
Toggle table of contents
1508-1510: The League of Cambrai for Austria
1508-1514: The Fuggers for Austria
1519-1520: The Spanish Wedding for Austria
1520-1530: Hofkanzlei, Hofkammer and Hofrat for Austria
1540: The Death of John Zapolya for Austria
1548-1548: The Imperial Parliament at Augsburg for Austria
1555-1555: The Religious Peace of Augsburg for Austria
1555-1648: The Dutch Independence for Austria
1556-1557: Hofkriegsrat for Austria
1556-1556: The Abdication of Charles V for Austria
1556-1556: The Abdication of Charles V for Austria
1560-1571: The Dutch Nobility demands General Estates for Austria
1565-1576: The Duke of Alba and the Edict of Blood for Austria
1568-1571: The Holy League for Austria
1575-1586: Alessandro Farnese and the Union of Arras for Austria
1585-1648: The Dutch Independence for Austria
1604-1605: The Protestant Rebellion in Hungary for Austria
1607-1609: The Catholic League for Austria
1609-1609: The Royal Letter of Bohemia for Austria
1618-1618: The Defenestration of Prague for Austria
1626-1626: Peasant Revolt in Austria for Austria
1629-1629: The Edict of Restitution for Austria
1648-1649: The Repatriation of the Netherlands for Austria
1668-1673: The Chastening of Hungary for Austria
1676-1679: The Insurrection of Duke Imre Tököll for Austria
1703-1713: Noble Revolt in Hungary for Austria
1716-1726: The Oostende Company for Austria
1731-1732: The Purge of the Archbishop of Salzburg for Austria
1740: The Effects of the Pragmatic Sanction for Austria
1750-1760: The Reform of the Bureaucracy for Austria
1753-1753: Kaunitz for Austria
1770-1774: The Enlightened Reforms of Joseph II for Austria
1776-1785: Serfdom is formally abolished for Austria
1777-1777: The Bavarian Succession of 1777 for Austria
1789-1789: The Reactionary Reforms of 1789 for Austria
1800-1805: Metternich for Austria
1809-1821: The Restoration of the French Monarchy for Austria
1810-1820: The Holy Alliance for Austria
Triggered (1681-1688): Catholics expelled from France for Austria
Triggered (1700): Charles of Habsburg succeeds Carlos II in Spain for Austria
Triggered (triggered event): Habsburg Inheritance of Lorraine for Austria
Triggered (1700): Philip of Anjou succeeds Carlos II in Spain for Austria
Triggered (1540): The Death of John Zapolya for Austria
Triggered (1540): The Death of John Zapolya for Austria
Triggered (1516-1540): The Death of King Louis of Hungary for Austria
Triggered (1500-1501): The French inheritance of Milan for Austria
Triggered (1477-1482, 1477-1482): The Habsburg Family Compact for Austria
Triggered (1526): The Habsburg Inheritance of Bohemia for Austria
Triggered (1526): The Habsburg Inheritance of Bohemia for Austria
Triggered (1477-1482, 1477-1482): The Habsburg Inheritance of Burgundy for Austria
Triggered (1516-1540): The Habsburg Inheritance of Hungary for Austria
Triggered (1500-1501): The Habsburg Inheritance of Milan for Austria
Triggered (1676-1681): The League of Augsburg for Austria
Triggered (1488-1491): The Martial Inheritance of Brittany for Austria
Triggered (1488-1491): The Martial Inheritance of Brittany for Austria
Triggered (1764-1772): The Partition of Poland for Austria
Triggered (1788-1792): The Partition of Poland for Austria
Triggered (1477-1482): The Plantagenet Inheritance of Burgundy for Austria
Triggered (triggered event, triggered event): The Polish Succession of 1733 for Austria
Triggered (1481): The Succession in Provence for Austria
Triggered (1477-1482, 1477-1482): The Valois Inheritance of Burgundy for Austria
Triggered (1619): The Winter King of Prague for Austria

Austria — Not random


Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1508
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1510)
unless prevented by
Action B of 3545 - The League of Cambrai for Papal States


In 1508, Pope Julius II set-up a league against the Republic of Venice, which he disliked and found too powerful in Italy. He enlisted support of Florence, France and even of Emperor Maximilian. French troops decimated the Venetian army at the battle of Agnadel in 1509, but the Republic managed to break the league by concluding separate peace with her opponents.


A. Express Support

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Venice for 72 months
  • -150 relations with Venice
  • +100 relations with Papal States
  • +50 relations with England
  • +50 relations with Spain
  • +50 relations with France
  • +50 relations with Scotland
  • +50 relations with Milan
  • +50 relations with Switzerland
  • +50 relations with Florence

B. Ignore

  • +50 relations with Venice
  • -50 relations with Papal States

C. Express Hostility

  • +150 relations with Venice
  • -100 relations with Papal States
  • -50 relations with England
  • -50 relations with Spain
  • -50 relations with France
  • -50 relations with Scotland
  • -50 relations with Milan
  • -50 relations with Switzerland
  • -50 relations with Florence

Austria — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1508
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1514)


The Fuggers were a peasant family of weavers from Augsburg during the 15th century who rose through trade and transactions in money to Bankers of the Habsburgs and the Popes. Jakob Fugger the Rich (1511-1525) financed Charles V's wars and election to the Empire, controlled European lead, silver and copper production and obtained a monopoly in quicksilver. Anton Fugger (1525-1560) had trading concessions in Chile, Peru and Moscow. However, the company declined by the end of the 16th century because of state bankruptcies in Spain, family conflicts and lack of interest on the part of the heirs.


A. Let the Fuggers run our Finances

  • Size of loans changed to 500 ducats
  • -100 gold
  • +6 merchants
  • -2% inflation

B. Turn the Fuggers offer down

  • -100 gold
  • Stability -3
  • +5% inflation

Austria — Not random


  • Spain exists
  • The following must not occur:
    • Spain and Austria are at war

Will happen within 5 days of January 2, 1519
Checked again every 5 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1520)


In 1496, when the King of Aragon Ferdinand and the Queen of Castile Isabella married their heir Joan the Mad to Habsburg heir Philip the Fair, they started the historical union between what would be called the Spanish and the Austria Habsburgs. The son from this marriage, Charles V, would become the emperor of the largest territory in Western Europe, having inherited the lands of Castile, Aragon, Burgundy and Austria. The Habsburgs would pursue this intra-family wedding policy till the end of the 17th century. From where do you want the Habsburg Empire to be ruled My Lord?


A. Let the Habsburg Empire be ruled from Vienna

  • Event 3151 - The Habsburg Wedding for Spain is triggered immediately
  • +50 relations with Spain
  • Gain a royal marriage with Spain
  • Gain an alliance with Spain
  • +1000 gold
  • Centralization +1

B. Let the Habsburg Empire be ruled from Madrid

  • Event 3731 - The Habsburg Wedding for Spain is triggered immediately
  • +400 relations with Spain
  • Stability -1
  • Aristocracy +2
  • Centralization -1
  • -6 diplomats

Austria — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1520
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1530)


The Habsburg ruler reserved two places for Hungarians in the Hofrat which he was organizing as his central advisory council for his dominions as a whole - it was they themselves who failed to take up the offer


A. Create these New Functions

  • Revolt risk value in Lombardia -6
  • Centralization +1
  • Aristocracy -2
  • Serfdom -1
  • Innovativeness +1
  • Infrastructure tech investment: +500
  • Trade tech investment: +500
  • Stability -1

B. Let the Nobility run these mundane things

  • Revolt risk value in Lombardia -6
  • Centralization -1
  • Aristocracy +1
  • Serfdom +2
  • Innovativeness -2
  • Land tech investment: +500
  • Stability +1

Austria — Not random


Will happen on July 22, 1540


John Zapolya was king of Hungary, voivode of Transylvania. He was born John Zapolya, the son of Stephen Zapolya. He ruthlessly crushed a peasant uprising in 1514. His anger at the marriage of Anna to Ferdinand of Austria (later Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand I) probably motivated his failure to assist Vladislaus' son, King Louis II of Hungary, The struggle between John and Ferdinand ended in 1538, when John, who was then childless, agreed that the crown should pass to Ferdinand after his death.


A. I will be crowned King of Hungary

  • Flag graphics extension set to "EMP"
  • magyar will become an accepted culture
  • slovak will become an accepted culture
  • Carpathia will be considered a national province
  • Ruthenia will be considered a national province
  • Transylvania will be considered a national province
  • Maros will be considered a national province
  • Magyar will be considered a national province
  • Presburg will be considered a national province
  • Odenburg will be considered a national province
  • Pest will be considered a national province
  • Banat will be considered a national province
  • Bosnia will be considered a national province
  • Dalmatia will be considered a national province
  • Croatia will be considered a national province
  • Centralization -3
  • Aristocracy +2
  • Stability +3

Austria — Not random

Will happen within 10 days of January 2, 1548
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 3, 1548)


A temporary doctrinal agreement was proclaimed in May 1548 between German Catholics and Protestants and became Imperial law on June 30, 1548. It was prepared and accepted at the insistence of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, who hoped to establish temporary religious unity in Germany until differences could be worked out in a general council of the Catholic Church. The Augsburg Interim primarily reflected a Catholic viewpoint. It did, however, allow clerical marriage and communion in both kinds (bread and wine) for the laity. Several Protestant Electors objected to the Catholic emphasis of the Augsburg Interim and refused to abide by it. Charles attempted to force its acceptance, an action that led the Protestants to adopt the Leipzig Interim, which upheld Protestant doctrines, at a subsequent Diet. Neither interim was fully accepted so a German religious settlement was not brought about until the Peace of Augsburg (1555).


A. Middle-ground

  • -50 relations with Brandenburg
  • -50 relations with Brunswick
  • -50 relations with Hesse
  • -50 relations with Palatinate
  • -50 relations with Saxony
  • -50 relations with Würzburg
  • -50 relations with Holstein
  • -50 relations with Cleves
  • -50 relations with Cologne
  • -50 relations with Bavaria
  • -50 relations with Papal States
  • Stability +1

B. Catholic Support

  • -100 relations with Brandenburg
  • -100 relations with Brunswick
  • -100 relations with Hesse
  • -100 relations with Palatinate
  • -100 relations with Saxony
  • -100 relations with Würzburg
  • -100 relations with Holstein
  • +50 relations with Cleves
  • +50 relations with Cologne
  • +50 relations with Bavaria
  • +50 relations with Papal States
  • Stability -1

C. Protestant Support

  • +50 relations with Brandenburg
  • +50 relations with Brunswick
  • +50 relations with Hesse
  • +50 relations with Palatinate
  • +50 relations with Saxony
  • +50 relations with Würzburg
  • +50 relations with Holstein
  • -100 relations with Cleves
  • -100 relations with Cologne
  • -100 relations with Bavaria
  • -100 relations with Papal States
  • Stability -1

Austria — Not random

Will happen within 10 days of January 2, 1555
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 3, 1555)


Opened at Augsburg on Feb. 5, 1555, was proclaimed by Charles V, but not wishing to take part in the inevitable religious compromises, he refused to attend the proceedings and empowered his brother Ferdinand (the future emperor Ferdinand I) to settle all questions. It determined that in the future no member of the empire should make war against another on religious grounds and that this peace should remain operative until the denominations were peacefully reunited. Only two denominations were recognized, the Roman Catholics and the Lutherans. Moreover, in each territory of the empire, only one denomination was to be recognized, the religion of the prince's choice being thus made obligatory for his subjects. Protestant and Catholic citizens in the free and Imperial cities remained free to exercise their religion as they pleased. The wish for a lasting settlement was so strong that the compromise peace, which satisfied no one completely and had many loopholes, was accepted. In spite of its shortcomings, the Peace of Augsburg saved the empire from serious internal conflicts for more than 50 years.


A. The Princes may choose their Religion

  • +100 relations with Brandenburg
  • +100 relations with Brunswick
  • +100 relations with Hesse
  • +100 relations with Palatinate
  • +100 relations with Saxony
  • +100 relations with Würzburg
  • +100 relations with Holstein
  • +50 relations with Cleves
  • +50 relations with Cologne
  • +50 relations with Bavaria
  • -100 relations with Papal States
  • Innovativeness +1
  • Stability +1

B. There is only one religion, Catholicism

  • Change religion to Counter-Reform Catholic
  • -150 relations with Brandenburg
  • -150 relations with Brunswick
  • -150 relations with Hesse
  • -150 relations with Palatinate
  • -150 relations with Saxony
  • -150 relations with Würzburg
  • -150 relations with Holstein
  • +100 relations with Cleves
  • +100 relations with Cologne
  • +100 relations with Bavaria
  • +150 relations with Papal States
  • Innovativeness -2
  • Stability -1

C. Anyone may choose their Religion

  • -100 relations with Brandenburg
  • -100 relations with Brunswick
  • -100 relations with Hesse
  • -100 relations with Palatinate
  • -100 relations with Saxony
  • -100 relations with Würzburg
  • -100 relations with Holstein
  • -100 relations with Cleves
  • -100 relations with Cologne
  • -100 relations with Bavaria
  • -200 relations with Papal States
  • Innovativeness +3
  • Stability -1

D. Adhere to the teachings of Luther

  • Change religion to Protestant
  • +150 relations with Brandenburg
  • +150 relations with Brunswick
  • +150 relations with Hesse
  • +150 relations with Palatinate
  • +150 relations with Saxony
  • +150 relations with Würzburg
  • +150 relations with Holstein
  • -200 relations with Cleves
  • -200 relations with Cologne
  • -200 relations with Bavaria
  • -300 relations with Papal States
  • Innovativeness +4
  • Serfdom -2
  • Stability -4

Austria — Not random


  • Netherlands exists
  • None of the following must occur:
    • State religion is Protestant
    • State religion is Reformed
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Own Friesen
    • Own Geldre
    • Own Holland
    • Own Zeeland

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1555
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1648)


Your Highness, we are swiftly losing control of our holdings in the Netherlands to the victorious Dutch rebels. More local nobles and magnates are joining the Dutch cause every day. We must strike swiftly and without mercy if we want to put a stop to this outrage!


A. Curses!

  • Friesen will no longer be considered a national province
  • Geldre will no longer be considered a national province
  • Holland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Zeeland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Luxembourg will no longer be considered a national province
  • Brabant will no longer be considered a national province
  • Artois will no longer be considered a national province
  • Flandern will no longer be considered a national province
  • Nivernais will no longer be considered a national province
  • Franche-Comté will no longer be considered a national province
  • Bourgogne will no longer be considered a national province
  • Cede Friesen to Netherlands
  • Cede Geldre to Netherlands
  • Cede Holland to Netherlands
  • Cede Zeeland to Netherlands

Austria — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1556
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1557)


Ferdinand I started to reorganize Austrian administration. In 1527 he created new central organs: the Geheimer Rat, for foreign affairs and dynastic matters.


A. Centralized Defensive Strategy

  • Land tech investment: +1000
  • Centralization +1
  • Aristocracy -1
  • Land +1
  • Offensive Doctrine -3
  • Quality -2
  • Fortress level in a random province +1
  • Fortress level in a different random province +1
  • Stability -1

B. Flexible Frontier Strategy

  • Land tech investment: +500
  • Centralization -2
  • Aristocracy +2
  • Land +3
  • Offensive Doctrine +3
  • Quality +2
  • +10000 cavalry in a random province
  • +10000 cavalry in a different random province
  • Stability -1

Austria — Not random


Will happen within 0 days of September 30, 1556
Checked again every 0 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after October 1, 1556)


On the twenty-fifth day of October, 1555, the estates of the Netherlands were assembled in the great hall of the palace at Brussels. They had been summoned to be witnesses and the guarantees of the abdication, which Charles V had long before resolved upon, and which he was that day to execute. Charles was a devotee Catholic and compassionate with other people, but he could not see why anyone would not come back to the only church there was, the Catholic Church. The incessant strife, both religious and political, within the Holy Roman Empire had worn him down. Therefore he wanted to split the Habsburg Empire between Madrid and Vienna and then withdraw to the calm milieu of his favorite cloister. Let the rash and youthful take care of the problems!


A. Give all the possessions to Filip

  • Event 3157 - The Abdication of Charles V for Spain is triggered immediately
  • Cede Nivernais to Spain
  • Cede Franche-Comté to Spain
  • Cede Bourgogne to Spain
  • Nivernais will no longer be considered a national province
  • Franche-Comté will no longer be considered a national province
  • Bourgogne will no longer be considered a national province
  • Cede Friesen to Spain
  • Cede Geldre to Spain
  • Cede Holland to Spain
  • Cede Zeeland to Spain
  • Cede Köln to Spain
  • Cede Luxembourg to Spain
  • Cede Brabant to Spain
  • Cede Artois to Spain
  • Cede Flandern to Spain
  • Friesen will no longer be considered a national province
  • Geldre will no longer be considered a national province
  • Holland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Zeeland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Luxembourg will no longer be considered a national province
  • Brabant will no longer be considered a national province
  • Artois will no longer be considered a national province
  • Flandern will no longer be considered a national province
  • Cede Veneto to Spain
  • Cede Lombardia to Spain
  • Cede Mantua to Spain
  • Cede Romagna to Spain
  • Cede Marche to Spain
  • Cede Napoli to Spain
  • Cede Apulia to Spain
  • Cede Messina to Spain
  • Cede Sicily to Spain
  • Cede Sardinia to Spain
  • Cede Corsica to Spain
  • Cede Roma to Spain
  • Cede Siena to Spain
  • Cede Firenze to Spain
  • Cede Emilia to Spain
  • Cede Liguria to Spain
  • Cede Piemonte to Spain
  • Cede Savoie to Spain
  • Cede Malta to Spain
  • Lombardia will no longer be considered a national province
  • Stability -1

B. Let Ferdinand keep the Netherlands

  • Event 3484 - The Abdication of Charles V for Spain is triggered immediately
  • Cede Nivernais to Spain
  • Cede Franche-Comté to Spain
  • Cede Bourgogne to Spain
  • Nivernais will no longer be considered a national province
  • Franche-Comté will no longer be considered a national province
  • Bourgogne will no longer be considered a national province
  • Cede Veneto to Spain
  • Cede Lombardia to Spain
  • Cede Mantua to Spain
  • Cede Romagna to Spain
  • Cede Marche to Spain
  • Cede Napoli to Spain
  • Cede Apulia to Spain
  • Cede Messina to Spain
  • Cede Sicily to Spain
  • Cede Sardinia to Spain
  • Cede Corsica to Spain
  • Cede Roma to Spain
  • Cede Siena to Spain
  • Cede Firenze to Spain
  • Cede Emilia to Spain
  • Cede Liguria to Spain
  • Cede Piemonte to Spain
  • Cede Savoie to Spain
  • Cede Malta to Spain
  • Lombardia will no longer be considered a national province
  • Stability +2

C. Let Ferdinand keep the Italian possessions

  • Event 3747 - The Abdication of Charles V for Spain is triggered immediately
  • Cede Nivernais to Spain
  • Cede Franche-Comté to Spain
  • Cede Bourgogne to Spain
  • Nivernais will no longer be considered a national province
  • Franche-Comté will no longer be considered a national province
  • Bourgogne will no longer be considered a national province
  • Cede Friesen to Spain
  • Cede Geldre to Spain
  • Cede Holland to Spain
  • Cede Zeeland to Spain
  • Cede Köln to Spain
  • Cede Luxembourg to Spain
  • Cede Brabant to Spain
  • Cede Artois to Spain
  • Cede Flandern to Spain
  • Friesen will no longer be considered a national province
  • Geldre will no longer be considered a national province
  • Holland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Zeeland will no longer be considered a national province
  • Luxembourg will no longer be considered a national province
  • Brabant will no longer be considered a national province
  • Artois will no longer be considered a national province
  • Flandern will no longer be considered a national province
  • Stability +1

Austria — Not random


Will happen within 0 days of September 30, 1556
Checked again every 0 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after October 1, 1556)


On the twenty-fifth day of October, 1555, the estates of the Netherlands were assembled in the great hall of the palace at Brussels. They had been summoned to be witnesses and the guarantees of the abdication, which Charles V had long before resolved upon, and which he was that day to execute. Charles was a devotee Catholic and compassionate with other people, but he could not see why anyone would not come back to the only church there was, the Catholic Church. The incessant strife, both religious and political, within the Holy Roman Empire had worn him down. Therefore he wanted to split the Habsburg Empire between Madrid and Vienna and then withdraw to the calm milieu of his favorite cloister. Let the rash and youthful take care of the problems!


A. We go separate ways as Brothers

Austria — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Own Friesen
    • Own Geldre
    • Own Holland
    • Own Zeeland
    • Own Luxembourg
    • Own Brabant
    • Own Artois
    • Own Flandern
  • The following must not occur:
    • Innovativeness is at 8 or higher

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1560
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1571)


In 1566 Dutch Nobles courts the regent Margerete of Parma in Brussels in an effort to stop the persecution of the Inquisition and to let the General Estates convene. The only answer they get is from the Count de Barlaymont saying 'Ce Gueux' (These Beggars!) in a spiteful voice. The Dutch take to that name with pride calling themselves 'The Gueses'. One of the effects of the insulting denial is that the citizenry of Antwerpen storms the churches and destroy the relics and paintings. It then spread from town to town. Knowing the effect in Vienna William of Orange try to stop these acts of violence, but it's futile. The grass has caught fire...


A. No Concessions

  • Revolt risk value in Friesen +10
  • Revolt risk value in Geldre +10
  • Revolt risk value in Holland +10
  • Dutch Rebels revolt in Holland
  • Revolt risk value in Zeeland +10
  • Dutch Rebels revolt in Zeeland
  • Revolt risk value in Luxembourg +10
  • Revolt risk value in Brabant +10
  • Revolt risk value in Artois +10
  • Revolt risk value in Flandern +10
  • Dutch Rebels revolt in Flandern
  • Innovativeness -1
  • +300 gold
  • Stability +1

B. Lower the taxes

  • Revolt risk value in Friesen +5
  • Revolt risk value in Geldre +5
  • Revolt risk value in Holland +5
  • Revolt risk value in Zeeland +5
  • Revolt risk value in Luxembourg +5
  • Revolt risk value in Brabant +5
  • Revolt risk value in Artois +5
  • Revolt risk value in Flandern +5
  • Centralization -1
  • -500 gold
  • Stability -2

Austria — Not random


  • Event 3191 - The Dutch Nobility demands General Estates for Austria has already occurred
  • None of the following must occur:
    • State religion is Protestant
    • State religion is Reformed
  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Own Friesen
    • Own Geldre
    • Own Holland
    • Own Zeeland
    • Own Luxembourg
    • Own Brabant
    • Own Artois
    • Own Flandern
  • The following must not occur:
    • Innovativeness is at 8 or higher

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1565
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1576)


In 1567 the Duke of Alba arrived in the Netherlands bringing Croat and German Elite troops and very determined to break the Dutch Insurrection. Alba issues the Edict of Blood, which allow him to create a harsh military dictatorship with mass-arrests and courts of honor as a daily routine. The Terror of the Inquisition is intensified and hundreds of people are executed. In 1568 Alba arrest and execute the Count Horn and Egmont making William of Orange the only leader left to take up the flag. In 1570 Alba by himself introduces a 10 percent tax even as the Dutch have paid a two-year tax that the General estates had agreed upon on the promise of no more extra taxes. A General Strike spreads in the Netherlands...In 1573 it is clear that the 'Heroic General' has failed to subjugate the Dutch.


A. No Concessions

  • Revolt risk value in Friesen +10
  • Revolt risk value in Geldre +10
  • Revolt risk value in Holland +10
  • Dutch Rebels revolt in Holland
  • Revolt risk value in Zeeland +10
  • Dutch Rebels revolt in Zeeland
  • Revolt risk value in Luxembourg +7
  • Revolt risk value in Brabant +7
  • Revolt risk value in Artois +7
  • Revolt risk value in Flandern +7
  • Dutch Rebels revolt in Flandern
  • Innovativeness -1
  • +300 gold
  • Stability +1

B. Don't introduce that Consumption Tax

  • Revolt risk value in Friesen +5
  • Revolt risk value in Geldre +5
  • Revolt risk value in Holland +5
  • Revolt risk value in Zeeland +5
  • Revolt risk value in Luxembourg +2
  • Revolt risk value in Brabant +2
  • Revolt risk value in Artois +2
  • Revolt risk value in Flandern +2
  • Innovativeness +1
  • -500 gold
  • Stability -2

Austria — Not random


Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1568
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1571)
unless prevented by
Action B of 3549 - The Holy League for Papal States


When in 1570 the Turks sent an ultimatum to Venice asking for the ceding of Cyprus and then invaded the island after the Republic of San Marco failed to respond, a great uproar was created in the Catholic world by the facts and rumors of Ottoman atrocities in the last Christian bastion of the eastern Mediterranean. After a first failure in the summer of 1570, Pope Pie V managed to convince major Catholic nations (except France) to join a Holy League against the heathens Turks, and it was proclaimed in May 1571. The League would lead to the great naval victory of Don Juan on the Turks at Lepanto, but would not outlast this first and final triumph. Selim II is rumored to have said, after the news he had lost 200 galleys at Lepanto: 'At Lepanto, the Christians have shaved me. At Cyprus, I cut their arm. My beard will grow again...'


A. Let the matter fall

  • +50 relations with Ottoman Empire
  • -100 relations with Papal States
  • -50 relations with Order of St. John
  • -50 relations with France
  • -50 relations with Spain
  • -50 relations with Tuscany
  • -50 relations with Venice
  • -50 relations with Naples
  • -50 relations with Savoy
  • -50 relations with Portugal
  • -50 relations with Genoa

B. Support the Holy League


  • Ottoman Empire is a neighbor


  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Ottoman Empire for 72 months
  • -150 relations with Ottoman Empire
  • +100 relations with Papal States
  • +50 relations with Order of St. John
  • +50 relations with France
  • +50 relations with Spain
  • +50 relations with Tuscany
  • +50 relations with Venice
  • +50 relations with Naples
  • +50 relations with Savoy
  • +50 relations with Portugal
  • +50 relations with Genoa

Austria — Not random


Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1575
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1586)


In 1578 Alessandro Farnese, son of the former regent Margerete, arrives in the Netherlands. Farnese have good character and is humane, as well as being both a good general and politician. In him William of Orange get a powerful opponent. Farnese quickly understands that Austria only can keep its mastery of the Netherlands if it complies with the wishes of the Catholic provinces. In 1579 Farnese manages to get some of the southern Catholic provinces into the Union of Arras, which makes peace with Austria. However some of the Northern provinces now create the Union of Utrecht the first sign of a new country. Later on Farnese uses the Union of Arras as a safe base for an invasion of the North and the northerners are only saved by the thirteen year long war between Austria and the Ottomans that started in 1593.


A. Sign the Union of Arras

  • Revolt risk value in Friesen +10
  • Revolt risk value in Geldre +10
  • Revolt risk value in Holland +10
  • Dutch Rebels revolt in Holland
  • Revolt risk value in Zeeland +10
  • Dutch Rebels revolt in Zeeland
  • Revolt risk value in Luxembourg -7
  • Revolt risk value in Brabant -7
  • Revolt risk value in Artois -7
  • Revolt risk value in Flandern -7
  • -200 gold
  • Stability +1

B. No Concessions

  • Revolt risk value in Friesen +10
  • Revolt risk value in Geldre +10
  • Revolt risk value in Holland +10
  • Dutch Rebels revolt in Holland
  • Revolt risk value in Zeeland +10
  • Dutch Rebels revolt in Zeeland
  • Revolt risk value in Luxembourg +7
  • Revolt risk value in Brabant +7
  • Revolt risk value in Artois +7
  • Revolt risk value in Flandern +7
  • Dutch Rebels revolt in Flandern
  • Innovativeness -1
  • +300 gold
  • Stability +3

C. Sign the Union of Arras and lower taxes

  • Revolt risk value in Friesen +5
  • Revolt risk value in Geldre +5
  • Revolt risk value in Holland +5
  • Revolt risk value in Zeeland +5
  • Revolt risk value in Luxembourg -7
  • Revolt risk value in Brabant -7
  • Revolt risk value in Artois -7
  • Revolt risk value in Flandern -7
  • Innovativeness +1
  • -500 gold
  • Stability -1

Austria — Not random


Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1585
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1648)


Your Highness, we are swiftly losing control of our holdings in the Netherlands to the victorious Dutch rebels. More local nobles and magnates are joining the Dutch cause every day. We must strike swiftly and without mercy if we want to put a stop to this outrage!



  • Revolt risk value in Luxembourg -27
  • Revolt risk value in Brabant -27
  • Revolt risk value in Artois -27
  • Revolt risk value in Flandern -27
  • Flandern converts to the state religion

Austria — Not random


  • All of the following must occur:
    • Own Magyar
    • Own Presburg
    • Own Odenburg
    • Own Pest
  • The following must not occur:
    • Hungary exists

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1604
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1605)


Religious antagonism played an important part when war between the empire and the Turks broke out again in 1591. In the so-called Fifteen Years' War, Imperial troops entered Transylvania, and their commander, George Basta, behaved there (and in northern Hungary) with such insane cruelty toward the Hungarian Protestants that a Transylvanian general, István Bocskay, formerly a Habsburg supporter, revolted. His army of wild herdsmen (hajduks) drove out Basta, and in June 1606 Bocskay concluded with Rudolf the Peace of Vienna, which left him prince of an enlarged Transylvania and also guaranteed the rights of the Protestants of Royal Hungary.


A. Crush the Heretics

  • Create a religious revolt in Magyar
  • Create a religious revolt in Pest
  • Create a religious revolt in a random province
  • Create a religious revolt in a different random province
  • Centralization +2
  • Aristocracy -2
  • Stability -1

B. Repress the Heretics

  • Create a religious revolt in Magyar
  • Create a religious revolt in Pest
  • Centralization +1
  • Aristocracy -1
  • Stability -2

C. Give Concessions

  • Centralization -3
  • Aristocracy +3
  • Serfdom +1
  • Stability +2
  • -300 gold

Austria — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • State religion is Catholic
    • State religion is Counter-Reform Catholic

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1607
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1609)


The German Catholic states felt threatened by the 1608 creation of the Evangelic Union of their northern Protestant neighbors, following the Donauwerth exclusion from the Empire. Feeling the urge to unite, they regrouped into a Catholic League that same year. The stage was set for the Thirty Years War.


A. Prepare to Join

  • -100 relations with France
  • -150 relations with Brandenburg
  • -150 relations with Brunswick
  • -150 relations with Hesse
  • -150 relations with Palatinate
  • -150 relations with Saxony
  • -150 relations with Würzburg
  • -150 relations with Holstein
  • +100 relations with Cleves
  • +150 relations with Cologne
  • +150 relations with Bavaria
  • +150 relations with Papal States
  • +150 relations with Spain

B. Stay Neutral

  • +100 relations with Brandenburg
  • +100 relations with Brunswick
  • +100 relations with Hesse
  • +100 relations with Palatinate
  • +100 relations with Saxony
  • +100 relations with Würzburg
  • +50 relations with Bavaria
  • -50 relations with Cleves
  • -50 relations with Cologne
  • -100 relations with Spain
  • -150 relations with Papal States

Austria — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1609
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1609)


Pressed by the Estates of Bohemia and fearing the increasing power of his brother Ferdinand, Emperor Rudolf issued the Royal Letter of Bohemia. The letter gave religious freedom for all Protestants in Bohemia and the later recall of the letter would be one of the causes for the thirty years war.


A. Issue it

  • +100 relations with Bohemia
  • +1 base tax value in Bohemia
  • +1 base tax value in Sudeten
  • Stability -1
  • Bohemia becomes a center of trade

B. Do not issue it

  • -150 relations with Bohemia
  • -1 base tax value in Bohemia
  • -1 base tax value in Sudeten
  • Stability +1
  • Austria becomes a center of trade

Austria — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Bohemia is in a union with Austria
    • Bohemia is a vassal of Austria
    • Own Bohemia
  • The following must not occur:
    • Innovativeness is at 8 or higher

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1618
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1618)


The revolt began in Prague after the royal letter of Bohemia had been recalled. Two royal officers were hurled from a window by Protestant members of the Bohemian diet-the so-called Defenestration of Prague (May, 1618). Ferdinand was declared deposed and the Bohemian throne was offered to Frederick V, the Elector Palatine.


A. Not good at all

  • -200 relations with Bohemia
  • Revolt risk value in Bohemia +10
  • Revolt risk value in Erz +6
  • Revolt risk value in Sudeten +6
  • Revolt risk value in Silesia +6
  • Revolt risk value in Moravia +4
  • Bohemia revolts
  • Sudeten revolts
  • Silesia revolts
  • Moravia revolts
  • Stability -1

Austria — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1626
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1626)


The 1620's were characterized by long and cold winters, late springs and cold and wet summers, leading to crop-failure and sharp increases in grain prices. Into this atmosphere of enhanced tension broke a climatic event of unusual severity. In 1626, during the last week of May, in the middle of the vegetation period, winter returned. The temperature fell so that lakes and rivers froze and trees shed their leaves. The unexpected return of winter caused panic and anxiety among the peasants who could not remember ever experiencing such destruction of their fields. This event, combined with the brutal persecution of Protestants, led the mainly Protestant peasants of Upper Austria, pledged to Bavaria, to revolt. The peasants were defeated after heavy fighting, and in 1628 the country passed into the hands of the emperor again.


A. Pappenheim will take care of the Matter

  • Global revolt risk +3 for 36 months
  • Stability -1

Austria — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • Own Silesia
    • Own Moravia
    • Own Bohemia
    • Own Erz
    • Own Sudeten
    • Bohemia is a vassal of Austria

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1629
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1629)


This brief document purported to do no more than enforce the terms of the Peace of Augsburg. However, the interpretation put on that document was that which had been urged by partisans of Catholicism. Thus it became the source of outrage from many important Protestant leaders as Christian IV of Denmark and Gustav II Adolphus of Sweden, and also a good reason for war...


A. Yes, and eradicate Protestants in Bohemia

  • Event 3754 - The Threat to Protestantism in Germany for Sweden is triggered immediately
  • Revolt risk value in Bohemia -10
  • Revolt risk value in Erz -6
  • Revolt risk value in Sudeten -6
  • Revolt risk value in Silesia -6
  • Revolt risk value in Moravia -4
  • Religion in Bohemia changes to Catholic
  • Religion in Erz changes to Catholic
  • Religion in Sudeten changes to Catholic
  • Religion in Silesia changes to Catholic
  • Religion in Moravia changes to Catholic
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Bohemia for 36 months
  • -100 relations with France
  • -150 relations with Sweden
  • -150 relations with Brandenburg
  • -150 relations with Brunswick
  • -150 relations with Hesse
  • -150 relations with Palatinate
  • -150 relations with Saxony
  • -150 relations with Würzburg
  • -150 relations with Holstein
  • +100 relations with Cleves
  • +150 relations with Cologne
  • +150 relations with Bavaria
  • +150 relations with Papal States
  • +150 relations with Spain
  • Stability -1

B. No, and appease Protestants in Bohemia

  • Event 3754 - The Threat to Protestantism in Germany for Sweden will never fire
  • Revolt risk value in Bohemia -10
  • Revolt risk value in Erz -6
  • Revolt risk value in Sudeten -6
  • Revolt risk value in Silesia -6
  • Revolt risk value in Moravia -4
  • Gain Fine Arts Academy in Bohemia
  • Gain Fine Arts Academy in a random province
  • +100 relations with Brandenburg
  • +100 relations with Brunswick
  • +100 relations with Hesse
  • +100 relations with Palatinate
  • +100 relations with Saxony
  • +100 relations with Würzburg
  • +100 relations with Holstein
  • -50 relations with Papal States
  • Stability +3

Austria — Not random


Will happen within 10 days of January 2, 1648
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1649)


After a number of failures in the 1590's and during the first decades of the 17th century the Thirty Years War started and Austria took up the offensive in the Netherlands again. The brilliant, but eccentric General Pappenheim won victory after victory. The Dutch again tried to open their walls and flood their enemy, but it backfired and they lost more than 10000 elite troops in the events. Pappenheim was not a brutal man, but he was very realistic and let the people bear the costs of war. Thus the majority of the Dutch in the united provinces lost all their money and wealth, which was used paying for the upkeep of the Imperial troops. In 1625 Breda capitulated to Pappenheim, the Dutch took Grol in 1627, but Pappenheim took it back within 6 months and he also took Nijmegen and one of his German armies had now moved into Geldern from Münster and effectively threatened Utrecht. But the best was yet to come. In a nightly sea battle the Spanish navy managed to win and land 12000 men in Zeeland, within a year Austria had gained control of their quarrelsome subjects. During the years until the Westphalian Peace Austria harshly subjugated all non-Catholics. Catholics were given strong preferences in all areas and they also got local self-governance. A pact between the All the Catholic Subjects of His Imperial Majesty was instituted. Many Calvinist left for South Africa and South-East Asia. At the Westphalian Peace in 1648 the world at last acknowledged the rightful Austrian rule in the Netherlands.


A. The Netherlands is subjugated

  • Flandern converts to the state religion
  • Revolt risk value in Friesen -30
  • Revolt risk value in Geldre -30
  • Revolt risk value in Holland -30
  • Revolt risk value in Zeeland -30
  • Revolt risk value in Luxembourg -27
  • Revolt risk value in Brabant -27
  • Revolt risk value in Artois -27
  • Revolt risk value in Flandern -27
  • Centralization +3
  • +300 gold
  • Stability +3

Austria — Not random


  • Own Magyar
  • Own Presburg
  • Own Odenburg
  • Own Pest

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1668
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1673)


The Turkish occupation of central Hungary remained a volatile issue, for every Hungarian resented the Habsburgs' policy of leaving the Turks unmolested while pursuing ambitious objectives in the west. Emperor Leopold sent a force against the Turks - but, although the Austrian general Raimondo Montecuccoli defeated the Turks at Szentgotthárd on Aug. 1, 1664, the subsequent Peace of Vasvár recognized all the sultan's gains. Now even the highest magnates of Royal Hungary plotted to expel the Habsburgs with Turkish and French help. Your Excellency, the Hungarian magnates are untrustworthy. Perhaps we should consider a reorganization of the provincial government...


A. Centralized German Administration from Budapest

  • Centralization +1
  • Aristocracy -1
  • Serfdom -1
  • Offensive Doctrine -1
  • Quality -1
  • Stability -1

B. Centralized German Administration from Vienna

  • Centralization +2
  • Aristocracy -3
  • Serfdom -1
  • Offensive Doctrine -2
  • Quality -2
  • Magyar revolts
  • Odenburg revolts
  • Stability -2

C. Decentralized Hungarian Noble Council in Budapest

Austria — Not random


  • Own Magyar
  • Own Presburg
  • Own Odenburg
  • Own Pest

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1676
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1679)
unless prevented by
Action C of 3332 - The Chastening of Hungary for Austria


A young Transylvanian, Imre Tököll, led a revolt that forced Leopold in 1681 to restore the constitution and revoke many of his harshest measures. The Porte, encouraged by Tököll's successes against the empire, sent into Hungary a vast army that in 1683 reached the walls of Vienna.


A. Stop the Movement for Independence

  • Magyar revolts
  • Magyar revolts
  • Presburg revolts
  • Odenburg revolts
  • Maros revolts
  • Pest revolts
  • Stability +1

Austria — Not random


  • All of the following must occur:
    • Own Magyar
    • Own Presburg
    • Own Odenburg
    • Own Pest
  • The following must not occur:
    • Hungary exists

Will happen within 50 days of January 2, 1703
Checked again every 50 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1713)


As struggles came and went the ruling family of Hungary, the Habsburgs, had established the following pattern in treating their nobility. During times of foreign war, nobles were granted rights which the crown then tried to recall as soon as peace came. This, naturally, often triggered revolts. Following this pattern, taxes and military drafts were imposed upon the nobles after Hungary's decisive victory over the Turks in 1699. But, when Austria went to war with France in 1703, the nobles revolted once again, and forced the Emperor Charles V to restore the old system of noble privileges, in the Peace of Szatmar of 1711.


A. Stick!

  • Magyar revolts
  • Pest revolts
  • Maros revolts
  • Carpathia revolts
  • -150 relations with Ottoman Empire

B. Carrot and stick

  • Magyar revolts
  • Carpathia revolts
  • -50 relations with Ottoman Empire
  • -200 gold
  • Stability -1

Austria — Not random


  • Own Flandern

Will happen within 100 days of January 2, 1716
Checked again every 100 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1726)
unless prevented by
Action A of 4122 - Foundation of the Verenigde Oostendse Compagnie for Burgundy
Action A of 3596 - Foundation of the Verenigde Oostendse Compagnie for Flanders


The company was a highly successful colonial trading company, mostly active in the Chinese tea trade and also in the Bengals where it had a colony/fort factory. Its success was short-lived however because of Habsburg dynastic reasons when Maria Theresia came to the throne. The VOC was so annoyingly successful to the Dutch and the English that the abolishment of it was a demand to not oppose the ascending to the throne of Maria Theresia.


A. We will exploit this!

Austria — Not random


  • Own Salzburg
  • None of the following must occur:

Will happen within 10 days of January 2, 1731
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1732)


In 1731 the Archbishop of Salzburg purged his lands from Protestants. The Protestants had grown in number over the years and the archbishop had started to feel his powers threatened by their existence. More than 26000 ethnic German Protestants fled for their lives. 17000 of them were welcomed in Prussia in 1732 and most of them settle in East Prussia. Several Protestant countries started nation-wide collections to help the fugitives.


A. Let the Archbishop Purge the Protestants

B. Stop the Archbishop's Purge

  • Innovativeness +1
  • Religion in Salzburg changes to Protestant
  • Stability +1

Austria — Not random

Will happen on October 21, 1740


The Pragmatic Sanction, solemnly rendered by Emperor Charles VI on 19th April 1713, established the indivisibility of the Habsburg patrimony, and ruled the order of succession by order of first born child, even to a woman. This made Maria-Theresa, born in 1717, the heir of the Empire. The Pragmatic Sanction was recognized by Spain in 1725 (confirmed in 1731), Russia in 1726, Prussia in 1728, the United Provinces in 1731, Hanover in 1732, the Heiliges Reich (except Bavaria) in 1732 and France in 1738 only. Bavarian refusal would lead to the War of the Austrian Succession.


A. Staunchly Defend Your Rights

  • -150 relations with Prussia
  • -100 relations with Bavaria
  • -100 relations with Saxony
  • -50 relations with Genoa
  • -150 relations with France
  • +150 relations with England
  • +150 relations with Netherlands
  • +150 relations with Russia
  • +100 relations with Hesse
  • +100 relations with Hanover
  • Stability +1

B. Meekly Argue for Moral Justice

  • -100 relations with Prussia
  • -80 relations with Bavaria
  • -80 relations with Saxony
  • -20 relations with Genoa
  • -150 relations with France
  • +150 relations with Netherlands
  • +150 relations with Russia
  • +100 relations with Hesse
  • +100 relations with Hanover
  • Stability -1

C. Publicly promise Concessions

  • +50 relations with Prussia
  • +50 relations with Bavaria
  • +50 relations with Saxony
  • +100 relations with Genoa
  • -100 relations with France
  • +100 relations with Netherlands
  • +100 relations with Russia
  • +50 relations with Hesse
  • +50 relations with Hanover
  • Stability -2
  • The capital province revolts

Austria — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1750
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1760)


Maria Theresa determined from the outset of her reign that the Habsburg monarchy would never again be perceived as too weak to defend itself. Consequently, even while the war was under way she had been studying reforms, and when it ended she immediately began implementing them. First and foremost was reform of the army. Maria Theresa realized, however, that no military reform would be effective without financial reform and in this area she (advised by the brilliant Friedrich Wilhelm, Count von Haugwitz) achieved her perhaps greatest accomplishments. Following the military and financial reforms other changes came, generally in administrative matters. Although these reforms were subjected to many modifications and changes throughout Maria Theresa's reign and after, the result was a government far more centralized than it had ever been before.


A. Reform

  • Centralization +2
  • Aristocracy +2
  • Serfdom -1
  • Stability +1

B. Let it be

  • +300 gold
  • Stability +3

Austria — Not random

Will happen within 10 days of January 2, 1753
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1753)


Wenzel-Anton, Earl and then Prince of Rittberg-Kaunitz (1711-1794) is a noble from Bohemia. Impregnated of the culture of the Englightenment, a devoted civil servant, he always had the full confidence and support from Empress Maria-Theresa. After a diplomatic career, he became Chancellor of Austria in 1753, till 1792. A partisan of alliance shifts, he worked out the closer ties with France that led to the Seven Years War, but also managed to renew with Frederick II of Prussia in time to be part of the first partition of Poland.


A. An Excellent Minister!

  • Monarch's diplomatic skill +3 for 240 months
  • Monarch's administrative skill +3 for 240 months
  • Monarch's military skill +3 for 240 months
  • Stability +2

Austria — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1770
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1774)


Joseph II, 1741-90, Holy Roman Emperor (1765-90), King of Bohemia and Hungary (1780-90). After his fathers death 1765, Joseph acted as emperor and co-regent with his mother but had little real influence. Resenting this fact, he takes to traveling until his mothers death in 1780. He then begins reformations largely based on his own philosophy and principles, rather than those originating in the Enlightenment. These reforms consisted of nothing less than the abolition of hereditary and ecclesiastic privileges as well as the creation of a civil service based on merit and loyalty rather than birth.


A. Reforms of Enlightenment

  • Centralization +2
  • Aristocracy -1
  • Serfdom -5
  • Innovativeness +2
  • Mercantilism -2
  • Land -2
  • Global revolt risk +4 for 36 months
  • -200 gold

B. No Change

  • Stability +1

C. Reforms of Reaction

  • Centralization -1
  • Aristocracy +3
  • Serfdom +3
  • Innovativeness -2
  • Mercantilism +2
  • Land +1
  • Global revolt risk +2 for 36 months
  • -200 gold

Austria — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1776
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1785)


At long last, serfdom is formally abolished in Estonia and Latvia. Peasants in Lithuania, as well as in Russia proper, have to wait another 50 years before serfdom is struck from the books. But while the Estonians and Latvians gain their freedom by law, their lives do not change that much in practice: German barons continue to own all the land, and they retain rights to restrict the movement of peasants and to inflict physical punishment. Without land, most peasants can't sustain themselves economically and are forced to keep working for their centuries-old German masters.


A. Yes, certainly!

  • Serfdom -5
  • Innovativeness +1
  • Stability -1

B. No, certainly not!

  • Innovativeness -1

C. No, and go further!

  • Serfdom +3
  • Innovativeness -3
  • Stability +1

Austria — Not random


  • Bavaria exists
  • None of the following must occur:
    • Palatinate and Austria are at war
    • Prussia and Bavaria are at war

Will happen within 0 days of January 2, 1777
Checked again every 0 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after July 2, 1777)


After the extinction of the Wittelsbach dynasty in Bavaria (1777), Joseph II endeavored to strengthen the position of Austria within the Empire. His plan to exchange territories with Charles Theodore of the Palatinate, the heir of the Bavarian throne (Lower Bavaria and the Upper Palatinate for Lower Austria) led to the War of the Bavarian Succession (1778-1779). Prussia intervened in July 1778 in what she saw as a dangerous Austrian expansion. It was a short conflict which started with a Prussian invasion of Bohemia but was terminated in May 1779s when Empress Maria Theresa forced her son Joseph II to capitulate. The peace was concluded at Teschen on 16th May 1779 and Austria settled for the small Inn district.


A. Make legal claims on Bayern

B. Do not interfere

  • +150 relations with Bavaria
  • +50 relations with Prussia
  • -150 relations with Palatinate
  • Stability +1
  • Trade tech investment: +1000

Austria — Not random

Will happen within 30 days of September 21, 1789
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1789)


Joseph II was a controversial ruler. He began his reign with liberal reforms like the Edict of Toleration, which gave Lutherans, Calvinists, and Orthodox near equality with Roman Catholics. He also abolished serfdom and (temporarily) eased up on official censorship. However, Joseph was also an extreme centralist. In 1784 he informed the Hungarian government that it's official language, Latin, was really not effective for modern government and would be changed to German. To add to their horror, Joseph refused to submit to a coronation in Hungary lest he have to swear to uphold laws that he did not wish to, and then he had the sacred crown of the kingdom moved to Vienna. In March 1787 Joseph swept away the constitution of the Austrian Netherlands and announced that from then on it would be ruled according to absolutist principles. Resistance simmered in the Austrian Netherlands until 1789 when it boiled over into open revolt. By that time there also were rumors of rebellion in Hungary and in Galicia, and for a time it appeared as if revolution might erupt in many parts of the monarchy.


A. React against Revolutionary Tendencies!

  • Aristocracy +3
  • Serfdom +3
  • Innovativeness -3
  • Stability -1

B. Risk the Revolution!

  • Aristocracy -1
  • Serfdom -1
  • Innovativeness +1
  • Global revolt risk +3 for 156 months
  • Stability +1

Austria — Not random

Will happen within 10 days of January 2, 1800
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after December 31, 1805)


Metternich began his state career in 1797 as representative of the Westphalian College of counts at the Congress of Rastatt, but in less than a decade, he had managed to become ambassador of Saxony and Preussen as well as the Austrian representative in France. His career primed in 1809 when he was assigned the post as minister of Austrian foreign affairs. Until 1813 Metternich will pursue a policy of acquiescence to French supremacy. A policy which ends with the creation of the Quadruple Alliance, the war against France, and the allied victory the very same year. The following 35 years have been called the Age of Metternich for during this time he was the chief arbiter of Europe. The Metternich system depended upon political and religious censorship, espionage, and the suppression of revolutionary and nationalist movements. This system holds part of the blame for the revolutions of 1848.


A. An Excellent Minister!

  • Monarch's diplomatic skill +5 for 240 months
  • Monarch's administrative skill +3 for 240 months
  • Monarch's military skill +2 for 240 months
  • Stability +2

Austria — Not random


  • All of the following must be true for :
    • Monarch Napoléon I is active
  • Control Ile de France

Will happen within 10 days of January 2, 1809
Checked again every 10 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1821)


Many countries had viewed the French revolution with neutral mistrust or eager interest, but with the Reign of Terror and the Execution of King Louis most countries became abhorred. The New Republic and its ideas undermined the 'Old Order' that existed in most European countries. Those several alliances were set up to restore the Bourbons to the French Throne, crush the revolution and get Europe back to normal again. This succeeded in 1814 and again in 1815 when foreign armies brought Louis XVIII on the throne. Louis XVIII was the brother of the Executed King Louis of France and in early life was known as the Comte de Provence. He remained in Paris after the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789 but escaped to Flanders two years later. After King Louis' execution in 1793 he proclaimed himself regent, and after the death of his brother's heir in 1795, he took the title Louis XVIII. He lived as an exile in various European countries until he became king after Napoleon's first abdication in 1814. On Napoleon's return to power in 1815, however, Louis again fled to Flanders.


A. The Bourbons are reinstalled

Austria — Not random


Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1810
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1820)


The Holy Alliance ('Heilige Allianz') was a coalition linking the monarchist great powers of Austria, Prussia and Russia, which was created after the final defeat of Napoleon at the behest of Tsar Alexander I of Russia and signed in Paris in September 1815. The alliance aimed to restrain liberalism and secularism in Europe in the wake of the devastating French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, and nominally continued until the Crimean War. In practice, the Austrian state chancellor and foreign minister Prince Klemens von Metternich made it a bastion against democracy, revolution and secularism. It also allowed coordinating suppression of Polish efforts to restore an independent state - by Austria in the Kingdom of Galicia, by Russia in Congress Poland, and by Prussia in the Grand Duchy of Posen. The monarchs in the alliance primarily used it to suppress revolutionary influence (especially from France) from entering their own nations, though it is arguable to what extent it was a genuine military alliance rather than a limited pact of shared political convenience.


A. Propose the reactionary pact

  • Global revolt risk +3 for 60 months
  • +2 diplomats
  • Gain a royal marriage with Prussia
  • Gain a royal marriage with Russia
  • +300 relations with Prussia
  • +300 relations with Russia
  • -100 relations with Papal States
  • Centralization +1
  • Aristocracy +1
  • Innovativeness -1
  • Quality -1
  • Serfdom +1
  • Stability -1

B. Allow greater freedoms at home

  • Global revolt risk +5 for 60 months
  • +4 merchants
  • Infrastructure tech investment: +500
  • Trade tech investment: +500
  • +100 relations with England
  • +100 relations with Netherlands
  • +100 relations with Ottoman Empire
  • Centralization -1
  • Aristocracy -1
  • Innovativeness +1
  • Quality +1
  • Serfdom -1
  • Stability -3

Austria — Not random


  • At least one of the following must occur:
    • State religion is Catholic
    • State religion is Counter-Reform Catholic

Triggered by

Action A of 3129 - Revocation of the Edict of Nantes for France


On April 13th, 1598 Henri IV issued the Edict of Nantes, a new law granting French Catholics a large degree of religious toleration. Almost a hundred years later his grandson Louis XIV, a radical Huguenot puritan striving for complete religious and political unity within France, viewed the coexistence of the Calvinist and Roman churches as a potential catalyst for renewed civil war. Having already encouraged the persecution of France's Catholics for over a decade, in October 1685 Louis issued the Edict of Fontainebleau - essentially a complete revocation of his grandfather's Edict of Nantes. Within a few years, more than half a million Catholics had fled to Spain, Poland and the Habsburg dominions across Germany and Italy, thereby depriving France of her traditional artisan class.


A. We welcome you with open arms!

  • +10% population in a random province
  • +1 base tax value in the same province
  • +10% population in a different random province
  • +1 base tax value in the same province
  • +10% population in a different random province
  • +1 base tax value in the same province
  • +10% population in a different random province
  • +1 base tax value in the same province
  • Stability +1

Austria — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 3173 - The Succession of Carlos II in Spain for Spain


On November 1st, 1700, the last Habsburg king Charles II of Spain died heirless. Both Louis XIV of France and Leopold I of Austria had married the defunct king's sisters and had thus direct and legitimate claims to the succession. To prevent that the chosen heir reigned over too powerful a kingdom, the European had anticipated the crisis and agreed in 1697 and again in early 1700 to a partition that would retain the Balance of Power in Europe. However, Carlos II and the Spanish Government was greatly upset by the other countries meddling in strictly Spanish affairs and thus tried to name Philip of Anjou, grandson of the Sun-King, the heir to the Spanish throne. However in the late phase of the Franco-Spanish negotiations a secretary of one of the Spanish ministers leaked out information and Habsburg partisans back in Madrid argued for allocating succession to the Austrian branch of the Habsburg dynasty, so Charles II hard beset, in one of his last official acts, left Spain to his nephew, Charles of Habsburg. This solution endangered the European balance of power and led to the formation of the Grand Alliance against Austria and Spain. Thus when Austrian forces reinforced the Spanish Netherlands the War of Spanish Succession broke out.


A. Splendid

  • Gain Spain as vassals
  • Gain an alliance with Spain
  • +400 relations with Spain
  • -150 relations with France
  • -50 relations with Netherlands
  • -50 relations with England
  • -50 relations with Brandenburg
  • Stability +3

Austria — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3632 - Habsburg Inheritance of Lorraine for Lorraine


In 1733 there had been great conflict in Europe centered on the election of King Stanislaus Leszczynski. Russia and Austria had supported Friedrich Augustus II's son, but he lost the election. War had been close and several plans had been discussed to secure peace for all. One was that Friedrich Augustus II's son got the throne and Stanislaus would have been compensated with Lorraine. However that situation never materialized and when François III Étienne of Lorraine married Maria-Theresia of Austria the lands of Lorraine would be inherited by their eldest son, Joseph.


A. Lorraine will stay within the Habsburg Dynasty

  • Gain Lorraine as vassals
  • Lorraine will be considered a claim province
  • +150 relations with Lorraine
  • Stability +1

Austria — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3173 - The Succession of Carlos II in Spain for Spain


On November 1st, 1700, the last Habsburg king Charles II of Spain died heirless. Both Louis XIV of France and Leopold I of Austria had married the defunct king's sisters and had thus direct and legitimate claims to the succession. To prevent that the chosen heir reigned over too powerful a kingdom, the European had anticipated the crisis and agreed in 1697 and again in early 1700 to a partition that would retain the Balance of Power in Europe. However, Carlos II and the Spanish Government was greatly upset by the other countries meddling in strictly Spanish affairs and thus named Philip of Anjou, grandson of the Sun-King, the heir to the Spanish throne. This solution endangered the European balance of power and led to the formation of the Grand Alliance against France and Spain. Thus when French forces occupied the Spanish Netherlands the War of Spanish Succession broke out.


A. No, it is ours!

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against France for 36 months
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Spain for 36 months
  • -150 relations with Spain
  • -150 relations with France
  • +100 relations with Netherlands
  • +100 relations with England
  • +100 relations with Brandenburg
  • Lombardia will be considered a claim province
  • Mantua will be considered a claim province
  • Napoli will be considered a claim province
  • Apulia will be considered a claim province
  • Messina will be considered a claim province
  • Sicily will be considered a claim province
  • Sardinia will be considered a claim province
  • Stability +3

B. We must accept the will of poor Carlos

  • +100 relations with Spain
  • +100 relations with France
  • -150 relations with Netherlands
  • -150 relations with England
  • -150 relations with Brandenburg
  • Stability -3

Austria — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 4190 - The Death of John Zapolya for Hungary


John Zapolya was king of Hungary, voivode of Transylvania. He was born John Zapolya, the son of Stephen Zapolya. He ruthlessly crushed a peasant uprising in 1514. His anger at the marriage of Anna to Ferdinand of Austria (later Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand I) probably motivated his failure to assist Vladislaus' son, King Louis II of Hungary, The struggle between John and Ferdinand ended in 1538, when John, who was then childless, agreed that the crown should pass to Ferdinand after his death.


A. I will be crowned King of Hungary

  • Flag graphics extension set to "EMP"
  • Gain Hungary as vassals
  • Gain an alliance with Hungary
  • +200 relations with Hungary
  • magyar will become an accepted culture
  • slovak will become an accepted culture
  • Carpathia will be considered a claim province
  • Ruthenia will be considered a claim province
  • Transylvania will be considered a claim province
  • Maros will be considered a claim province
  • Magyar will be considered a claim province
  • Presburg will be considered a claim province
  • Odenburg will be considered a claim province
  • Pest will be considered a claim province
  • Banat will be considered a claim province
  • Bosnia will be considered a claim province
  • Dalmatia will be considered a claim province
  • Croatia will be considered a claim province
  • Centralization -2
  • Aristocracy +1
  • Stability +2

Austria — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 4190 - The Death of John Zapolya for Hungary


The struggle between John and Ferdinand ended in 1538, when John, who was then childless, reached a compromise with Ferdinand: Ferdinand was frustrated in his efforts to reach a military decision, whereas John was disappointed in his hopes for Ottoman protection. They agreed, therefore, that John would remain king of Hungary as long as he lived, but that after his death the crown would revert to Ferdinand regardless of whether John left a male heir. John set aside the agreement when, a few months before his death, a son, John Sigismund (John II Zapolya), was born. He was crowned king of Hungary on his father's death (1540).


A. No! It is mine!

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Hungary for 60 months
  • -200 relations with Hungary
  • Offensive Doctrine +1
  • +10 national manpower
  • Stability +1

Austria — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 3639 - The Death of King Louis of Hungary for Hungary


Louis II (Lajos), 1506-26, king of Hungary and Bohemia (1516-26), son and successor of Vladislaus II. He was the last of the Jagiello dynasty in the two kingdoms. In the face of intensified attacks by Sultan Süleyman I, Louis hastily sought (1526) to unite Hungary and Christendom behind him, but only the pope sent help. With a pitiful army, Louis joined battle with the Ottomans at Mohács. The Hungarian army was destroyed, and Louis was killed. Only the ambitious John Zapolya had failed to arrive in time for the battle with the army he was bringing from Transylvania. Through the marriage treaty concluded by Louis' father the crowns of Hungary and Bohemia passed to Louis' brother-in-law, Ferdinand of Habsburg (later Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand I), but Hungary fell under Ottoman rule.


A. No! It is mine!

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Hungary for 60 months
  • -200 relations with Hungary
  • Monarch's military skill +3 for 120 months
  • Land tech investment: +500
  • Naval tech investment: +500
  • Stability +1

B. Let him have it

  • Gain a royal marriage with Hungary
  • +100 relations with Hungary
  • Innovativeness +1
  • Offensive Doctrine -1
  • Cede Carpathia to Hungary
  • Cede Ruthenia to Hungary
  • Cede Transylvania to Hungary
  • Cede Maros to Hungary
  • Cede Magyar to Hungary
  • Cede Presburg to Hungary
  • Cede Odenburg to Hungary
  • Cede Pest to Hungary
  • Cede Banat to Hungary
  • Cede Bosnia to Hungary
  • Cede Dalmatia to Hungary
  • Cede Croatia to Hungary
  • -5 badboy
  • Stability -2

Austria — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 3706 - The Inheritance of Milan for Milan


The dastardly French have claimed the Duchy of Milan, an inheritance that should have been ours by right. If we want it, it looks like we'll have to fight for it.


A. It should have been ours!

  • Lombardia will be considered a claim province
  • Stability +1

Austria — Not random

Triggered by

Action C of 15015 - The Marriage of Mary of Burgundy for Burgundy
Action D of 3597 - The Marriage of Mary of Burgundy for Burgundy


When Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy died under the walls of Nancy in January 1477 his considerable territories passed to his only child, Mary, who immediately became the most eligible bride in Europe. For over a decade prior to his death the rulers of Europe had kept a close eye on the mixed fortunes of Mary's father and his legendary military campaigns against practically all of Burgundy's neighbours, but by the late 1470s most of them quietly agreed that the so-called 'Grand Duchy of the West' should be dismembered. However, with Mary's marriage to Maximilian, King of the Romans, the independence of the Burgundian realm is now guaranteed by a dynastic alliance with Austria.


A. Excellent!

  • Gain a royal marriage with Burgundy
  • Gain an alliance with Burgundy
  • +200 relations with Burgundy
  • -50 relations with England
  • -50 relations with France
  • Stability +1

Austria — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3642 - The Death of King Ludvík of Bohemia for Bohemia


In the year 1526 King Louis II died childless, Emperor Maximilian of Habsburg, also King-elect of Bohemia and thus Elector of the Empire managed to have the kingship become hereditary in his family.


A. I will become the King of Bohemia

  • Gain an alliance with Bohemia
  • czech will become an accepted culture
  • Silesia will be considered a claim province
  • Moravia will be considered a claim province
  • Bohemia will be considered a claim province
  • Erz will be considered a claim province
  • Sudeten will be considered a claim province
  • +100 relations with Bohemia
  • Stability +1

Austria — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 3642 - The Death of King Ludvík of Bohemia for Bohemia


In the year 1526 King Louis II died childless, Emperor Maximilian of Habsburg, also King-elect of Bohemia and thus Elector of the Empire managed to have the kingship become hereditary in his family.


A. Bohemia is now secured for Our Dynasty

  • Inherit the realms of Bohemia
  • czech will become an accepted culture
  • Silesia will be considered a national province
  • Moravia will be considered a national province
  • Bohemia will be considered a national province
  • Erz will be considered a national province
  • Sudeten will be considered a national province
  • Stability +1
  • Centralization +1
  • Aristocracy +1

Austria — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 15015 - The Marriage of Mary of Burgundy for Burgundy
Action A of 3597 - The Marriage of Mary of Burgundy for Burgundy


When Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, died under the walls of Nancy in 1477, his inheritance passed to his daughter Mary, the wife of Maximilian of Habsburg. The Duchy of Burgundy was one of the largest medieval states in Western Europe, covering most of the Low Countries (today's Belgium and Holland), Luxemburg and Franche-Comté. France had conquered the heart of the Duchy itself. Mary and Maximilian's inheritance was transmitted to their son Philip the Fair, husband of the Spanish heiress Joanna of Castile. Their eldest son, Charles V, would later reign over the Austrian and Spanish Habsburg territories.


A. It's all mine!

  • Inherit the realms of Burgundy
  • Monarch's diplomatic skill +3 for 60 months
  • Friesen will be considered a national province
  • Geldre will be considered a national province
  • Holland will be considered a national province
  • Zeeland will be considered a national province
  • Luxembourg will be considered a national province
  • Brabant will be considered a national province
  • Artois will be considered a national province
  • Flandern will be considered a national province
  • Nivernais will be considered a national province
  • Franche-Comté will be considered a national province
  • Bourgogne will be considered a national province
  • Stability +2

Austria — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3639 - The Death of King Louis of Hungary for Hungary


Louis II (Lajos), 1506-26, king of Hungary and Bohemia (1516-26), son and successor of Vladislaus II. He was the last of the Jagiello dynasty in the two kingdoms. In the face of intensified attacks by Sultan Süleyman I, Louis hastily sought (1526) to unite Hungary and Christendom behind him, but only the pope sent help. With a pitiful army, Louis joined battle with the Ottomans at Mohács. The Hungarian army was destroyed, and Louis was killed. Only the ambitious John Zapolya had failed to arrive in time for the battle with the army he was bringing from Transylvania. Through the marriage treaty concluded by Louis' father the crowns of Hungary and Bohemia passed to Louis' brother-in-law, Ferdinand of Habsburg (later Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand I), but Hungary fell under Ottoman rule.


A. I will be crowned King of Hungary

  • Flag graphics extension set to "EMP"
  • magyar will become an accepted culture
  • slovak will become an accepted culture
  • Carpathia will be considered a claim province
  • Ruthenia will be considered a claim province
  • Transylvania will be considered a claim province
  • Maros will be considered a claim province
  • Magyar will be considered a claim province
  • Presburg will be considered a claim province
  • Odenburg will be considered a claim province
  • Pest will be considered a claim province
  • Banat will be considered a claim province
  • Bosnia will be considered a claim province
  • Dalmatia will be considered a claim province
  • Croatia will be considered a claim province
  • Centralization -3
  • Aristocracy +2
  • Stability +3

Austria — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3706 - The Inheritance of Milan for Milan


The Duchy of Milan, a fief of the Holy Roman Empire, had become a powerful Condottiere (mercenary) nation under the Sforza family, led by Ludovic Le More (1451-1508). Upon his capture in 1500, the Duchy is open to opposing claims. Louis XII of France is the grandson of Valentine Visconti (great-granddaughter of the first Duke of Milan) and has thus a direct claim. The Emperor has also a claim as suzerain of an Imperial fiefdom. The Duchy would end in the Emperor's basket, by force of arms, after the disastrous defeat of the French at Pavia in 1525.


A. Rule as separate country

  • Gain Milan as vassals
  • Gain an alliance with Milan
  • Lombardia will be considered a claim province
  • -100 relations with France
  • Stability +1

B. Rule as part of Austria

  • Inherit the realms of Milan
  • Lombardia will be considered a national province
  • Revolt risk value in Lombardia +6
  • Revolt risk value in Emilia +6
  • -180 relations with France
  • Stability -1

Austria — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3127 - Chambers of Reunion for France


The reunion policy of Louis XIV had been forced upon by the Empire in the 1684 by the Truce of Regensburg, mostly because the Emperor was preoccupied by the Turkish menace (siege of Vienna in 1683). The continued French claims and expansion to the detriment of the Habsburg possessions and the German states of the Empire led to the creation of the anti-French League of Augsburg (1686).


A. Defy French claims

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against France for 72 months
  • -150 relations with France
  • +150 relations with England
  • +150 relations with Spain
  • +150 relations with Prussia
  • +150 relations with Brandenburg
  • +150 relations with Netherlands
  • +100 relations with Brunswick
  • +100 relations with Baden
  • +100 relations with Hesse
  • +100 relations with Cleves
  • +100 relations with Cologne
  • +100 relations with Palatinate
  • +100 relations with Würzburg

B. Ignore it

  • +50 relations with France
  • -100 relations with England
  • -50 relations with Baden
  • -100 relations with Prussia
  • -100 relations with Brandenburg
  • -100 relations with Netherlands
  • -50 relations with Brunswick
  • -50 relations with Spain
  • -50 relations with Hesse
  • -50 relations with Cleves
  • -50 relations with Cologne
  • -50 relations with Palatinate
  • -50 relations with Würzburg

Austria — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3603 - The Marriage of Anne of Brittany for Brittany


Upon becoming duchess of Brittany, the young Anne's hand was eagerly sought. To prevent France from swallowing up the duchy, a coalition including Archduke Maximilian of Austria, King Henry VII of England, and King Ferdinand II of Aragón sent forces to Anne's aid. Nevertheless, Anne's situation was perilous and she appealed (1489) directly to Maximilian for protection. In 1490, Maximilian married Anne by proxy but failed to assist her with armed strength... Your Excellency, the Duchess may not be beautiful, but she is a stone in Charles VIII's shoe!


A. Seek her consent and ask to marry her

  • Gain Brittany as vassals
  • Gain an alliance with Brittany
  • Armor will be considered a claim province
  • Bretagne will be considered a claim province
  • Morbihan will be considered a claim province
  • Stability +1

Austria — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3602 - The Marriage of Anne of Brittany for Brittany


Upon becoming duchess of Brittany, the young Anne's hand was eagerly sought. To prevent France from swallowing up the duchy, a coalition including Archduke Maximilian of Austria, King Henry VII of England, and King Ferdinand II of Aragón sent forces to Anne's aid. Nevertheless, Anne's situation was perilous and she appealed (1489) directly to Maximilian for protection. In 1490, Maximilian married Anne by proxy but failed to assist her with armed strength. Besieged at Rennes in 1491, Anne was forced by the French to annul her marriage and was quickly married to Charles VIII. Your Excellency, the French have outmaneuvered us. Shall we accept this turn of events?


A. Only if I get Franche-Comté

  • -50 relations with France
  • -100 gold
  • Franche-Comté will be considered a claim province

Austria — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3499 - Ending the Stagnation for Poland


Stanislas II Poniatowsky (1764-1795) had been elected King of Poland under Russian pressure. The favorite of Catherine II of Russia, he aspired to reform the conditions of his realm, described as 'anarchy tempered by civil war'. Russia placed her supporters in the 1767 Confederation of Slutsk to prevent any curtailment in the Liberum Veto. Civil war occurred in 1768 and by 1772, the powers of Russia, Prussia and Austria, under the inspiration of Frederick II, proceeded to the first partition of Poland, taking border provinces from her and demanding that the Liberum Veto be maintained and all reforms abandoned.


A. Poland is trying to reform and it must be stopped

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Poland for 60 months
  • -150 relations with Poland
  • Stability +3
  • +250 gold
  • Galizien will be considered a claim province

Austria — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3500 - Ending the Stagnation for Poland


Following the first partition of the country in 1772, the 1788-1791 Fours Years Diet of Poland took opportunity of the war between Russia, Turkey and Sweden (1788-1790) to attempt the transformation of Poland into a hereditary constitutional monarchy, which was proclaimed in the Constitution of May 1791. Influenced by Russia, the opposition forced the king to join and called Russian troops to restore order. This led to a further partition of the country in 1793, between Prussia and Russia, which deprived Poland of most of her territory. She would disappear after the 1794 popular uprising of Kosziucko and the final dissolution of the state in 1795.


A. Poland is trying to reform and it must be stopped

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Poland for 60 months
  • -150 relations with Poland
  • Stability +3
  • +250 gold
  • Podlasia will be considered a claim province
  • Krakow will be considered a claim province

Austria — Not random

Triggered by

Action C of 3597 - The Marriage of Mary of Burgundy for Burgundy


When Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, died under the walls of Nancy in 1477, his inheritance passed to his daughter Mary, the wife of George of Clarence. The Duchy of Burgundy was one of the largest medieval states in Western Europe, covering most of the Low Countries (today's Belgium and Holland), Luxemburg and Franche-Comté. Austria had seized the Imperial county of Burgundy. Mary and George's inheritance was transmitted to Edmund of Dijon, their son. Though England has absorbed the bulk of the Burgundian domain, the garrison at Dole has surrendered the city to Imperial soldiers. Now, with the French humbled and the English overstretched, there is a balance of power - of sorts...


A. Rather them than the French...

  • Franche-Comté will be considered a national province
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against England for 12 months
  • -50 relations with England
  • Stability -1

Austria — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3626 - The Polish Succession of 1733 for Saxony
Action A of 3628 - The Polish Succession of 1733 for Saxony


In 1733, the death of August II prompted a new election for the Polish monarch. Due to the permanent practice of Liberum Veto and the ensuing constant bribery, the Polish Sejm was unable to agree between the French Candidate, Stanislas Leszinsky and his opponent, August III of Saxony, supported by Austria and Russia. The Sejm finally agreed on Stanislas, but this was rejected by Austria and Russia starting the war of Polish Succession. The war ended with August III on the Polish throne.


A. Secure Poland for the Wettins

  • Gain a temporary casus belli against France for 24 months
  • +100 relations with Poland
  • +150 relations with Saxony
  • +150 relations with Russia
  • -150 relations with France
  • +150 relations with Prussia
  • -150 relations with Sweden
  • Stability +1

B. Stay out of it

  • -50 relations with Poland
  • -50 relations with Saxony
  • -50 relations with Russia
  • +50 relations with France
  • -50 relations with Prussia
  • +50 relations with Sweden
  • Stability -1

Austria — Not random

Triggered by

Action D of 3607 - The Succession in Provence for Provence


René I has willed us the suzerainty of his lands, in an attempt to keep the lands of the Anjou family from being incorporated into the domains of the French crown.


A. I will be the Duke of Provence

  • Gain Provence as vassals
  • Gain an alliance with Provence
  • Provence will be considered a claim province
  • Stability +1
  • -50 relations with Aragon
  • -50 relations with Spain
  • -50 relations with England
  • -50 relations with France

Austria — Not random

Triggered by

Action B of 15015 - The Marriage of Mary of Burgundy for Burgundy
Action B of 3597 - The Marriage of Mary of Burgundy for Burgundy


When Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, died under the walls of Nancy in 1477, his inheritance passed to his daughter Mary, the wife of Charles of France. The Duchy of Burgundy was one of the largest medieval states in Western Europe, covering most of the Low Countries (today's Belgium and Holland), Luxemburg and Franche-Comté. France had conquered the heart of the Duchy itself. Mary and Charles' inheritance was transmitted to Louis the Spider King, their son. Ruling over France and Lotharingia, only the Imperial Crown lay between him and the rebirth of the Empire of Charlemagne...


A. I crave blood!

  • Nivernais will be considered a claim province
  • Franche-Comté will be considered a claim province
  • Bourgogne will be considered a claim province
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against France for 24 months
  • -200 relations with France
  • Stability -2

Austria — Not random

Triggered by

Action A of 3643 - The Winter King of Prague for Bohemia


In 1608 the tension increased between the Catholic parts and the Protestant parts of the empire. The Protestants entered a union under the prince Fredrik of Pfalz that was supported by Brandenburg and Hessen-Kassel. The Catholics answered by forming a union of their own, the Catholic league. It was led by Maximilian of Bavaria. In 1618 the Protestants of Bohemia rebelled by throwing Catholic emissaries from the windows of their mansion. They continued to choose a Protestant king of Bohemia, prince Fredrik of Pfalz. The emperor couldn't accept this, as he also was king of Bohemia. He sent his experienced commander Jean Tcerclaes Tilly with his troops to Bohemia and in the battle of the White Mountain (8 November 1620), Fredrik of Pfalz reign ended and all Protestant resistance in Austria and southern Germany was crushed. Fredrik escaped from Bohemia and was named the 'Winter King' due to his short reign.


A. Exterminate the Troublemakers

  • -200 relations with Bohemia
  • -150 relations with Palatinate
  • Gain a temporary casus belli against Palatinate for 60 months
  • Innovativeness -2
  • Stability +1

B. Let them go their own way

  • czech will no longer be an accepted culture
  • Silesia will no longer be considered a national province
  • Moravia will no longer be considered a national province
  • Bohemia will no longer be considered a national province
  • Erz will no longer be considered a national province
  • Sudeten will no longer be considered a national province
  • +150 relations with Bohemia
  • +150 relations with Palatinate
  • Innovativeness +2
  • -200 gold
  • Stability -2
