -50 relations with Savoy
  • -50 relations with Austria
  • -50 relations with Genoa

Spain — Not random


  • None of the following must occur:
    • State religion is Protestant
    • State religion is Reformed
  • Event 3159 - Dutch Nobility demands General Estates for Spain has already occurred
  • Event 3315 - The Duke of Alba and the Edict of Blood for Spain has already occurred
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Own Friesen
    • Own Geldre
    • Own Holland
    • Own Zeeland
    • Own Luxembourg
    • Own Brabant
    • Own Artois
    • Own Flandern
  • The following must not occur:
    • Innovativeness is at 8 or higher

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1575
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1586)


In 1578 Alessandro Farnese, son of the former regent Margerete, arrived in the Netherlands. Farnese had good character and was humane, as well as being a good general and politician. In him William of Orange got a powerful opponent. Farnese quickly understood that Spain only could keep its mastery of the Netherlands if it complied with the wishes of the Catholic provinces. In 1579 Farnese managed to get some of the southern Catholic provinces into the Union of Arras, which made peace with Spain. However some of the Northern provinces then created the Union of Utrecht the first sign of a new country. Later on Farnese used the Union of Arras as a safe base for an invasion of the North and the northerners were only saved by the multiple events of the War between England and Spain and the sudden death of Farnese in 1592.


A. Sign the Union of Arras

  • Revolt risk value in Friesen +10
  • Revolt risk value in Geldre +10
  • Revolt risk value in Holland +10
  • Dutch Rebels revolt in Holland
  • Revolt risk value in Zeeland +10
  • Dutch Rebels revolt in Zeeland
  • Revolt risk value in Luxembourg -7
  • Revolt risk value in Brabant -7
  • Revolt risk value in Artois -7
  • Revolt risk value in Flandern -7
  • -200 gold
  • Stability +1

B. No Concessions

  • Revolt risk value in Friesen +10
  • Revolt risk value in Geldre +10
  • Revolt risk value in Holland +10
  • Dutch Rebels revolt in Holland
  • Revolt risk value in Zeeland +10
  • Dutch Rebels revolt in Zeeland
  • Revolt risk value in Luxembourg +7
  • Revolt risk value in Brabant +7
  • Revolt risk value in Artois +7
  • Revolt risk value in Flandern +7
  • Dutch Rebels revolt in Flandern
  • Innovativeness -1
  • +300 gold
  • Stability +3

C. Sign the Union of Arras and lower taxes

  • Revolt risk value in Friesen +5
  • Revolt risk value in Geldre +5
  • Revolt risk value in Holland +5
  • Revolt risk value in Zeeland +5
  • Revolt risk value in Luxembourg -7
  • Revolt risk value in Brabant -7
  • Revolt risk value in Artois -7
  • Revolt risk value in Flandern -7
  • Innovativeness +1
  • -500 gold
  • Stability -1

Spain — Not random


Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1585
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1648)


Your Highness, we are swiftly losing control of our holdings in the Netherlands to the victorious Dutch rebels. More local nobles and magnates are joining the Dutch cause every day. We must strike swiftly and without mercy if we want to put a stop to this outrage!



  • Revolt risk value in Luxembourg -27
  • Revolt risk value in Brabant -27
  • Revolt risk value in Artois -27
  • Revolt risk value in Flandern -27
  • Flandern converts to the state religion

Spain — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Own Jalisco
    • Own Tenochtitlan
    • Own Yarumal
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Own Saltillo
    • Own Azuay
    • Own Ayacucho
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Own Michoagan
    • Own Potosi
    • Own Cuzco

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1592
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1598)


In 1557, on the very first year as Spanish king, Philip II was forced to declare the country bankrupt. Spain had for many years undercut its tax base and what was worse, had no control of the price-fluctuations from the inflow of American silver and gold. It was impossible for the Spanish minister of finance to forecast any repayments as all costs fluctuated volatile. The spending was based on the planned budget, but the inflow was irregular at best which made Spain spend more than it actually had, thus the Great Bankruptcies of 1557 and 1596.


A. Declare State Bankruptcy

  • -500 gold
  • Size of loans changed to 100 ducats
  • +5% inflation
  • Stability -3
  • Manufactory in a random province is destroyed
  • Manufactory in a different random province is destroyed
  • Manufactory in a different random province is destroyed
  • Lose 9892 troops in a random province
  • Lose 5841 troops in a different random province
  • Lose 5613 troops in a different random province

Spain — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1596
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1603)


The epidemics that swept Spain in the 1590s significantly reduced the population. In addition, as Philip II strengthened the Inquisition, intellectual life became narrower and less open to new currents of thought. At his death in 1598 Philip left a country that was declining domestically and internationally


A. Arrgh!

  • Stability -1
  • Event 3273 - Epidemic Plague for Portugal is triggered immediately
  • -15% population in a random province
  • -1 base tax value in the same province
  • -15% population in a different random province
  • -1 base tax value in the same province
  • -15% population in a different random province
  • -1 base tax value in the same province
  • -15% population in a different random province
  • -1 base tax value in the same province
  • -15% population in a different random province
  • -1 base tax value in the same province
  • -15% population in a different random province
  • -1 base tax value in the same province

Spain — Not random


  • Spain owns Granada
  • Spain owns Gibraltar

Will happen within 134 days of January 2, 1600
Checked again every 134 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1612)
unless prevented by
Action B of 3160 - The Purge of the Morisques for Spain
Action C of 3150 - Torquemada and the Expulsion of the Moors for Spain


Moriscos, Moors converted to Christianity after the Christian re-conquest (11th-15th cent.) of Spain. The Moors, who had become subjects of Christian kings as the re-conquest progressed to the 15th cent, were called Mudéjares. They remained Muslim, and their religion and customs were generally respected. After the fall of Granada (1492), Cardinal Jiménez converted many Moors by peaceful means. However, the rigorous treatment of those who refused conversion or apostatized from the new faith led to an uprising (1500-1502) in Granada. This was soon suppressed. Faced with choosing between conversion and banishment, the majority accepted conversion, but many continued secretly to practice Islam. The Moriscos at times provided the Ottoman Turks with information facilitating Turkish raids on the Spanish coast. Persecuted by the Spanish Inquisition and subjected to restrictive legislation (1526, 1527), the Moriscos rose in a bloody rebellion (1568-71), which Philip II put down with the help of John of Austria. The Moriscos prospered in spite of persecutions and furthered Spanish agriculture, trade, and industries. However, in 1609 Philip III, influenced by Lerma, decreed their expulsion for both religious and political reasons.


A. Expel the Heretics!

  • Innovativeness -2
  • Culture in Granada changes to iberian
  • Granada converts to the state religion
  • Create a religious revolt in Granada
  • -15% population in Granada
  • Conditions:
    • Gibraltar has culture berber
    Change the city name in Gibraltar to Cadiz
  • Conditions:
    • Gibraltar has culture berber
    Culture in Gibraltar changes to iberian
  • Gibraltar converts to the state religion
  • Create a religious revolt in Gibraltar
  • -15% population in Gibraltar
  • Global revolt risk +4 for 36 months
  • Stability +1
  • Event 3656 - Morisque Refugees from Al-Andalus for Fez is triggered immediately
  • Event 3653 - Morisque Refugees from Al-Andalus for Algeria is triggered immediately
  • Event 3659 - Morisque Refugees from Al-Andalus for Morocco is triggered immediately

B. Let them be as they are needed for the economy

  • Mercantilism -2
  • Innovativeness +2
  • Stability -2
  • Trade tech investment: +1500
  • Infrastructure tech investment: +1000
  • +3 base tax value in Murcia
  • +3 base tax value in Andalusia
  • +3 base tax value in Granada
  • +3 base tax value in Gibraltar

Spain — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • State religion is Catholic
    • State religion is Counter-Reform Catholic

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1607
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1609)


The German Catholic states felt threatened by the 1608 creation of the Evangelic Union of their northern Protestant neighbors, following the Donauwerth exclusion from the Empire. Feeling the urge to unite, they regrouped into a Catholic League that same year. The stage was set for the Thirty Years War.


A. Prepare to Join

  • -100 relations with France
  • -150 relations with Brandenburg
  • -150 relations with Brunswick
  • -150 relations with Hesse
  • -150 relations with Palatinate
  • -150 relations with Saxony
  • -150 relations with Würzburg
  • -150 relations with Holstein
  • +100 relations with Cleves
  • +150 relations with Cologne
  • +150 relations with Bavaria
  • +150 relations with Papal States
  • +150 relations with Austria

B. Stay Neutral

  • +100 relations with Brandenburg
  • +100 relations with Brunswick
  • +100 relations with Hesse
  • +100 relations with Palatinate
  • +100 relations with Saxony
  • +100 relations with Würzburg
  • +50 relations with Bavaria
  • -50 relations with Cleves
  • -50 relations with Cologne
  • -100 relations with Austria
  • -150 relations with Papal States

Spain — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Own Jalisco
    • Own Tenochtitlan
    • Own Yarumal
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Own Saltillo
    • Own Azuay
    • Own Ayacucho
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Own Michoagan
    • Own Potosi
    • Own Cuzco

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1621
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1641)


In 1596, a couple of years after the disastrous defeat of the Armada, Philip II were again forced to declare the country bankrupt. Spain had for many years undercut its tax base and what was worse, had no control of the price-fluctuations from the inflow of American silver and gold. It was impossible for the Spanish minister of finance to forecast any repayments as all costs fluctuated volatile. The spending was based on the planned budget, but the inflow was irregular at best which made Spain spend more than it actually had, thus the Great Bankruptcies of 1557 and 1596.


A. Declare State Bankruptcy

  • -1000 gold
  • Size of loans changed to 200 ducats
  • +10% inflation
  • Stability -3
  • Manufactory in a random province is destroyed
  • Manufactory in a different random province is destroyed
  • Manufactory in a different random province is destroyed
  • Lose 11198 troops in a random province
  • Lose 7317 troops in a different random province
  • Lose 9467 troops in a different random province

Spain — Not random

Will happen within 10 days of January 2, 1622
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1622)


The Duke of Olivares led the Spanish government between 1621 and 1643, under King Philip IV (1621-1665) whom he was enjoying the favor. He was devious and cunning leader, he involved Spain in the Thirty Years War alongside the Imperials and had the war with Holland renewed. This proved disastrous and precipitated Spanish decline, with secession of both Catalonia (reunited 1652) and Portugal in 1640. Under his governments, poetry, literature (Calderon) and painting (El Greco, Velasquez, and Murillo) prospered and Spanish modes and customs spread across Europe.


A. An Excellent Minister!

  • Monarch's diplomatic skill +3 for 240 months
  • Monarch's administrative skill +3 for 240 months
  • Monarch's military skill +3 for 240 months
  • Stability +2

Spain — Not random


  • Event 3169 - The Iberian Revolts for Spain has already occurred
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Own Oporto
    • Own Tago
    • Own Algarve
    • Own The Azores
    • Portugal is a vassal of Spain

Will happen within 41 days of January 2, 1630
Checked again every 41 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1649)
unless prevented by
Action B of 3169 - The Iberian Revolts for Spain
Action B of 3163 - The Portuguese Crown for Spain


In 1640, Portugal had been under the domination of Spanish kings for 60 years, since the fall of the Aviz dynasty in 1578. However, in 1640, the Portuguese rose up in revolt and started a long liberation war against Spain. A long 24 years struggle, along with Spanish defeat in the Thirty Years War (1648), Peace with France (1659) would lead to a renewed independence for Portugal, under the new Braganza dynasty, which would turn to Stuart England as an ally and protector (marriage of Catherine of Braganza with Charles II and transfer of Bombay to England as a dowry).


A. Put it down!

  • Break vassalization of Portugal
  • -200 relations with Portugal
  • Oporto revolts
  • Tago revolts
  • Algarve revolts
  • The Azores revolts
  • Cape Verde revolts
  • +10000 infantry in Leon
  • Innovativeness -1

B. Appease them!

  • -800 gold
  • Stability +1
  • Cede Oporto to Portugal
  • Cede Tago to Portugal
  • Cede Algarve to Portugal
  • Cede The Azores to Portugal
  • Aristocracy +1
  • Centralization -2

Spain — Not random


  • Country is at war

Will happen within 41 days of January 2, 1630
Checked again every 41 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1649)


In 1639 Olivares opened a campaign against southern France from Catalonia. If the Catalans had to defend their country, Olivares argued, they would have to support the army. This logic was lost on the Catalans. The peasants, urged on by their clergy, refused to support the troops. Soon there were clashes with the population, then riots and open rebellion. On June 7 the mob murdered the viceroy in Barcelona. In the autumn of 1640 Olivares scraped together the last available troops and sent them against the Catalan rebels. The rebel leader, Pau Claris, countered by transferring Catalan allegiance to the king of France, 'as in the time of Charlemagne' (Jan. 1641). French troops now entered Catalonia. Only when the renewed French civil wars (the Fronde) induced the French to withdraw their army was the Castilians able to re-conquer Catalonia (1652).


A. Put it down!

  • Break vassalization of Aragon
  • -200 relations with Aragon
  • Break vassalization of Castile
  • -200 relations with Castile
  • Break vassalization of Catalonia
  • -200 relations with Catalonia
  • Catalonia revolts
  • Catalonia revolts
  • Gerona revolts
  • The Baleares revolts
  • Sardinia revolts
  • +10000 infantry in Castilla
  • Innovativeness -1

B. Appease them!

Spain — Not random


  • Event 3169 - The Iberian Revolts for Spain has already occurred
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Own Napoli
    • Own Apulia
    • Own Messina
    • Own Sicily
    • Own Lombardia
    • Own Roma
    • Own Siena
    • Own Emilia
    • Milan is a vassal of Spain
    • Naples is a vassal of Spain
    • Sicily is a vassal of Spain

Will happen within 41 days of January 2, 1630
Checked again every 41 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1649)
unless prevented by
Action B of 3169 - The Iberian Revolts for Spain


In 1647, popular revolutions broke out in Naples and Palermo, and soon these two cities were in the hands of revolutionary governments. In Naples, at least, it was again the excessive taxation, imposed for Spain's war effort that had precipitated the rebellion. The Spanish monarchy, wrote the Venetian ambassador to Madrid at the time, 'resembled that great colossus that during an earthquake had collapsed in a few moments while everyone hurried along to enrich himself with the fragments.' In fact, Spain survived and even managed to hold on to much of its empire. The revolts of Naples and Sicily, directed as much against the local nobility as against Spain, were put down in 1648.


A. Put it down!

  • Break vassalization of Milan
  • -200 relations with Milan
  • Break vassalization of Naples
  • -200 relations with Naples
  • Break vassalization of Sicily
  • -200 relations with Sicily
  • Messina revolts
  • Napoli revolts
  • Roma revolts
  • Siena revolts
  • Emilia revolts
  • Lombardia revolts
  • Conditions:
    • Own Sicily
    +5000 infantry in Sicily
  • Conditions:
    • Own Apulia
    +5000 infantry in Apulia
  • Innovativeness -1

B. Appease them!

  • -300 gold
  • Stability +1
  • Cede Lombardia to Milan
  • Cede Emilia to Milan
  • Cede Napoli to Naples
  • Cede Apulia to Naples
  • Cede Messina to Sicily
  • Cede Sicily to Sicily
  • Centralization -1

Spain — Not random


Will happen within 10 days of January 2, 1648
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1649)


After a number of failures in the 1590's and during the first decades of the 17th century the Thirty Years War started and Spain took up the offensive in the Netherlands again. The brilliant General Spinola won victory after victory. The Dutch again tried to open their walls and flood their enemy, but it backfired and they lost more than 10000 elite troops in the events. Spinola was not a brutal man, but he was very realistic and let the people bear the costs of war. Thus the majority of the Dutch in the united provinces lost all their money and wealth, which was used paying for the upkeep of the Spanish troops. In 1625 Breda capitulated to Spinola, the Dutch took Grol in 1627, but Spinola took it back within 6 months and he also took Nijmegen and one of his German armies had now moved into Geldern from Münster and effectively threatened Utrecht. But the best was yet to come. In a nightly sea battle the Spanish navy managed to win and land 12000 men in Zeeland, within a year Spain had gained control of their quarrelsome subjects. During the years until the Westphalian Peace Spain harshly subjugate all non-Catholics. Catholics were given strong preferences in all areas and they also got local self-governance. A pact between the All the Catholic Subjects of His Spanish Majesty was instituted. Many Calvinist left for South Africa and South-East Asia. At the Westphalian Peace in 1648 the world at last acknowledged the rightful Spanish rule in the Netherlands.


A. The Netherlands is subjugated

  • Flandern converts to the state religion
  • Revolt risk value in Friesen -30
  • Revolt risk value in Geldre -30
  • Revolt risk value in Holland -30
  • Revolt risk value in Zeeland -30
  • Revolt risk value in Luxembourg -27
  • Revolt risk value in Brabant -27
  • Revolt risk value in Artois -27
  • Revolt risk value in Flandern -27
  • Centralization +3
  • +300 gold
  • Stability +3

Spain — Not random

Will happen on November 2, 1700


On November 1st, 1700, the last Habsburg king Charles II of Spain died heirless. Both Louis XIV of France and Leopold I of Austria had married the defunct king's sisters and had thus direct and legitimate claims to the succession. To prevent that the chosen heir reigned over too powerful a kingdom, the European had anticipated the crisis and agreed in 1697 and again in early 1700 to a partition that would retain the Balance of Power in Europe. However, Carlos II and the Spanish Government was greatly upset by the other countries meddling in strictly Spanish affairs and thus named Philip of Anjou, grandson of the Sun-King, the heir to the Spanish throne. This solution endangered the European balance of power and led to the formation of the Grand Alliance against France and Spain. Thus when French forces occupied the Spanish Netherlands the War of Spanish Succession broke out. My Lord, whom do you name your successor?


A. Philip of Anjou (France)

B. Charles of Habsburg (Austria)

Spain — Not random


  • Monarch Felipe V is active

Will happen within 50 days of January 2, 1710
Checked again every 50 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1720)


Born in 1664 the son of a gardener in Fiorenzuela (near Placentia, Italy), Giulio Alberoni owes his political career and success to the Duke of Vendôme, the French general he served in Italy, France and Spain. Agent of the Duke of Parma, he managed the wedding of Philip V of Spain with Elizabeth Farnese and become a Cardinal in 1717. His bellicose policy in Spain has him expelled in 1719. He was cunning and sly, but Spain did not have the resources needed to fulfill his ambitious plan. The Age of Spanish Supremacy was long gone.


A. An Excellent Minister!

  • Monarch's diplomatic skill +3 for 240 months
  • Monarch's administrative skill +2 for 240 months
  • Monarch's military skill +2 for 240 months
  • Stability +2

Spain — Not random


  • Monarch Felipe V is active

Will happen within 10 days of January 2, 1741
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after June 2, 1741)


The Pragmatic Sanction, solemnly rendered by Emperor Charles VI on 19th April 1713, established the indivisibility of the Habsburg patrimony, and ruled the order of succession by order of first born child, even to a woman. This made Maria-Theresa, born in 1717, the heir of the Empire. The Pragmatic Sanction was recognized by Spain in 1725 (confirmed in 1731), Russia in 1726, Prussia in 1728, the United Provinces in 1731, Hanover in 1732, the Heiliges Reich (except Bavaria) in 1732 and France in 1738 only. Bavarian refusal would lead to the War of the Austrian Succession.


A. Anti-Habsburg

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Austria for 36 months
  • Stability -1
  • +100 relations with Bavaria
  • +100 relations with Saxony
  • +100 relations with Genoa
  • +100 relations with Prussia
  • +150 relations with France
  • -150 relations with England
  • -100 relations with Netherlands
  • -100 relations with Portugal
  • -50 relations with Russia
  • -50 relations with Hesse
  • -50 relations with Hanover
  • -150 relations with Austria

B. Neutral

  • Stability +2
  • -50 relations with Bavaria
  • -50 relations with Saxony
  • +50 relations with Genoa
  • -50 relations with Prussia
  • +50 relations with France
  • +50 relations with England
  • +100 relations with Netherlands
  • +100 relations with Portugal
  • +50 relations with Russia
  • +50 relations with Hesse
  • +50 relations with Hanover
  • +100 relations with Austria

C. Pro-Habsburg

  • Stability -2
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against France for 36 months
  • -100 relations with Bavaria
  • -100 relations with Saxony
  • -50 relations with Genoa
  • -100 relations with Prussia
  • -150 relations with France
  • +100 relations with England
  • -150 relations with Netherlands
  • +150 relations with Portugal
  • +50 relations with Russia
  • +50 relations with Hesse
  • +50 relations with Hanover
  • +150 relations with Austria

Spain — Not random


  • Monarch María Teresa is active

Will happen within 10 days of January 2, 1741
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after June 2, 1741)


The Pragmatic Sanction, solemnly rendered by Emperor Charles VI on 19th April 1713, established the indivisibility of the Habsburg patrimony, and ruled the order of succession by order of first born child, even to a woman. This made Maria-Theresa, born in 1717, the heir of the Empire. The Pragmatic Sanction was recognized by Spain in 1725 (confirmed in 1731), Russia in 1726, Prussia in 1728, the United Provinces in 1731, Hanover in 1732, the Heiliges Reich (except Bavaria) in 1732 and France in 1738 only. Bavarian refusal would lead to the War of the Austrian Succession.


A. We must defend our inheritance!

  • Stability +2
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against France for 36 months
  • -150 relations with Bavaria
  • -150 relations with Saxony
  • -50 relations with Genoa
  • -150 relations with Prussia
  • -150 relations with France
  • +150 relations with England
  • +150 relations with Netherlands
  • +150 relations with Portugal
  • +100 relations with Russia
  • +100 relations with Hesse
  • +100 relations with Hanover
  • +150 relations with Austria

Spain — Not random

Will happen within 10 days of January 2, 1777
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1778)


After the expulsion of the Jesuits from Spain (1767), Moñino was sent to Rome as ambassador to obtain the Papal suppression of the Society of Jesus. He was ennobled (1773) for the success of his mission. In 1776 Charles III appointed him chief minister. Under Florida Blanca, Spanish enlightened despotism reached its peak, but his internal reforms, notably in finance, He made peace and concluded economic treaties with the Ottoman Empire and with Morocco and reached agreement with Portugal.


A. Reform

  • Mercantilism -2
  • Innovativeness +2
  • Gain Refinery in a random province
  • Gain Goods Manufactory in a different random province
  • Stability -2

B. Do not reform

  • Stability +2
  • +300 gold

Spain — Not random


  • The following must not occur:
    • Innovativeness is at 10 or higher

Will happen within 10 days of January 2, 1790
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after August 2, 1837)


In the late 18th century Spain was far from its former power and glory. However the creation of the Viceroyalty of Rio de la Plata 1776 to get a better rule of the colonial areas as well as manage a better defense of its colonial areas quickly made a big difference in revenues by tripling the income to the Spanish government. Of course not all subjects in the colony areas liked the stricter colony areas liked the stricter control & thus higher taxes.


A. Govern through Spanish Governors

  • Revolt risk value in Jalisco +6
  • Revolt risk value in Saltillo +6
  • Revolt risk value in Michoagan +6
  • Revolt risk value in Tenochtitlan +6
  • Revolt risk value in Tampico +6
  • Revolt risk value in Tlaxcala +6
  • Revolt risk value in Atlixco +6
  • Revolt risk value in Aires +6
  • Revolt risk value in Rosario +6
  • Revolt risk value in Pampas del Norte +6
  • Revolt risk value in Pampas del Sur +6
  • Revolt risk value in Neembucu +6
  • Revolt risk value in Parana +6
  • Revolt risk value in Copetonas +6
  • Revolt risk value in Cartagena +6
  • Revolt risk value in Bogota +6
  • Revolt risk value in Cupica +6
  • Revolt risk value in Cali +6
  • Revolt risk value in Azuay +6
  • Revolt risk value in Guayaquil +6
  • Revolt risk value in Cajamarca +6
  • Revolt risk value in Huanuco +6
  • Revolt risk value in Ayacucho +6
  • Revolt risk value in Lima +6
  • Stability +1
  • -50 relations with United States

B. Govern from Madrid

  • Revolt risk value in Jalisco +9
  • Revolt risk value in Saltillo +9
  • Revolt risk value in Michoagan +9
  • Revolt risk value in Tenochtitlan +9
  • Revolt risk value in Tampico +9
  • Revolt risk value in Tlaxcala +9
  • Revolt risk value in Atlixco +9
  • Revolt risk value in Aires +9
  • Revolt risk value in Rosario +9
  • Revolt risk value in Pampas del Norte +9
  • Revolt risk value in Pampas del Sur +9
  • Revolt risk value in Neembucu +9
  • Revolt risk value in Parana +9
  • Revolt risk value in Copetonas +9
  • Revolt risk value in Cartagena +9
  • Revolt risk value in Bogota +9
  • Revolt risk value in Cupica +9
  • Revolt risk value in Cali +9
  • Revolt risk value in Azuay +9
  • Revolt risk value in Guayaquil +9
  • Revolt risk value in Cajamarca +9
  • Revolt risk value in Huanuco +9
  • Revolt risk value in Ayacucho +9
  • Revolt risk value in Lima +9
  • Stability +3
  • -150 relations with United States

C. Franchised Citizenship

  • Revolt risk value in Jalisco +3
  • Revolt risk value in Saltillo +3
  • Revolt risk value in Michoagan +3
  • Revolt risk value in Tenochtitlan +3
  • Revolt risk value in Tampico +3
  • Revolt risk value in Tlaxcala +3
  • Revolt risk value in Atlixco +3
  • Revolt risk value in Aires +3
  • Revolt risk value in Rosario +3
  • Revolt risk value in Pampas del Norte +3
  • Revolt risk value in Pampas del Sur +3
  • Revolt risk value in Neembucu +3
  • Revolt risk value in Parana +3
  • Revolt risk value in Copetonas +3
  • Revolt risk value in Cartagena +3
  • Revolt risk value in Bogota +3
  • Revolt risk value in Cupica +3
  • Revolt risk value in Cali +3
  • Revolt risk value in Azuay +3
  • Revolt risk value in Guayaquil +3
  • Revolt risk value in Cajamarca +3
  • Revolt risk value in Huanuco +3
  • Revolt risk value in Ayacucho +3
  • Revolt risk value in Lima +3
  • Stability -2
  • +100 relations with United States

Spain — Not random


  • All of the following must be true for :
    • Monarch Napoléon I is active
  • Control Ile de France

Will happen within 10 days of January 2, 1809
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1821)


Many countries had viewed the French revolution with neutral mistrust or eager interest, but with the Reign of Terror and the Execution of King Louis most countries became abhorred. The New Republic and its ideas undermined the 'Old Order' that existed in most European countries. Those several alliances were set up to restore the Bourbons to the French Throne, crush the revolution and get Europe back to normal again. This succeeded in 1814 and again in 1815 when foreign armies brought Louis XVIII on the throne. Louis XVIII was the brother of the Executed King Louis of France and in early life was known as the Comte de Provence. He remained in Paris after the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789 but escaped to Flanders two years later. After King Louis' execution in 1793 he proclaimed himself regent, and after the death of his brother's heir in 1795, he took the title Louis XVIII. He lived as an exile in various European countries until he became king after Napoleon's first abdication in 1814. On Napoleon's return to power in 1815, however, Louis again fled to Flanders.


A. The Bourbons are reinstalled

Spain — Not random

Will happen within 10 days of January 2, 1812
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1812)


The Cortes, when it met at Cadiz in 1810, was dominated by liberals who wished to go beyond the mere support of the war effort and establish a constitution that would make impossible the revival of rule by a favorite like Godoy. The Constitution of Cadiz gave Spain a strictly limited monarchy (the king must work through his responsible ministers), a single-chamber Parliament with no special representation for the church or the nobility, and a modern centralized administrative system based on provinces and municipalities.


A. The Cortes has enacted it already

  • Aristocracy -5
  • Serfdom -5
  • Mercantilism -2
  • Innovativeness +2
  • Centralization +1
  • Stability -1

Spain — Not random

Will happen within 10 days of January 2, 1813
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1813)


The internal situation of Spain, with the struggle between absolutists and liberals, contributed to the independence of the colonies. The deathblow to Spain's ability to keep her American colonies happened in 1820, when the troops, commanded by General Riego, prepared to go overseas, revolted in Cadiz (Spain) in favor of the Constitution of 1812, ending provisionally the absolutist regime.


A. Introduce a regime of reaction

  • Aristocracy +7
  • Serfdom +6
  • Mercantilism +3
  • Innovativeness -5
  • Centralization -2
  • Stability +3

B. Let the liberal constitution stay put

  • Stability -1
  • -200 gold

Spain — Not random


  • United States exists
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Own Biloxi
    • Own Mobile
    • Own Tallahassee
    • Own Seminole
    • Own Everglades
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • United States owns Bayou
    • United States owns Biloxi
    • United States owns Mobile
    • United States owns Tuscaloosa
    • United States owns Savannah

Will happen within 120 days of January 2, 1819
Checked again every 120 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after May 3, 1819)
unless prevented by
Action B, C of 50001 - First Seminole War for United States


England received Florida in return for Havana in 1763 and replaced its military government with civilian officials. During the U.S. War of Independence, the area was used as a base for attacks on colonial coastal cities. Three decades of instability followed Florida's return to Spain after the war. General Andrew Jackson's capture of Pensacola led to the cession of Florida to the United States in a treaty signed in 1819.


A. Offer Florida for 500 ducats

B. Offer them nothing

  • -100 relations with United States
  • Stability -1

Spain — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3067 - Adams-Onís Treaty for United States


Adams-Onís Treaty, or Purchase of Florida, accord between the United States and Spain that divided their North American claims along a line from the southeastern corner of what is now Louisiana, north and west to what is now Wyoming, thence west along the latitude 42° N to the Pacific. Thus Spain ceded Florida and renounced the Oregon Country in exchange for recognition of Spanish sovereignty over Texas.


A. Ok

  • +500 gold
  • Stability +2
  • +100 relations with United States
  • Cede Biloxi to United States
  • Cede Mobile to United States
  • Cede Tallahassee to United States
  • Cede Seminole to United States
  • Cede Everglades to United States

Spain — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • State religion is Catholic
    • State religion is Counter-Reform Catholic

Triggered by

Action A of 3129 - Revocation of the Edict of Nantes for France


On April 13th, 1598 Henri IV issued the Edict of Nantes, a new law granting French Catholics a large degree of religious toleration. Almost a hundred years later his grandson Louis XIV, a radical Huguenot puritan striving for complete religious and political unity within France, viewed the coexistence of the Calvinist and Roman churches as a potential catalyst for renewed civil war. Having already encouraged the persecution of France's Catholics for over a decade, in October 1685 Louis issued the Edict of Fontainebleau - essentially a complete revocation of his grandfather's Edict of Nantes. Within a few years, more than half a million Catholics had fled to Spain, Poland and the Habsburg dominions across Germany and Italy, thereby depriving France of her traditional artisan class.


A. We welcome you with open arms!

  • +10% population in a random province
  • +1 base tax value in the same province
  • +10% population in a different random province
  • +1 base tax value in the same province
  • +10% population in a different random province
  • +1 base tax value in the same province
  • +10% population in a different random province
  • +1 base tax value in the same province
  • +10% population in a different random province
  • +1 base tax value in the same province
  • +10% population in a different random province
  • +1 base tax value in the same province
  • Stability +1

Spain — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3127 - Chambers of Reunion for France


Louis XIV strove vigorously for French supremacy in foreign affairs, and for the next ten years the king limited his strategy to diplomacy. He set up chambers of reunion to unearth legal grounds for claims on a number of cities within the Empire, which France promptly annexed.


A. Defy French claims

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against France for 72 months
  • -150 relations with France
  • +150 relations with England
  • +150 relations with Austria
  • +150 relations with Prussia
  • +150 relations with Brandenburg
  • +150 relations with Netherlands
  • +100 relations with Brunswick
  • +100 relations with Baden
  • +100 relations with Hesse
  • +100 relations with Cleves
  • +100 relations with Cologne
  • +100 relations with Palatinate
  • +100 relations with Würzburg
  • Stability +1

B. Give in to France

  • Cede Zeeland to France
  • Cede Köln to France
  • Cede Pfalz to France
  • Cede Alsace to France
  • Cede Lorraine to France
  • Cede Luxembourg to France
  • Cede Brabant to France
  • Cede Artois to France
  • Cede Flandern to France
  • Cede Nivernais to France
  • Cede Franche-Comté to France
  • Cede Bourgogne to France
  • Cede Roussillon to France
  • -100 relations with England
  • -100 relations with Austria
  • -100 relations with Prussia
  • -100 relations with Brandenburg
  • -100 relations with Netherlands
  • +150 relations with France
  • -200 gold
  • Stability -2

Spain — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3709 - The Sale of Corsica to Spain for Genoa


Your most generous offer of Corsica, is greatly appreciated. The Genovese court is utterly pleased to do business with you and accepts your proposal with no conditions.


A. Good

  • +150 relations with Genoa
  • -1200 gold

Spain — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 3709 - The Sale of Corsica to Spain for Genoa


However generous it may be, the Genovese court has decided to decline your offer of Corsica. The fate of the people of Corsica will remain in your hands.


A. Darn

  • -100 relations with Genoa

Spain — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3190 - The Abdication of Charles V for Austria


On the twenty-fifth day of October, 1555, the estates of the Netherlands were assembled in the great hall of the palace at Brussels. They had been summoned to be witnesses and the guarantees of the abdication, which Charles V had long before resolved upon, and which he was that day to execute. Charles was a devotee Catholic and compassionate with other people, but he could not see why anyone would not come back to the only church there was, the Catholic Church. The incessant strife, both religious and political, within the Holy Roman Empire had worn him down. Therefore he wanted to split the Habsburg Empire between Madrid and Vienna and then withdraw to the calm milieu of his favorite cloister. Let the rash and youthful take care of the problems!


A. Yes Father!

  • Move capital to Castilla
  • Friesen will be considered a national province
  • Geldre will be considered a national province
  • Holland will be considered a national province
  • Zeeland will be considered a national province
  • Luxembourg will be considered a national province
  • Brabant will be considered a national province
  • Artois will be considered a national province
  • Flandern will be considered a national province
  • Nivernais will be considered a national province
  • Franche-Comté will be considered a national province
  • Bourgogne will be considered a national province
  • Lombardia will be considered a national province
  • +100 relations with Austria
  • Stability +1

Spain — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 3190 - The Abdication of Charles V for Austria


On the twenty-fifth day of October, 1555, the estates of the Netherlands were assembled in the great hall of the palace at Brussels. They had been summoned to be witnesses and the guarantees of the abdication, which Charles V had long before resolved upon, and which he was that day to execute. Charles was a devotee Catholic and compassionate with other people, but he could not see why anyone would not come back to the only church there was, the Catholic Church. The incessant strife, both religious and political, within the Holy Roman Empire had worn him down. Therefore he wanted to split the Habsburg Empire between Madrid and Vienna and then withdraw to the calm milieu of his favorite cloister. Let the rash and youthful take care of the problems!


A. Yes Father!

  • Move capital to Castilla
  • Nivernais will be considered a national province
  • Franche-Comté will be considered a national province
  • Bourgogne will be considered a national province
  • Lombardia will be considered a national province
  • -100 relations with Austria
  • Stability +1

Spain — Not random

Triggered by

Action C of 3190 - The Abdication of Charles V for Austria


On the twenty-fifth day of October, 1555, the estates of the Netherlands were assembled in the great hall of the palace at Brussels. They had been summoned to be witnesses and the guarantees of the abdication, which Charles V had long before resolved upon, and which he was that day to execute. Charles was a devotee Catholic and compassionate with other people, but he could not see why anyone would not come back to the only church there was, the Catholic Church. The incessant strife, both religious and political, within the Holy Roman Empire had worn him down. Therefore he wanted to split the Habsburg Empire between Madrid and Vienna and then withdraw to the calm milieu of his favorite cloister. Let the rash and youthful take care of the problems!


A. Yes Father!

  • Move capital to Castilla
  • Friesen will be considered a national province
  • Geldre will be considered a national province
  • Holland will be considered a national province
  • Zeeland will be considered a national province
  • Luxembourg will be considered a national province
  • Brabant will be considered a national province
  • Artois will be considered a national province
  • Flandern will be considered a national province
  • Nivernais will be considered a national province
  • Franche-Comté will be considered a national province
  • Bourgogne will be considered a national province
  • +50 relations with Austria
  • Stability +1

Spain — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3749 - The Abdication of Charles V for Austria


On the twenty-fifth day of October, 1555, the estates of the Netherlands were assembled in the great hall of the palace at Brussels. They had been summoned to be witnesses and the guarantees of the abdication, which Charles V had long before resolved upon, and which he was that day to execute. Charles was a devotee Catholic and compassionate with other people, but he could not see why anyone would not come back to the only church there was, the Catholic Church. The incessant strife, both religious and political, within the Holy Roman Empire had worn him down. Therefore he wanted to split the Habsburg Empire between Madrid and Vienna and then withdraw to the calm milieu of his favorite cloister. Let the rash and youthful take care of the problems!


A. Yes Father!

  • Move capital to Castilla
  • +150 relations with Austria
  • Stability +1

Spain — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3179 - The Spanish Wedding for Austria


In 1496, when the King of Aragon Ferdinand and the Queen of Castile Isabella married their heir Joan the Mad to Habsburg heir Philip the Fair, they started the historical union between what would be called the Spanish and the Austria Habsburgs. The son from this marriage, Charles V, would become the emperor of the largest territory in Western Europe, having inherited the lands of Castile, Aragon, Burgundy and Austria. The Habsburgs would pursue this intra-family wedding policy till the end of the 17th century. My Lord, King Carlos has decided to rule the world from Vienna.


A. Humbly Accept Carlos' Wise Decision

  • Stability -2
  • Aristocracy +2
  • Centralization -1
  • -6 diplomats

Spain — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 3179 - The Spanish Wedding for Austria


In 1496, when the King of Aragon Ferdinand and the Queen of Castile Isabella married their heir Joan the Mad to Habsburg heir Philip the Fair, they started the historical union between what would be called the Spanish and the Austria Habsburgs. The son from this marriage, Charles V, would become the emperor of the largest territory in Western Europe, having inherited the lands of Castile, Aragon, Burgundy and Austria. The Habsburgs would pursue this intra-family wedding policy till the end of the 17th century. My Lord, King Carlos has decided to rule the world from Madrid.


A. Humbly Accept Carlos' Wise Decision

  • Gain a royal marriage with Austria
  • Gain an alliance with Austria
  • +500 gold
  • Centralization +1

Spain — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • State religion is Catholic
    • State religion is Counter-Reform Catholic

Triggered by

Action A of 3548 - Reorganization of the Holy Inquisition for Papal States


The Holy Inquisition came from Spain also to Portugal in 1536 and stayed until 1668, however it had more influence with the Spanish monarchs than the Portuguese ones.


A. Institute them!

  • Innovativeness -3
  • A random province in Africa converts to the state religion
  • The same province revolts
  • A random province in Asia converts to the state religion
  • The same province revolts

B. Do not institute them!

  • Innovativeness +1
  • -75 relations with Portugal
  • -75 relations with Papal States

Spain — Not random

Triggered by

Action A, B of 3136 - The Polish Succession of 1733 for France


In 1733, the death of August II prompted a new election for the Polish monarch. Due to the permanent practice of Liberum Veto and the ensuing constant bribery, the Polish Sejm was unable to agree between the French Candidate, Stanislas Leszinsky and his opponent, August III of Saxony, supported by Austria and Russia. The Sejm finally agreed on Stanislas, but this was rejected by Austria and Russia starting the war of Polish Succession. The war ended with August III on the Polish throne.


A. Secure Poland for Stanislaus

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Austria for 24 months
  • Stability -1
  • +150 relations with France
  • -100 relations with Prussia
  • -100 relations with Poland
  • -150 relations with Austria
  • -100 relations with Russia
  • -100 relations with Saxony

B. Stay out of it

  • Stability +1
  • -1 badboy
  • -100 relations with France
  • +50 relations with Prussia
  • +50 relations with Poland
  • +50 relations with Austria
  • +50 relations with Russia
  • +50 relations with Saxony

Spain — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3626 - The Polish Succession of 1733 for Saxony
Action A of 3628 - The Polish Succession of 1733 for Saxony


In 1733, the death of August II prompted a new election for the Polish monarch. Due to the permanent practice of Liberum Veto and the ensuing constant bribery, the Polish Sejm was unable to agree between the French Candidate, Stanislas Leszinsky and his opponent, August III of Saxony, supported by Austria and Russia. The Sejm finally agreed on Stanislas, but this was rejected by Austria and Russia starting the war of Polish Succession. The war ended with August III on the Polish throne.


A. Stay out of it

  • -50 relations with Poland
  • -50 relations with Saxony
  • -50 relations with Russia
  • +50 relations with France
  • -50 relations with Prussia
  • -100 relations with Austria
  • -1 badboy
  • Stability +1

B. Secure Poland for the Wettins

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against France for 24 months
  • +100 relations with Poland
  • +150 relations with Saxony
  • +100 relations with Russia
  • -150 relations with France
  • +100 relations with Prussia
  • +150 relations with Austria
  • Stability -1

Spain — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3274 - The Succession Crisis of 1580 for Portugal


Philip I arrived in Portugal and was accepted as King (1580-98) by the Cortes held at Tomar (1581). He undertook to preserve Portuguese autonomy, to consider the union as a personal one like that of Aragon and Castile under Ferdinand and Isabella, to appoint only Portuguese to the administration, to summon Cortes frequently, and to be accompanied by a Portuguese council in Madrid.


A. One King, One Kingdom

  • Gain an alliance with Portugal
  • Gain a royal marriage with Portugal
  • -50 relations with Portugal
  • Aristocracy -1
  • Centralization +1
  • Serfdom +1
  • Tago revolts
  • Tago revolts
  • +300 gold
  • Stability +1

B. One King, Two Kingdoms

  • Gain a royal marriage with Portugal
  • +50 relations with Portugal
  • Aristocracy +1
  • Centralization -1
  • Serfdom -1
  • +2 base tax value in Oporto
  • +2 base tax value in Tago
  • +2 base tax value in Algarve
  • Infrastructure tech investment: +400
  • Trade tech investment: +800
  • Stability -1

Spain — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 3274 - The Succession Crisis of 1580 for Portugal


The arrogant Portuguese dogs have rejected our lawful claim to their throne and crowned the bastard grandson of one of their former kings as António I. Though of royal blood, his illegitimacy precludes his succession, and therefore we have just cause to launch an invasion of Portugal. My lord, how should we proceed?


A. Take what is ours by force

  • -200 relations with Portugal
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Portugal for 24 months
  • Stability +1

B. Portugal is not our concern

  • +100 relations with Portugal
  • +50 relations with England
  • +50 relations with France
  • +50 relations with Netherlands
  • Innovativeness +1
  • Cede Oporto to Portugal
  • Cede Tago to Portugal
  • Cede Algarve to Portugal
  • Cede The Azores to Portugal
  • Event 3168 - National revolt in Portugal for Spain will never fire
  • The capital province revolts
  • -5 badboy
  • Stability -1

Spain — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 3046 - The Sale of Corsica for England
Action B of 3708 - The Sale of Corsica to England for Genoa


By 1760, the Ligurian Republic of Genoa had grown fed up with the permanent unrest that plagued the island of Corsica, its possession for nearly 400 years. The local people of that poor island would refuse to pay tax, disrupt trade and resort to banditry whenever an opportunity arose. The local political situation had gone to the point where the Beauty Island (nickname of Corsica) had gone to outright rebellion and semi-independence. Their Genoese had not the means to sustain repression there and were eager to get rid, if possible for a profit, of that possession. Finally it was Spain, who bought it in 1768 and restored order, one year before the birth of Napoleon Bonaparte in Ajaccio on 15th August, 1769. His brother, Joseph Bonaparte, would once become King of Spain herself.


A. Offer to buy Corsica

B. Pass the opportunity

Spain — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • State religion is Catholic
    • State religion is Counter-Reform Catholic

Triggered by

Action A of 3547 - The Foundation of the Societas Jesu for Papal States


The Societas Jesu was a religious order with the main agenda to spread the Catholic faith. Wherever the Spanish and Portuguese went across the world the Jesuits followed in their trail.


A. Institute them!

  • Innovativeness -1
  • +4 colonists
  • +4 missionaries

B. Do not institute them!

  • Innovativeness +1
  • -50 relations with Portugal
  • -50 relations with Papal States
  • -50 relations with Naples

Spain — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 3067 - Adams-Onís Treaty for United States


In 1810 American frontiersmen in the Baton Rouge section rebelled against Spanish control, and the remainder was soon included in the Mississippi Territory. In the Transcontinental (Adams-Onís) Treaty of 1819, Spain ceded all claim to West Florida, which came under official U.S. jurisdiction two years later.


A. Ok

  • -100 relations with United States
