Hungary — Not random
- Austria exists
- Ottoman Empire exists
- Hungary owns Maros
- Hungary owns Magyar
None of the following must occur:
- Hungary controls Maros
- Hungary controls Magyar
Will happen within 5 days of March 14, 1516
Checked again every 5 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after July 22, 1540)
Louis II (Lajos), 1506-26, king of Hungary and Bohemia (1516-26), son and successor of Vladislaus II. He was the last of the Jagiello dynasty in the two kingdoms. In the face of intensified attacks by Sultan Süleyman I, Louis hastily sought (1526) to unite Hungary and Christendom behind him, but only the pope sent help. With a pitiful army, Louis joined battle with the Ottomans at Mohács. The Hungarian army was destroyed, and Louis was killed. Only the ambitious John Zapolya had failed to arrive in time for the battle with the army he was bringing from Transylvania. Through the marriage treaty concluded by Louis' father the crowns of Hungary and Bohemia passed to Louis' brother-in-law, Ferdinand of Habsburg (later Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand I), but Hungary fell under Ottoman rule.Actions
A. Elect Ferdinand Habsburg of Austria
- Country is controlled by AI
- Grant independence to Transylvania
- Cede Silesia to Austria
- Cede Moravia to Austria
- Cede Carpathia to Austria
- Cede Presburg to Austria
- Cede Ostmarch to Austria
- Cede Bohemia to Austria
- Cede Erz to Austria
- Cede Sudeten to Austria
- Cede Salzburg to Austria
- Cede Odenburg to Austria
- Cede Krain to Austria
- Cede Istria to Austria
- Cede Steiermark to Austria
- Cede Tirol to Austria
- Cede Ruthenia to Ottoman Empire
- Cede Moldova to Ottoman Empire
- Cede Bujak to Ottoman Empire
- Cede Wallachia to Ottoman Empire
- Cede Transylvania to Ottoman Empire
- Cede Maros to Ottoman Empire
- Cede Pest to Ottoman Empire
- Cede Banat to Ottoman Empire
- Cede Serbia to Ottoman Empire
- Cede Ragusa to Ottoman Empire
- Cede Kosovo to Ottoman Empire
- Cede Bosnia to Ottoman Empire
- Cede Dalmatia to Ottoman Empire
- Cede Croatia to Ottoman Empire
- Event 4190 - The Death of John Zapolya for Hungary will never fire
- Event 3644 - The Habsburg Inheritance of Hungary for Ottoman Empire is triggered immediately
- Event 3185 - The Habsburg Inheritance of Hungary for Austria is triggered immediately
B. Elect John Zapolya of Transylvania
- Inherit the realms of Transylvania
- +2 diplomats
- Lose 15000 troops in a random province
- Lose 10000 troops in a different random province
- Lose 10000 troops in a different random province
- Lose 5000 troops in a different random province
- Lose 5000 troops in a different random province
- Event 3645 - The Death of King Louis of Hungary for Ottoman Empire is triggered immediately
- Event 3646 - The Death of King Louis of Hungary for Austria is triggered immediately
- Stability -3
Hungary — Not random
- Austria exists
All of the following must be true for :
- Is not a vassal
- Country has at least 5 non-colonial provinces
Will happen on July 22, 1540
unless prevented by
Action A of 3639 - The Death of King Louis of Hungary for Hungary
John Zapolya was king of Hungary, voivode of Transylvania. He was born John Zapolya, the son of Stephen Zapolya. He ruthlessly crushed a peasant uprising in 1514. His anger at the marriage of Anna to Ferdinand of Austria (later Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand I) probably motivated his failure to assist Vladislaus' son, King Louis II of Hungary, The struggle between John and Ferdinand ended in 1538, when John, who was then childless, agreed that the crown should pass to Ferdinand after his death.Actions
A. Let the crown become hereditary within the Zapolya Dynasty
- Stability -2
- Event 4192 - The Death of John Zapolya for Austria is triggered immediately
- Event 4193 - The Death of John Zapolya for Ottoman Empire is triggered immediately
- Centralization +1
- Offensive Doctrine -1
- Serfdom +1
- Lose 10000 troops in a random province
- Lose 5000 troops in a different random province
- Lose 5000 troops in a different random province
B. Let the crown become hereditary within the Habsburg Dynasty
- Stability +1
- Event 4191 - The Death of John Zapolya for Austria is triggered immediately
- Event 4194 - The Death of John Zapolya for Ottoman Empire is triggered immediately
- Monarch Ferdinand I becomes active
- Monarch Maksimillian I becomes active
- Monarch Rudolf I becomes active
- Monarch Mátyás II becomes active
- Monarch Ferdinand II becomes active
- Monarch Ferdinand III becomes active
- Monarch Lipót I becomes active
- Monarch József I becomes active
- Monarch Karol VI becomes active
- Monarch Mária Terézia becomes active
- Monarch József II becomes active
- Monarch Lipót II becomes active
- Monarch Ferenc I becomes active
- Monarch János II Zápolya will never rule
- Monarch István Báthory will never rule
- Monarch Christofer Báthory will never rule
- Monarch Sigismund Báthory will never rule
- Monarch Mihai Viteazul will never rule
- Monarch Interregnum will never rule
- Monarch István Bocskai will never rule
- Monarch Gábor Báthory will never rule
- Monarch Gábor Bethlen will never rule
- Monarch György I Rákóczy will never rule
- Monarch György II Rákóczy will never rule
- Monarch Ferenc I Rákóczy will never rule
- Monarch Ferenc II Rákóczy will never rule
- Monarch Ferenc III Rákóczy * will never rule
- Monarch György III Rákóczy * will never rule
- Monarch Ferenc IV Rákóczy * will never rule
- Leader János II Zápolya will never be active
- Leader István Báthory will never be active
- Leader Gábor Bethlen will never be active
- Leader Ferenc Rákóczi II will never be active
Hungary — Not random
Will happen within 30 days of January 2, 1604
Checked again every 30 days until trigger is met (cannot happen after January 2, 1605)
Emperor Rudolf II (1552--1612) of Hungary was intent on re-imposing Catholicism on the Hungarians, Rudolf in 1604 provoked their first popular insurrection against Habsburg rule. The insurrectionists found a leader in István Bocskai (1557--1606), prince of Transylvania in 1605 and 1606, who fused the popular forces with his own army. Already at war with the Turks, the Habsburgs now faced an uncompromising civil war. A threefold settlement was finally forced on the dynasty: the Treaties of Vienna and Zsitvatorok of 1606 and the legislation of the Hungarian diet of 1608. Together these secured for Hungary religious freedom, constitutional autonomy, and the right of habeas corpus.Actions
A. Fight for the cause of the Reformed faith
- Global revolt risk +6 for 36 months
- Change religion to Reformed
- Lose 5000 troops in a random province
- Lose 5000 troops in a different random province
- -100 relations with Austria
- -100 relations with Papal States
- -100 relations with Spain
- +100 relations with Sweden
- +100 relations with Lithuania
- +100 relations with Prussia
- +100 relations with Denmark
- +100 relations with Netherlands
- Innovativeness +2
- Stability -2
B. Fight for the cause of the Catholic faith
- Global revolt risk +6 for 36 months
- Change religion to Counter-Reform Catholic
- Lose 5000 troops in a random province
- Lose 5000 troops in a different random province
- +100 relations with Austria
- +100 relations with Papal States
- +100 relations with Spain
- -100 relations with Sweden
- -100 relations with England
- -100 relations with Prussia
- -100 relations with Denmark
- -100 relations with Netherlands
- Innovativeness -2
- Stability -2
Hungary — Not random
Triggered by
Action A of 3833 - The Council of Florence and the Union of the Churches for ByzantiumDescription
Faced with the terrible onslaught of the Ottoman Turks, representatives of the Byzantine Empire and the Greek Orthodox Church have gone to the Council of Florence in order to negotiate a Union of the Churches. The Byzantines and their patriarch have agreed to great concessions, and Orthodoxy has virtually surrendered to Rome. Now, Byzantium is begging us to support them in their desperate struggle against the Ottomans!Actions
A. Very well
- Gain a temporary casus belli against Ottoman Empire for 60 months
Hungary — Not random
Triggered by
Action A of 3801 - The Death of King Václav IV for BohemiaDescription
The Bohemians have rejected the claim of our gracious King to be ruler of Bohemia! They have risen up in revolt and refuse to allow our forces to enter a region that is rightfully ours!Actions
A. This is not acceptable!
- Gain a temporary casus belli against Bohemia for 215 months